Thursday, December 17, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Dec. 17

Assignment:  Coordinate Picture and Directions
Today we went over how to turn your picture into a drawing on graph paper.
The guidelines are:
1) You must use 20 - 40 points.
  *A point is a point.  How many times you draw a line to or from a point is does not make it more than one point ... a point is a point and it can have many lines attaching to it.
2)  You may not place multiple points along a single straight line unless one needed to attach another line segment to it.
3) Your drawing must contain straight lines; create your own "curves" with multiple offset point.
1) Your directions should contain the coordinate points in the order you want them plotted.
2)  Any lines you want drawn should be included in the directions.  This can happen by either
   a) Including the direction "connect this set of points as you go," or similar wording or
   b)  Numbering your points and saying, "Connect points 1 - 10," or similar wording.
3)  Any shading or coloring should be included in your directions too.
4) You may not give any clues to what your drawing should look like.  Nothing!
Due Friday (or after break if you prefer)

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, Dec. 16

Assignment:  Coordinate Grid Picture
*there is not an online set of these coordinate points
Today you received directions to follow for completing a picture using coordinate points.
Advice:  Follow the directions at the top of the page
Advice:  Only connect the points it tells you to correct.
Advice:  Use pencil so you can correct your errors.
You will be graded on the accuracy of your points and your ability to follow the directions accurately.  You may color it however you like (aside from the shading), but do that for your own pleasure, not because it's going to gain you any additional "credit."  ;-)
Refresher:  Go to the mountain (left or right, first coordinate number) before you climb it (up or down, second coordinate number).  Always begin at zero.
Tomorrow aka Thursday:  Have a possible "picture" in mind that you will create a set of directions for.  You may opt to copy a picture from somewhere or bring in a picture you have in a book, etc.  You may also simply create your own picture (you can sketch your ideas on the bottom of the graph paper), but you don't want to spend a lot of time thinking about what you are going to do in class.  We will work in class to translate the picture to a set of directions, so the better prepared you are with what you want to do, the more you will complete in class.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, December 15

Assignment:  Quiz Prep
Tonight's homework is all about you feeling relaxed and prepared for the quiz tomorrow on adding and subtracting negative integers.  Consequently you will want to get immediate feedback on how you are doing and there are essentially two ways you can do this tonight:
A) Quizlet - 
Sets to use:  Negative Add & Sub Basics or Negatives Addition and Subtraction
Both sets are good, but the basics problems are simpler for quicker checking
*Complete in "Learn" mode, "Test" mode (making sure to uncheck the multiple choice, matching, and true/false options), or "Gravity" - (commit at least 5 minutes to playing the game).
*Special note: Quizlet allows you to create flashcards from the set if you have a printer; you can use this option too.
If you have forgotten your password, they will email it to you.  I do not, believe it or not, know your password.
I'm good  with either you printing your page or having a parent sign-off that you have practiced a set.
B) Use a Partner
If you cannot access Quizlet for whatever reason, you can use this practice set of addition and subtraction problems.  It will require someone to read you the equations and you tell them the answers.  Please note, it is necessary that they KNOW the answers.  ;-)
As in the Quizlet option, have the parent/adult/older sibling sign off that they practiced the equations with you in this manner.
Due Wednesday

Monday, December 14, 2015

Homework for Monday, Dec. 14

Assignment:  Add & Sub Negatives - Mix up!
Today you will see both addition and subtraction on your worksheet.  The idea is that you are getting used to how equations look ... but how you think about them is your thing.
Are they cards?  Cowboys?  How is an subtraction sign like a negative?  Are they the same thing or different?  Always?  How do you rewrite the problem to make sense of it?
Practice, practice, practice.
Tonight you are responsible for 11 problems.
If you do more, you will receive credit for those that you do.  This is not "extra credit," it is an assignment with a higher point value, still based on the number you solve correctly.  We can talk about this percentage thing later, but for now just know that you get credit for your work.
If you only need 11 problems to prove that you know how to do them, so be it!  Your choice, your needs.
*By the way, it's the first 11 problems: Rows A, B, C, and D.
*If you do more problems, continue by completing the rows.
THIS is a copy of the first 11 problems.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Dec. 10

Assignment:  Negatives Subtraction Choice
Please talk to yourself out loud while you do these problems. Seriously.  If you are distracted this will be extra difficult to do.  You will get the swing of these subtraction problems, but repetition will help considerably.
For homework your options are:
*Subtracting Negatives - Basics 2
*Subtracting Negatives - Big Numbers
*Subtracting Negatives - Decimals
Think of this as DUE FRIDAY, but since we don't have school you will turn it in on MONDAY ... and it won't be late.  ;-)

If you're interested, you may complete the GRAVITY set in Quizlet for Negatives - Add and Sub basics.  We haven't had a new champion since 8th grader Rizley set it, so go for it if you're feeling speedy!  I'd love to see that record beaten and you will get credit for spending time trying it this weekend.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, Dec. 9

Assignment: Negative Subtraction - the basics
(name of the assignment is a copy of the worksheet)
Today in class I did not teach you how to subtract, did I?
You already know how to subtract, so you taught your neighbor ... hopefully.
The key to learning the subtraction when negatives are involved is not to memoriza a set of rules, but to think about what you are doing ... what do you know?
So let's see how this worksheet shakes out for you.  I kept the problems in their "set" types; I'm not actually trying to confuse you yet.  (haha)
Hopefully you thought to keep your notes you created in class today so you can use them as review, but if not I do have a link on the "Mo Help" tab to give you other ways to think about subtraction.  I would LIKE you to just give it your best shot though and see what you remember.
Good luck!  I have confidence you can do it.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, December 8

Assignment:  Real Life Negatives - C
There are two parts of this assignment that are to be completed exactly as we went over in class today.  Please read on:
1) You must write the original equations.  (1 point)
All are to be written as addition problems, no subtraction.
*Problem 6b includes a division element using the answer from 6a.  Write it as a division problem.
*Problem 6c is an ordered list using the negatives as negatives and positives as positives.

2) You must have the correct answers with labels. (1 point)
How you solve the problems once you have written the equations is up to you.  I want you to get use to seeing equations and then rewriting them in ways that make sense to you.  We learned this backwards, yes?  You wrote them down in ways that made sense first!
*The title (name) of this assignment is a link to a copy.
Due Wednesday

Monday, December 7, 2015

Homework for Monday, December 7

Assignment:  Negative Addition Choice #1
Lots of options here!  
We are just ADDING, so you know what to "do." 
Black cards?  Red cards?  How many more?  What is the total?
Temperature, money, elevation, it doesn't matter what your unit is, it is the same idea. 
Downloadable Options:
Adding Negatives - BIG Numbers
Adding Negatives - Loooong Equations
Adding Negatives - Decimals
*yes, you can do more than one, but you are only accountable for one
Due Tuesday!  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Dec. 3

Assignment: Adding Negative - basics
*HERE is a copy of this worksheet
This is what negatives look like in an addition equation.  Please think simply!
- Are you going up or down? Left or right? Backwards or forwards?
- And when you add those things together, where are you?
- If you are thinking in terms of the card game we played today, which of the numbers is bigger?  What happens when you add those two cards together?
Adding is that simple and you DO know what to do because we've been "doing it" all week.
These problems should not take long, so be accurate.  Where you go from here will depend on how well you've got this step down!
Due Friday

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Homework for Weds, December 2

Assignment:  Real Life Negatives B
Here we go again!
I'm still not concerned with equations, but I am interested in how you are thinking about these problems.  Please "show" how you are solving them.
Do continue to think about "collecting" (associating) negatives with negatives and positive with positives.
Here is an example of what an equation would look like:  You went up 2 stairs, down 5 stairs, up 10 stairs, down 25 stairs, up 13 stairs, down 5 stairs, up 67 stairs ... where are you?  
* 2 - 5 = -3 + 10 = +7 - 25 = -18 + 13 = -5 - 5 = -10 + 67 = 57
Do you see why this could be tedious to solve and have the potential for multiple errors?  
Now look at it in color ...  with association (we'll use red and black here):
You went up stairs, down 5 stairs, up 10 stairs, down 25 stairs, up 13 stairs, down 5stairs, up 67 stairs ... where are you?  
*Let's see ... I went up 2, 10, 13, and 67 steps for a total of 92 steps up.
    I went down 5, 25, and steps for a total of 35 steps down.
It looks to me like I will end up above where I started, eh?  92 - 35 = 57 steps higher than where I started.
This is just one way of thinking about these problems and, seriously, the method I always use.  If you haven't tried it, I encourage you to try it for at least one of these problems tonight.
Keep thinking!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Assignment for Tuesday, December 1

Assignment: Real Life Negatives A
Welcome to the "real" world (as real as it gets in these examples) of negative integers.  Today you are to focus on what you are doing not how you write it.  
Mo's advice:
*Think about what the numbers represent.  Draw pictures on the page or in your mind, but use your imagination to think about the story behind the question.
*Associate!  These numbers all have values that go in a direction:  towards zero or away from zero. So if you go down the steps at Hogwarts, all of those downward steps represent going DOWN (aka a negative number, fyi) and all of the times you go UP get you higher (a positive direction).  Again, picture the story.
*HOW you solve these problems should be common sense.  I'm not at all concerned how you represent it mathematically, I want to know where you end up: behind the starting point?  above sea level?  above zero?  with less money?  How can you collect the values of the numbers and use them to come up with an answer?   Think about what you know is true then figure out how to get to that point.
EXAMPLES:  all with different answers, yet essentially the same numbers ...
A) If your horse is 7 miles away from Olympia, and runs for 5 miiles towards Olympia, rests, then runs 4 more miles in the same direction, he endes up 2 miles PAST Olympia, right?  Right!
B) If your horse is 7 miles away from Olympia, and begins running to Olympia for 5 miles, but realized he forgot his baby horse, so he runs backwards for 4 miles, he is now  6 miles away from (before) Olympia, right?  Ugh, a little confusing.  Try drawing that scenario.
*The rest of it is up to you.  I strongly, strongly recommend drawing yourself a simple scenario and figuring out what is is you want to know.  Don't worry about the negatives or positives, just think about what they represent in the story.  I keep saying this because it is key to your "aha" moment!
*And yes, labels are VERY important ... you MUST label your answers (either with words or a negative sign) to get full credit.
* I do have a copy of this assignment and here it is!
Due Wednesday - try to enjoy it.  ;-)

Monday, November 30, 2015

Homework for Monday, Nov. 30

Welcome to the winter trimester!  This is where your math homework begins ...

Homework:  3 - Definitions & Examples, 1 Summary 
In this assignment you are to interview three different people regarding negative numbers.  Be sure your interviewee knows what a negative number is before you begin.  Dogs, significantly younger siblings, and aliens to not apply.  
Write in detail!  
*Only one person may be a current NOVA student OR teacher and it may not be another 6th grader or Mr. Kehoe, Mo, or Mr. Gacek.  Note that it is not required that you have a NOVA student or teacher.
*You may conduct your interview over the phone; there is no excuse not to be able to find three different people.
*Write in the name (and relationship) of each person to you.
*3 Definitions should be written in as much detail as the person gives you.  Do not worry about total accuracy at this time; your interviewee might be rusty, but it should be pretty close (see above). ;-)
*3 Examples:  your three examples (one per person) must all be different.  I would word the second question something like this - 
"I need you to give me a real life example, other than 'in math class,' or, 'in a math equation,' where you would need to represent something as a negative number."  
Push them on this a bit, okay?  They can do it!
*1 Summary:  This is a short, concise, easy to understand summary of what you think a negative number is.  Write your summary as if you are explaining the concept of a negative number to someone who does NOT know.  
We will be using these in class tomorrow, so come prepared!
Due Tuesday

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quiz Bowl #2 Questions
HERE is a link to the second set of final Quiz Bowl questions.
*Be sure to type up your questions and answers in "Gacek form."
*You may turn your questions and answers in to Mo's basket any time prior to Wednesday, December 2!

I hope you are spending your Thanksgiving with people that you love!
I am for sure.
Mo ;-)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Homework for Monday, November 23

Optional Quizlet
*If you would like to bank some points, you may complete any of these sets:
Decimal Division, Decimal Multiplication, Decimals Review, or (for Kyle) Decimal Applications.  
You must complete 12 problems correctly in "Learn" mode or ...
You can take a test in "Test" mode.  To do this select the "Test" option then in the top right corner of a page you will notice a box.  Select only the "Written" option and unclick the matching, multiple choice, and true/false options.  Ask for 12 questions and select, "Create new test."  Voila!
*If you are practicing speed with basic skills, I currently have Multiplication Facts, Division Facts, and Exponent Practice available for that option in "Gravity" mode.  Yes, Space Race is gone meaning you can set new records as the first to try!  Note that you must ask for the "definition" option when it asks you.  The "term" option would give you an answer, like 12, but then you'd have to figure out the question!  (like is it 2 x 6? 3 x 4? 1 x 12? etc.)
You must remember to hand in your witnessed signed work by tomorrow!

Please see the Thursday or Friday blog entry for help finding the survey that is due.  I will be "closing" that assignment on Tuesday evening.  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Nov. 19

Assignments:  Test Corrections
This assignment should be your priority assignment because you can complete the survey on Friday afternoon if you don't get to it before then..
Make your test corrections: identify errors, rework the problems completely and correctly.
If you lost the worksheet, you can create your own with these parameters in mind.
You also need to indicate whether or not you are retesting each section and, possibly, if you would like me to schedule you into the Arithmetic enrichment class next trimester.
Having a parent signature along with your corrections completed by tomorrow morning will also earn you a candy point!
Due Friday

I am going to repost this next assignment because some of you seem to have misunderstood the purpose of it and/or process of it.  I have been sending some of the self-reflections back (please check TeacherEase to see if yours has been returned to you) because the clearly did not include an effortful response to the questions.  Be reflective please!
Assignment: Fall Math Self-Reflection
Please note that this assignment is referred to as an "Online Quiz" in your TeacherEase page, but that is only because that is the only way I have found to create an assignment that you can answer in essay form online.  It is not a quiz, just to be clear.  ;-)
*Go to your TeacherEase account.
*Select "Assignments."
*Note the "Fall Math Self-Reflection" assignment referred to as an "Online Math Survey"assignment and select, "Take Quiz."
Remember that until you "submit" your survey, you can close it and continue working on it later. 
Your answers need to be thoughtful and thorough; I am asking you to spend at least three minutes writing about each question, but you can write as much more as you want to! 
I enjoy reading your responses, so don't worry about writing tooooo much. 
If you select the "hints" button that is attached to each of the individual questions, I have written some ideas if you need help starting to think about the question and how you might respond to it.  There is a wide variety of ways of thinking about each one.
This assignment is worth one point per answer, so make sure what you write shares your thinking completely. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, Nov. 18

Assignment: Fall Math Self-Reflection
Please note that this assignment is referred to as an "Online Quiz" in your TeacherEase page, but that is only because that is the only way I have found to create an assignment that you can answer in essay form online.  It is not a quiz, just to be clear.  ;-)
*Go to your TeacherEase account.
*Select "Assignments."
*Note the "Fall Math Self-Reflection" assignment referred to as an "Online Math Survey" assignment and select, "Take Quiz."
Remember that until you "submit" your survey, you can close it and continue working on it later.
Your answers need to be thoughtful and thorough; I am asking you to spend at least three minutes writing about each question, but you can write as much more as you want to!
I enjoy reading your responses, so don't worry about writing tooooo much.
If you select the "hints" button that is attached to each of the individual questions, I have written some ideas if you need help starting to think about the question and how you might respond to it.  There is a wide variety of ways of thinking about each one.
This assignment is worth one point per answer, so make sure what you write shares your thinking completely.
Due by midnight Friday.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, Nov. 17

Assignment:  Meet Mavis (corrected and then corrected)
Just like last night, makes sure to correct your work when you are finished, find any errors, and make your corrections.  You will want to feel prepared for the test tomorrow!
*Do note there are four order of operation problems on the backside too.
The title of this assignment is a link to an online copy of the worksheet.  You will find that it does have the words to complete sentence #3: "peppermint stick."
Due at the beginning of class on Wednesday for full credit.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Homework for Monday, Nov. 16

Assignment: Practice Test Corrected & Corrected
This is to give you an awareness of your preparedness for the computation section of the decimal test on Wednesday.  Be honest with yourself ... do you know your stuff?!?
*Be sure to correct your work (right/wrong) then correct your work (fixing your mistakes).
This is a complete/half credit/incomplete graded assignment.
To get full credit your practice test needs to be a) corrected with score, b) corrected with redos, and c) turned in on time tomorrow.  
If you lost your copy of the practice test, please complete the "decimals mixed review" problem set on Quizlet in Learn or Test mode.  If you complete it in Test mode, you will need to deselect the true/false and matching options.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Homework for Thursday, November 12

Assignment:  Decimal Choice #3
I am working on coming up with more options, but I do have volleyball practice today after school, so think twice before assuming there will be something available here before you need to go to bed.  
*Order of Ops worksheet (same as previous ops M)
*Decimals Mixed Practice worksheet (same Practice 10)
Quizlet (decimal problem sets) are also an option: 12 correct answers in Learn mode.
Due Friday

Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework for Monday & Tuesday

Please think of this as your assignments for the next two days, not that Mo assigned you two pieces of homework in one night.  Thank you!

Monday Assignments:  Decimal Choice #2
I have a few options for you, but not many.  Please adjust accordingly if you lost the copy I delivered to you in class.
*Order of Ops worksheet
*Decimals Mixed Practice worksheet
Quizlet (decimal problem sets) are also an option: 12 correct answers in Learn mode.
Due Tuesday (please drop off in room #1 on your way to the assembly)

Tuesday Assignment:  Kyle B (link to copy)
Kyle is back with new sets of issues.  Remember what we reviewed in class today and do not leave Kyle at work!  If he goes to work, he needs to come back home.  However his training route is a loop.
Have fun!
Due Thursday (or you can drop off in room #1 on Tuesday if you are finished)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Homework for Thursday, November 5

Assignment:  Decimal Choice
You had quite a lot to choose from today and unfortunately I only have one of them available online (other than Quizlet).  So if you lost your copy, please feel free to do the following:
*Decimal Mixed Operations
There are help options on the MoHelp tab if the directions on your worksheet are not sufficient.  Just scroll down through the topics until you find the one you need.
There's always LUNCH in room #1 if you want more help too!
Due Friday

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homework for Weds, November 4

Assignment: Kyle's Job Crisis - A
Today you get to meet Kyle. 
Kyle as a lot of issues, but one of them is that he can't hold down a job. 
Through the series of Kyle assignments you will be required to take information from the story and then answer questions.  All of it is relatively "simple," but it will require you to be detail oriented.  Reading each question twice and making sure you understand what information you need is key.
*Some people like to sketch routes to have a visible picture of what Kyle is doing; this is completely optional, but might help some of you organize.
*Some people like to highlight the key parts of the question and the information they need from the story at the top; also an option that is not required but might be helpful.
*ALL of your work must be shown on this assignment.  Write the equations and show any addition, subtraction, and multiplication that you do.  NO calculators. 
Have fun!  Getting to know Kyle is a journey ...
Due Thursday
*the title of the assignment is a link to a copy of the worksheet.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, November 3

Assignment:  Take-Home Decimals Pre-Quiz
This is an ungraded assignment, scored only on your completion (or lack thereof) of this worksheet.
The purpose of this assignment is:
*show me what you know
*show me what you remembered with help
*show me what you can learn with help
*let me know your history of work with decimals
*let me know what is still confusing
*talk to me!!!!
Your homework in this unit will be very self-directed, but I would love to help you as you make those choices, so the more you communicate, the better.
Due Wednesday

Monday, November 2, 2015

Homework for Monday, Nov. 2

Assignments:  Paper Airplane Boxplot Stuff
a) Draw a Boxplot on your Scatterplot
Using the scatterplot you created in your computer class, you are to draw a box plot around it in the way we went over in class.  Hopefully you not only observed my example, you began the steps in class or took notes on your partner's work in progress.  In review:
*First you will need to create your scale by using a ruler to measure the intervals the program created for you.  Most people will use simply 1 M = x centimers, but you can adjust that.
*Your data will be divided into quartiles with 3 data points in each section.
*Your lines will divide the sections by bisecting two consecutive points.  We discussed a few methods for doing this including measuring the distance between the two points with a ruler then halving the distance between them, or calculating where the numbers in your 5-number-summary would fall in the graph and marking those points.
*Draw your lines with a ruler and use the entire width of the graph.
*Draw your whiskers extending from the box and up to the highest point.
Due Tuesday

b) Create a Boxplot on the Given Graph
I gave you a graph on which to put your boxplot for your homework.  The link for a copy of that graph is HERE.  (I hope it's to scale, because that's the purpose of this activity)
On this graph you will need to plot FIVE points ... aka your 5-number summary which is on the original sheet of your airplane data.  We checked our partner's summary in class, but you could also recreate it from your data if you forgot that summary at school.  If you forgot how to create the summary from data, scroll back a few blog days and you'll find it.  Also important:
*Your scale is given on the sheet as 1 box =  0.25 meters (1/4 of a meter, eh?).  MAKE MARKINGS along the side of the graph, even if only the meter points.
*You need to caclulate the central tendencies; you MAY use a calculator for them.
*Your 5-number summary also belongs on the sheet.
*Your boxplot (the box part) should take up the ENTIRE WIDTH of the graph.
*Your lines should be straight - use a ruler, please.  Although we are approximating, you also want to be accurate enough that someone can read your graph and understand your values.
*You do NOT need to plot your "dots" in this graph.  The purpose of a boxplot is to plot just 5 points!  More on that to come later this week ...
Due Tuesday

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Assignment: Hot-Diggety-Dog
*THIS is the link to the online copy
Today we continued our work with decimals and reviewed how to add and multiply them; tonight's homework deals with money AND logic.  There will be some trial and error involved, but if you use some elimination tactics it will go much more quickly.  
*Fill in the table with your answers.
*Add and subtract by hand; I do expect to see your work on the paper.  Assignments without work attached will be handed back to you ungraded. 

*Don't overthink it!  Don't make assumptions about what ingredients ARE in the chili or MIGHT be in the buns, just use the literal terms they give you.  If it says the word "onion," it's an "onion," and if it does not, assume it isn't.  
Due Friday

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Homework for Weds, October 28

A lot of this assignment is about following directions and learning from your own mistakes.  It is absolutely critical that you take these steps, study your own patterns, and see how you can work towards serving yourself better in the future.  Tests are stressful, but you can learn to manage them!  This year we will work with that goal in mind.  ;-)

Assignment:  Test Corrections
Follow the steps we went over in class. 
If you need a reminder, I have them in detail HERE on this link!
Test corrections are based on the percentage of questions you get correct; there is no redo for this assignment.
Test corrections do not CHANGE your test score; they are their own assignment.
Test corrections are DUE Thursday
If you bring them completed and signed on Thursday, Oct 29, you will receive a candy point as well!

Retests may be taken for one or both tests; you will receive your better score.
I will let you know the retest date(s) after I see how many people want to retest.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Homework? For October 27

Assignment:  Excel Data List
This is just a reminder that you need to get the organized list of your airplane data into Excel.  Please see yesterday's blog entry from Mrs. Golliet for tips on how to do that.
This needs to be done by your next Computers class, but you might as well do it now, eh?

Your test scores have all been entered into TeacherEase now.  Overall I was super impressed with how well you all did!  Considering where some of you began this unit, your growth has been very impressive.  Congratulations to everyone for making strides in your understanding and application of these skills.
PLEASE go check your scores on TeacherEase so you can begin math class tomorrow knowing how well you did.  Tomorrow in class we will go over how to make your test corrections (which is the assignment), any questions about the test, and my retest policy.
Thank you all for being such respectful test takers today,
Mo ;-)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Homework for Monday, October 26

Assignment:  Pre-test Choice
Tonight you will complete and correct your homework.
Please mark what you get incorrect, then make your corrections in another color.
I need to be able to tell that you corrected your worksheet, so if you get 100%, please mark that!
The keys are available on the back of your worksheet.
Copies of two of the worksheets:  Ops and CT Combo,  CTs Only Practice
Your other option is Quizlet: practice an appropriate (ops or CTs) in Learn mode until you get 12 correct answers.  Have your parent sign your sheet!
This assignment is graded as complete/partially complete/incomplete only if turned in before the test on Tuesday.

Input your Airplane Data:
You are to put your ordered list (shortest to longest) of your plane flights into Excel on your NOVA One Drive ... otherwise it's simply incomplete.
Mrs. Golliet has made a document for you if you need assistance in entering your data.
That link is HERE.  
She has also provided a snapshot of what your ordered list will look like:
Trial Number Distance Flown (m)
1                      1.74
2                 2.03
3                 2.28
4                 2.58
5                 3.01
6                 3.01
7                 3.1
8                 3.26
9                 4
10                 4.44
11                 4.79
12                 5.79
In other words, it will look like you copied your ordered list into the different cells ... which is exactly what you are going to do.
I returned your data lists to your airplane hangars; at the lastest this needs to be completed BY your computer class time this week.
You do NOT need to enter your 5-number-summary, although you may list it also if you want to.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Homework for Thursday, October 22

Assignment:  Paper Airplane Data
Today we flew our airplanes and made random chaos (in the order the flights happened) lists of the flights.
Next, you need to organize your list as per instructions on the page.
Then you will need to create a 5-number summary for your data.  Be sure to divide your data into quartiles and then create your summary.  This is kind of a quiz to see if you remember what to do, eh?
Have it prepared by Monday, but do not hand it in to Mo's basket.
On Monday as a part of class, we will check our partner's work and then hand them in.  We will be using this data over the next few weeks in both math and in computers.  Yahoo!
A copy of the worksheet that includes the directions is HERE.
*p.s. if you lose your data, you will need to take 12 more flights.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 21

Assignment: Pre-Quiz Corrections
I was very specific in class today; please follow these directions to the tee!
1) You are to correct ALL of the problems you missed on your pre-quiz
*You must highlight or mark with color the errors you made in each problem ON your pre-quiz and identify your type of error.  Examples: Arithmetic, I added before multiplying, did exponents incorrectly, did not know what to do with a number outside of a parentheses, etc.
*You must then rework the equation on another sheet of paper and staple it to your highlighted pre-quiz.
2) You must correct at least 4 problems, but this only applies to those of you who missed fewer than 4 problems, eh?
*If you need additional problems to correct, you will use "Mo's Mistakes" for this assignment.  (I do not currently have a copy available oft his online)
Note: Mo's Mistakes may be turned in as an extra assignment, if you missed more than 4 problems, by attaching a blue Avi-slip to it.
Hopefully you will find your errors quickly and be prepared to rock the test next Tuesday!
Due Thursday

Monday, October 19, 2015

Homework for Monday, October 19

Create a paper airplane
This is an effort based grade based upon:
*you must use a full, single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper.  It can definitely be colored, but it cannot be "construction" paper.  I do have paper for you if you need, just please ask me.
*you may use Scotch tape only.
*you may cut your plane to make flaps.
*you should decorate your plane, including your name.
*you should spend more than 2 minutes creating your plane and it should look like you did.  Look on the internet, ask someone, test it out.  This IS your plane for the duration of this unit, so do a good job of it.
*you may not use any other kind of tape.
*you may not add anything else to your plane, including weights.
*you should not build your plane in carpool, during class, or at break; it won't be "effortful" enough ... and I know what effort is.
When you bring your plane to school, please park your plane in your room #1 airplane hangar so that it doesn't get squished or bent in any way.
-Please do not fly them in the classroom or the hallways.
-Respect all planes; do not touch or mess with anyone else's plane.
THANKS!  Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for flight.
Due Wednesday in your airplane hangar

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Oct. 15

Assignment:  Order of Ops or C.T. choice
We're 1 1/2 weeks away from our first test and you are well on your way preparing for it.  Today you chose one of several options, all available here, one of which you are responsible for completing by tomorrow.  As always you may certainly change from the choice you made in class as well as do more than one of the choices.
*the titles of these worksheets are links to copies
Order of Ops - Test Level - This worksheet will let you know how prepared you are for the order of options portion of the test.  This is the level of skills you are responsible for knowing at this time of the year.
Order of Ops - Long - This worksheet helps you to practice organizing your work when there are many steps to follow and to keep track of.
Does the Data Fit - This worksheet is tricky and decently time consuming.  Again, think about what you know, what you don't know, and what you need to know next ...  I do not currently have a copy of this worksheet, but check back later and I might have made one!
Quizlet Options - You are to select one of the following choices to complete in Quizlet on the "LEARN" option.  Write down your work, record your score, and have an adult or older sibling sign that you have completed the set.  As you work through the LEARN mode, it will keep track of your score for you so you can get immediate feedback as to how you are doing.  Please note, As the administrator of the page I can check on Quizlet and actually SEE the sets you have completed, but I don't want to need to do that.  Thanks!
Choices at this time are:
*Order of Operations #1 
*Order of Ops - more basics
*Order of Ops (with exponents)
Practice what you need!
Due Friday in Study Skills

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 14

Assignment:  Magic Squares
You are to complete four 3x3 Magic Squares.
You may not research how to do these, you are to use your brain and your brain only.
Look for patterns that don't work as well as those that don't.  Use the rhythm we have been practicing: what do you know, what do you not know, and what do you need to know to figure the next thing out?
Make each puzzle as unique as possible.  
*For the Super Square, your rows, columns, and corner diagonals use the numbers 1 - 16; they will add up to 34.
You can receive one credit "point" for an accurate Super Square, but if you love them, try more!  There are some cool patterns within them that are especially magical ... see if you can figure them out too.  (hint: they also have to do with the number 34)
Just to be clear: you are to complete four 3x3 Magic Squares and The Super 4x4 square is optional. 
All of the instructions are on the page!
Due Thursday
If you lost your worksheet, I do not have a copy available online.  However, you can recreate the 3x3 boxes with pencil and ruler, eh?  The rules are: use the numerals 1 - 9, each of the numerals must be used once and only once, and the numbers must total 15 when they are added together horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
The questions to be answered at the bottom of your page are: 
"There are two secrets.  Always place _____ in the center square.  In the corner squares always place _______________________.  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, October 13

Assignment:  Caddell Prep
I just made the answer key for this assignment and, believe it or not, it was fun!
My advice is to USE THE DOTS in the dot plots.
I just counted the dots with a pencil and marked my quartiles.
For the first section, you can assess the appropriate dot plot using the 5 number summary of the box plot to match to the dots.
For the population sample questions, create a 5-number summary for each graph (again, I just counted dots), then match it to the 5-number summary of the box plot example.
Read the questions carefully!  There is a lot of information in the shape of the box plot and hopefully they are making more sense to you after our practice in class today.  Still, the dots give you a literal way of checking your assumptions, so use them.
The thing about multiple choice assignments is that I will NOT allow you to redo them, so be careful the first time.
The link to this worksheet is HERE, but please note that I did not include question #10 in your homework, just 1 - 9.  Enjoy!
Due Wednesday

Monday, October 12, 2015

Homework for Monday, October 12

Assignment:  Your Choice Ops 
As we prepare for the test on November 3, you should be selecting homework that helps you to practice your weaknesses or areas with the order of operations that you feel the most dodgy in.  You may not redo an assignment, but you can change options from what you chose earlier today and you can select more than one.
If you go to the Mo'Help page, there are reminders for some of these steps; just scroll through the topics!
*More Practice Order of Operations - copy of
*Order of Operations - Again! - copy of
*Order of Operations - Brackets - copy of
*Order of Operations - Exponents - copy of
*Order of Operations - Long - copy of
*Order of Operations - Variables - copy of
*Order of Operations - Variables 2 - copy of
Due Tuesday

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Quiz Bowl Questions #1

Quiz Bowl Questions #1 are due on Wednesday, October 14, in Mo's math basket.
Copies of the questions for the first quiz bowl are HERE.
Be sure to follow the directions on the page to receive for full credit from Mr. Gacek!
Hope you are having  a great weekend,
Mo ;-)

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Homework for Thursday, October 8

Assignment:  Central Tendency Practice ws
Ordering your lists and understanding what the central tendencies each represent is critical to being able to use (appropriately) information that you are given and communicating any trends.  While this might seem redundant, it is ... it's like juggling a soccer ball or practicing your serves or swimming laps so you can stay fit and on top of your game.  So practice.
Show me all of your work including your organized lists for full credit.
Due Friday