Thursday, May 11, 2017

Homework for Thursday, May 5

*Your Finance Park Folder is your priority.  Turn in today's assignment late if you need to!

Assignment: Negative Addition Choice
*The title of each assignment option is a link to the worksheet.
*Feel free to select a different assignment than the one you chose in class and/or do more than one worksheet if you are interested!
A) Addition Basics - Practice using negatives in simple equations!
B) Big Addition - Same skill with bigger numbers.
L) Longer Addition - Longer equations where you will need to sort your positives and negatives together before solving.  If you are still number-line hopping, this worksheet is not for you.
D) Decimals - Test your ability to "do" the right thing and keep track of whether or not your answer is positive or negative.
Due Friday

Thanks to Nick for asking about Quizlet!
Yes, I have a lot of Quizlet sets for negative.  If you'd like to prepare for Monday, I recommend  the set I just created for you today: Negative Addition.
If you want to, play in Gravity mode and set the record for everyone else to beat!  First one there is in first place for at least that moment, eh?

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