Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Homework for Wednesday, May 31

Assignment:  Candy Point hw
The problem:  Penny has 11 dimes.  She likes to put them in three piles with an odd number of dimes in each pile.  In how many different ways can she do this. 
Note: Once a combination is used, consider that combination complete; the order does not matter.
Note: You must always have three piles and use all 11 coins.
Advice: keep track of and list all of the combinations!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 30

Assignment:  Negative Order of Ops Choices
B) Basics (with negatives in ops) - Link!
A) Order of Ops with Negs A - Link!
E) Exponents in Ops - Link!

Please select the assignment that works best for you and where you are at in this unit.  It should feel like a comfortable stretch.  All of these assignments are open to all students at this time.  ;-)

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Ferb and Quiz Bowl Qs

Ferb was due on Friday, but here is a link to his coordinate points if you need them.  Any sheet of graph paper will do as long as you draw a coordinate plane on it.

Quiz Bowl questions are optional this time, but here is a link to them!  You may write as many as you want in each category and/or come up with your own selection of potpourri.  Please turn them in by Wednesday if you would like them considered for the final round.  Have fun!

Mo ;-)

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Homework for Wednesday, May 24

Assignment: QUIZLET!
Complete at least 15 correctly in one of the following sets:
*Negative Add and Sub Basics
*Negatives Addition and Subtraction
*Negative Integer Review
Complete at least 10 correctly in either of the following sets:
*Real Life Negatives
*Negative Order of Ops
Note: These sets are not listed in order in Quizlet, so please scroll until you find the set you are looking for.  "Negative Addition" is NOT an option for tonight.
Email, copy your final page, or bring a signed note from a parent indicating that you have completed one of these options.
Due by Thursday pre-test or you will not receive credit for this assignment.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Homework for Tuesday, May 23

Assignment: Negative Pre-Test Choice #2
The choice here involves whether or not you want to do additional order of ops (4) or application (4) problems in addition to the required set of problems.
All of the problems are on this same link, but the additional problems are on their own page if you scroll.
Due Wednesday

Monday, May 22, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 22

Assignment: Pre-Test Choice #1
a) S26 = Practice Subtracting Negatives.  The basics with larger numbers, period.
b) Si = Practice Subtracting Negatives in more varied equations.  Includes ordering and a few additional skills.
c) Comp = Comprehensive Review for Negative Equations.  Includes inequalities, central tendencies, and all operations.
Please do what works for you!
Due Tuesday

Quizlet (negative sets) may be completed for credit.  10 minimum correct! Sets must be completed by Wednesday, May 24.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week Reminders

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week will be "normal" homework days in preparation for the negatives test on THURSDAY.
Thursday evening's homework will be test corrections ... aim not to have any!
The Ferb coordinate picture is due by Friday, May 26.

Runs this week in P.E.  Dress for the weather! ;-)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Homework for Wednesday, May 17

Assignment: Real Life Negatives C
*Finn, do not attempt this stunt at home, it's too dangerous.  Wait until you receive specific instructions from me. ;-)
We went over this ad nauseam in class today: you MUST write the correct equation in the order it is shown before solving.  In fact, I didn't offer this in class, but if you want to write it as a variable equation that's okay too.  Simply assign each number a variable letter and put that on the equation line.  This earns one point per equation.
Having the correct solution is the second part.
Knowing how to set up an equation from verbal (written) information is the skill we're working on, eh?
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Homework for Tuesday, May 16

Assignment: Adding and Subtracting Negatives
Be careful, be efficient, and do NOT hop the number line.
Organize, commute and associate, and think about the values of the numbers you are using.
Be sure to indicate whether your solution is positive or negative ... it does matter.  ;-)
Due Wednesday

Monday, May 15, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 15

Today we discussed thinking about subtraction as addition problems.  Following the rules of addition, we can think concretely about what a negative number represents and move it into any place in the addition equation that suits us.  Use your notes for review as needed.

Assignment choices:
S) Subtraction worksheet (Link!) follows the basics of subtraction, first rewriting the equation into addition problems, then noting the value of which number is larger (the positive or negative) and solving accordingly.  Once you have changed it into an addition problem, you know the steps ...

V) 1.6 Variables in subtraction  (Link!) means that you replace the variable, in this case "x" and "y" with a negative value.  For some equations the "not-not" will come into play and you will instead add.  For others your negative variable will fit right into your addition problem, no rewriting necessary.

For those of you absent today, please start with the "S" option and only if you have someone with you who remembers how to work with the subtraction of negatives ... without subtracting.  ;-)
If you were absent today you may also wait to go over it with me!

Due Tuesday

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Homework for Thursday, May 5

*Your Finance Park Folder is your priority.  Turn in today's assignment late if you need to!

Assignment: Negative Addition Choice
*The title of each assignment option is a link to the worksheet.
*Feel free to select a different assignment than the one you chose in class and/or do more than one worksheet if you are interested!
A) Addition Basics - Practice using negatives in simple equations!
B) Big Addition - Same skill with bigger numbers.
L) Longer Addition - Longer equations where you will need to sort your positives and negatives together before solving.  If you are still number-line hopping, this worksheet is not for you.
D) Decimals - Test your ability to "do" the right thing and keep track of whether or not your answer is positive or negative.
Due Friday

Thanks to Nick for asking about Quizlet!
Yes, I have a lot of Quizlet sets for negative.  If you'd like to prepare for Monday, I recommend  the set I just created for you today: Negative Addition.
If you want to, play in Gravity mode and set the record for everyone else to beat!  First one there is in first place for at least that moment, eh?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Homework for Wednesday, May 10

Assignment: Real Life Negatives B - Link!
Same as yesterday, your task is to make sense of the problem and solve for the question.  We're still not concerned with what it looks like in an equation, but we did practice thinking about it today.  We will be seeing equations on worksheets soon ... don't rush it!
Be sure to write all of your work on the paper so I can see how you are solving these.
Calculators are not allowed again; I'm hoping that goes unsaid.  ;-)
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Homework for Tuesday, May 9

Assignment: Real Life Negatives - A ... Link!
Welcome to the "real" world (as real as it gets in these examples) of negative integers.  Today you are to focus on what you are doing not how you write it.  
Mo's advice:
*Think about what the numbers represent.  Draw pictures on the page or in your mind, but use your imagination to think about the story behind the question.
*Associate!  These numbers all have values that go in a direction:  towards zero or away from zero. So if you go down the steps at Hogwarts, all of those downward steps represent going DOWN (aka a negative number, fyi) and all of the times you go UP get you higher (a positive direction).  Again, picture the story.
*HOW you solve these problems should be common sense.  I'm not at all concerned how you represent it mathematically, I want to know where you end up: behind the starting point?  above sea level?  above zero?  with less money?  How can you collect the values of the numbers and use them to come up with an answer?   Think about what you know is true then figure out how to get to that point.
EXAMPLES:  each with different answers, yet essentially the same numbers ...
A) If your horse is 7 miles away from Olympia, and runs for 5 miles towards Olympia, rests, then runs 4 more miles in the same direction, he ends up 2 miles PAST Olympia, right?  Right!
B) If your horse is 7 miles away from Olympia, and begins running to Olympia for 5 miles, but realized he forgot his baby horse, so he runs backwards for 4 miles, he is now  6 miles away from (before) Olympia, right? Try drawing that scenario.
*The rest of it is up to you.  I strongly, strongly recommend drawing yourself a simple scenario and figuring out what is is you want to know.  Don't worry about the negatives or positives, just think about what they represent in the story.  I keep saying this because it is key to your "aha" moment!
*And yes, labels are VERY important ... you MUST label your answers (either with words or a negative sign) to get full credit.
* I do have a copy of this assignment and here it is!
Due Wednesday - try to enjoy it.  ;-)

Monday, May 8, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 8

Assignments in your folder:
1) Reflection sheet - Link!
The primary thing I want to stress to you here is to WRITE A LOT.
Be specific, let me know what you are thinking.  Work to make connections between the life you were forced to "live" with the life you hope to live.  Ask a parent if you're stuck; these connections are what make this unit worth living.
*Reflections may be typed or handwritten.

2) Budget Guidelines part 2
On your yellow sheet, make sure to begin subtracting your purchases from your NMI.  When you get to savings & charity you should know how much you have left to spend; this is a good time to complete that worksheet as well.
All of your money must be allocated somewhere, not just hanging out in your pockets.  Make sure your final total is "0" indicating that you know where all your money has been spent or saved.

3) Checklist and Mo's Grading sheet: Link!
This is your checklist of assignments, but it's also where I will list your scores for each of the assignments.  Once folders are handed in on Friday, there will be no more redoing of assignments, so be sure you are happy with your work.  ;-)

Note: Both your FICA worksheet and your NMI worksheet are already recorded in TeacherEase.  You may include these in your folder, but it is not required.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Homework for Monday, May 1

Folder Assignments:
Entertainment and Recreation - Link
Follow all of the directions on the worksheet; it is up to you to meet the requirements of this assignment.
Make sure if your lucky or unlucky chance impacts these assignments that you read the directions on the "chance" card carefully and include them in your work.
Your activities should feel logical for your family, including your age and their ages where applicable.
*You may certainly do more than two activities as long as you stay within your budget guidelines.

Dining Out - Link
Some of you aren't eating so well regularly, but the average American eats out a LOT.  How do you think all of those restaurants survive?!?!?
Yes, you will tip regardless of where you eat.  Did you know that some people tip everyone from coffee baristas to waiters to hair stylists.  Tipping is the norm for most situations where someone who receives wages (rather than a regular salary) is providing you with a service.
In any case, you will tip at your restaurant.
Again, follow the directions for who is eating out when, where, why, and how!
*You may certainly eat out more than once (by yourself or with others) as long as you stay within your budget guidelines.

Finance Park Books are Due Thursday, May 1 prior to our Field Trip.