Thursday, September 27, 2012

Homework for Thursday, Sept 27?

It's true!  There is no math assignment tonight.
We hope to see parents at Back-to-school night and that our students will enjoy their night off.
Mo ;-)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Homework for Weds, Sept 26

Assignment:  Practice worksheet 11.2
*Complete the questions; be sure to answer what the question is asking you. 
*Draw your box-and-whisker plots like you did in yesterday's homework.  (the link to "how to" draw them using a number line is in that post)
*When answering #11 and #12, look ONLY at the graphs that you drew in order to make your conclusions.  "Knowing" the data is not the point, but "seeing it" is in graphical form is.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 25

Assignment:  Box-and-Whisker Plot Practice
*There are 5 problems on this worksheet; be sure to complete all parts of all of them!
*For help in creating your 5-number summaries, click here.
*For remembering how I want you to create a box plot on a number line, click here.
*For an extra copy of this worksheet that you can print, click here.
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 24, 2012

Homework for Monday, Sept. 24

Assignment:  Sodas worksheet #27
*Sorry, I do not have a copy of this worksheet available online as I cannot reproduce it in my Google docs.  If you lost/forgot it, you will need to get another copy off the homework board tomorrow.
*What a crazy survey ... someone noticed that a student claims to drink 10 sodas a day.  Yikes!  Just go with it.  ;-)
*Carefully think about the questions and explain your answers.  In other words, you get credit for the answer AND credit for your explanation, so be thorough. 
*For problem 14b, you can write a description or actually draw/create the imaginary bar graph as described.  Your choice!
Due Tuesday

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework for Thursday, Sept 20

Assignment:  3 Box Plots and 3 Observations
*You should have all of this information; please see the Sept 19 entry if you would like help making your box plots.
*Your 3 observations should represent what you DO understand about reading box plots.  Don't worry about whether your observations are accurate at this time; I am primarily interested in seeing where you are in this process.  Just communicate what you think you see!
Due Friday

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, Sept 19

Assignment:  3 Box Plots
*Note that you are only required to draw your three box plots tonight.  Don't worry about the observations yet!
*You should have three 5-number summaries:  yours, your partner's, and the class summary that I gave you in class.
*Number the years down the left side of your page, plot your 5 points, then draw the boxes and the whiskers.  Need help?  Try this link.
*Tomorrow we will go over reading and making observations using box plots.  Feel free to take a stab at making one observation, but it's not necessary.
Due Friday

Due Thursday:  Coin data, histograms, and observations.
*You will need to turn in these items, stapled together:
1) Your random chaos and organized lists
2) Your 3 histograms of yours, your partner's, and the combined data.
3) Your histogram of the class data.
4) Your 4 (total) observations.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, September 18

Assignment:  Class Histogram Graph and 1 more Awesome Observation
*Complete a class histogram (bar graph) on the large sheet of graph paper I handed out in class.  Click here for help in setting up your graph.
*Click on the following links for the data specific to your math period:
  ***Period 1 class data
  ***Period 2 class data
*Make ONE more observation and include it on the sheet with your other 3 observations (see yesterday). 
-This observation should compare your class data with either yours, your partner's, or your combined data.  It should include specific examples and use some of the math vocabulary we reviewed today. 
- Some possible vocabulary ideas to jump-start your observation: range, scale, outlier, shape, percent, fraction, difference, compare, double/triple.
Have this ready Wednesday, September 19.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework for Monday, September 17

Homework:  Three Graphs and Three Observations
*You need to use the graphs you made for these observations
  -your coins, your partner's coins, combined coins
*You need to make 3 different awesome observations of your choice ... what interesting things did you notice?  Remember "Ella's" observations are not detailed enough!
*Use numbers, examples, and any math language you know to make your points.
*HINT - I should be able to tell from your explanation what your point is and what the data you are comparing looks like without looking at your graphs.
Due Tuesday

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework for Wednesday, Sept 12

Assignment:  Complete 3 histograms of coin data (on one sheet)
*You need to complete 3 histograms (bar graphs) of the coin data that you collected in class.  Those histograms should reprsent:
1) Your data
2) Your partner's data
3) Your combined data

*You received graph paper and instructions for how to do this in class, but you can find detailed information of those instructions by clicking on this link.
*Each graph should be in a different color to help differentiate your findings and help you to see the shape of the data ... all topics we will cover next Monday!
*If you have further questions, please ask me at Camp Colman or send me an email ... after checking the link above, of course! 

Your histograms are due on Monday, September 17 along with your 20 coins, frequency charts, and un/organized lists.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, September 11

Assignment #3:  Data Lists
*You should have two pieces of notebook paper for this assignment.
*On your first piece of notebook paper you should have labeled and completed lists for-
1) Random Chaos: The dates of your 20 pennies listed in the order you pulled them from your baggie.
2) Organized List: The dates of your pennies organized in order from newest coins (at the top) to oldest coins (at the bottom).  Be sure to list EVERY date separately, even if the dates are the same. 
*On your second piece of notebook paper you should have all of the dates listed from 2012 to the oldest coin in your data set.   This is for your:
3) Frequency Tables:  Put a tally mark for each of the coins in your baggie in the appropriate column.  It is best if you practice this by randomly selecting the coins from your bag like you did in the original random chaos list. 
*Double check all of your lists - they should have identical data!
*Bring these completed sheets to class on Wednesday, 9/14.
*Note - without these sheets you will be unable to participate in what we are doing in class.  Come prepared or you will have a lot of homework to catch up on!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homework for Monday, September 10

Assignment #2:  20 pennies
*Your pennies belong in a sealed, plastic baggie with your name clearly printed on it.
*Bring these to class on Tuesday, September 11 so you can participate fully!

Note: Have you turned in your email address for me yet so I can hook you up with Teacherease?  Please do asap!