Monday, April 30, 2018

Homework for Monday, April 30

Assignments: Book #11 and Home Improvement
Book #11: Credit Scenarios, page 55
*There is NO redo for this assignment.
*Use page 52 as your reference.
*Follow the instructions: Underline ONE disadvantage or circle ONE advantage. There are correct answers.
Books will most likely be due at the beginning of next week. There is one more assignment.

Home Improvement: Bright yellow worksheet - Link!
*Your minimum and maximum guidelines for this category are listed as "furnishings" on your budget guidelines worksheet. I have no idea why I did not rename it on the budget worksheet. :(
*You are SPENDING (charging) at least $600 this month, but you will be PAYING somewhere between your minimum and maximum. The majority of Americans do charge large purchases that they do not have money saved up for already. Spend wisely. ;-)
*Follow this worksheet step-by-step, remembering that on step 7 it should read, "figured in step 6."
Good luck and don't forget to write down the details!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Homework for Thursday, April 26

Assignments: Two Folder, due later, but you can hand in for approval tomorrow by leaving it in Mo's in-basket in room #1.
1) Dining Out - Link
Some of you aren't eating so well regularly, but the average American eats out a LOT.  How do you think all of those restaurants survive?!?!?
Yes, you will tip regardless of where you eat.  Did you know that some people tip everyone from coffee baristas to waiters to hair stylists.  Tipping is the norm for most situations where someone who receives wages (rather than a regular salary) is providing you with a service. 
In any case, you will tip at your restaurant.
Again, follow the directions for who is eating out when, where, why, and how!
*You may certainly eat out more than once (by yourself or with others) as long as you stay within your budget guidelines.

2) Variable Transportation (gas & maintenance) - Link!
Save the variable things on this worksheet, like gas & maintenance, until after your car has been approved.
You may fill in the fixed information like your family situation and your mileage to work if not.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Homework for Wednesday, May 25

This folder assignment has full instructions on one side and the work page on the other side.  Please refer to the directions when your questions pop up ... it's much more efficient than waiting to talk to me and then having me point to the sentence on your page.  ;-)
Clothing - link!
Take special note of who you are buying for and what the specifications are.
You may only use the given websites.
You may shop at more than one website.
You must buy the minimum number of items, but you can buy as many items as you want unless you go over your budget!
Assume you are paying cash for your clothing purchases.

#10) Back to the Future: page 41 (book)
This assignment is to be done with and discussed with a parent or grandparent.  The point of it is the discussion that happens as you think of different savings scenarios.  Every question needs an answer.
*Note - some people like to answer the questions themselves and have their parents answer them too (in another color) in order to guide the discussion.  Your choice! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Homework for Tuesday, April 24

Folder - 
Transportation: FixedLink!

Book - 
#7 Write a Check, pg57
Follow the directions! Ask your parents for help if you need it.
#8 Check Register, pg 58/59
Enter every transaction into the checkbook. Identify appropriately and do the math accurately!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Folder Homework for Monday, April 23

Folder Assignments:
Water/Sewer/Trash - link!
Once your housing has been approved you may complete this worksheet.  Remember that you must have a phone line, but internet and cable are optional.  We talked about this at length in class, so you know why even if it drives you a little crazy!  ;-)
*Note - do not transfer this onto your yellow budget sheet until you have had it approved! 
Groceries - green sheet - link!
*please note that this worksheet prints out in landscape, not portrait
*This was covered in class today and all of your questions are most likely backed-up by reading the helpful information on the work side of this assignment. 
*Yes, if you buy from option 2 for yourself one week, everyone in your family eats from the same option that week.
*Note - do not transfer this onto your yellow budget sheet until you have had it approved! 

If either of these assignments is too confusing, please email me or wait until class tomorrow. However, most of it can be figured out from remembering a combination of the examples I gave in class with the instructions on the sheets. These are the rules of the game you must play by. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Homework for Thursday, April 19

1) Book - #7 Sample Budget, page 77
Your job is to think about these three people and their priorities ... how do they differ from one another in the choices they have made? If you need to look up any of the vocabulary, look on page 75.
2) Housing - link!
All of the directions are on this worksheet and you must abide by them.  Your grade is in the details ... did you assess your 10% down payment correctly? Did you use your lucky chance if you have one? Did your final payment fall between the minimum and maximum guidelines? 
Read the worksheet and follow it step-by-step if you are confused.
Make sure you PRINT your page with the calculator showing.  Then staple it to the back of your light blue housing worksheet and put it into your folder for me to approve at a later date.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Homework for Wednesday, April 18

Assignment: Budget and Register (folder assignment)
Today you are to do the tedious yet completely necessary task of determining your spending plan for the next month. The sheet you have gives you the "guidelines" that you will need to follow. These are the rules of the game and you must keep your spending between your minimum and maximum unless otherwise noted on your Lucky Chance.
For tonight you are only completing the minimum and maximum columns. Be accurate!
Budget and Register without children - Link!
Budget and Register with children - Link!
We will go through HOW to use these guidelines over the next couple weeks.
Due Thursday for check-in!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Homework for Tuesday, April 17

Assignment: Book #6 - Caleb's Budget, page 73
Read through Caleb's scenario, figuring out what he earns a month, what his expenses are, and what his goals are. Use page 71 as your reference as well as your knowledge of other terms that we've learned in class. Don't overthink it, this is a pretty straight-forward page. ;-)
Due Wednesday

Lucky Chances tomorrow!!!! 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Homework for Monday, April 16

Assignments: Book & Homework
Our M&M Data 2018 - Link!
This is a pie chart of the ACTUAL data we collected this year by opening three bags of M&Ms. Answer the questions based on this chart.
*Please ROUND to the nearest whole M&M when necessary.
*NO calculators needed or permitted on this assignment.
Due Tuesday

Book #5: Stocks page 39
Read the definitions to help you understand the Sample Portfolio table. Refer to the examples we went over in class. You certainly may seek help from a wise elder in reaching your answers.
*Question #5 is an opinion question, but you must give me a logical REASON to receive credit.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Homework for Thursday, April 12

Assignments due Friday
 *Your NMI - Link!
Make sure your Federal Tax form has been approved before you begin this worksheet. Please email me with questions; I will be around to answer most of today! (with a break around 6:00 - 8:00)
Honestly, follow the directions on the sheet ... use your GAI where asked, work down the page calculating the percentages then adding and subtracting, finishing with your NMI. Piece of cake.
 *Your Book #4 - page 15
Practice determining the NMI of others ... read the directions carefully!
 *Your Life Poster 
see yesterday's blog post for details

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Homework for Wednesday, April 11

Assignment: Federal Taxes - Link!
We went over this in class today, but this worksheet is better laid out than the book.
FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS at the bottom of the page; it's essentially 5 steps. ;-)
You will turn these in for approval so you can do the next steps of your budgeting.
Calculators are not only allowed, they are recommended!
Due Thursday

Assignment: Life Poster - It's time to represent your new self artistically! 
Posters should be completed with real names and reflect your life situation. 
You are to draw yourself as if you are going to your job; how would you dress as a professional in your field? 
If you have a spouse or children, you will draw them too - make sure you reflect their ages and interests (as you imagine them). 
The "previously known as" line is for the 7th & 8th graders who "lived your life" before you did.
Family portraits should be drawn, inked, and colored directly on the sticker you were given.  I do have extra stickers if you don't like what you've drawn. 
Borders MUST be decorated; the inside of the posters may be.
This is an effort based grade, so put your best effort into it!
Due Friday

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Homework for Tuesday, April 10

Congratulations to all of the 6th graders who got a life today. Some of you were happy, some indifferent, and some dissatisfied with your draw, but in every case, it's time to begin living it.
You will now live one month of your life ... you will get a salary, pay your taxes, move into a new house, buy a new car, have some luck and some unlucky things happen to you, and much more.
But tonight you have your first folder assignment:
Career Research - Link!
*The first column is where you look up your job and what it entails. You are just ONE person on this career path, so certainly you are not the highest paid person in this job. More likely you are new to your job or in training, but if you are further along in your career you are a bit older and more established ... with a family to take care of. Do your research and find out what your job is like.
*The second column is where you share the thoughts of the "real" you. Which parts of your job would you like? Which not so much? Which are tolerable? Think about it not as the job title, but as the actual work you would be doing. You might be surprised either way.
And mostly, it's supposed to be challenging. Welcome to the game; now jump in and make the most of it!
Due Wednesday

Monday, April 9, 2018

Homework for Monday, April 9

Assignments: Finance Park Book #1
1) Interests, page 4
2) Abilities, page 5
3) Values, page 6
Complete each page for the real you. These are used to compare with the job you will draw tomorrow ... is it a good fit or a bad fit? It's fun to see!
These MUST be completed by (before) class on Tuesday for full credit.
*unless you are Preston ;-)

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Did you ...

Did you sign up for NOVA volleyball yet?!?
Please do!
Details are on the Mo'Sports tab of this blog.
Sign up deadline is April 6 to be guaranteed a T-shirt!