Monday, May 1, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 1

Folder Assignments:
Entertainment and Recreation - Link
Follow all of the directions on the worksheet; it is up to you to meet the requirements of this assignment.
Make sure if your lucky or unlucky chance impacts these assignments that you read the directions on the "chance" card carefully and include them in your work.
Your activities should feel logical for your family, including your age and their ages where applicable.
*You may certainly do more than two activities as long as you stay within your budget guidelines.

Dining Out - Link
Some of you aren't eating so well regularly, but the average American eats out a LOT.  How do you think all of those restaurants survive?!?!?
Yes, you will tip regardless of where you eat.  Did you know that some people tip everyone from coffee baristas to waiters to hair stylists.  Tipping is the norm for most situations where someone who receives wages (rather than a regular salary) is providing you with a service.
In any case, you will tip at your restaurant.
Again, follow the directions for who is eating out when, where, why, and how!
*You may certainly eat out more than once (by yourself or with others) as long as you stay within your budget guidelines.

Finance Park Books are Due Thursday, May 1 prior to our Field Trip.

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