Thursday, October 15, 2015

Homework for Thursday, Oct. 15

Assignment:  Order of Ops or C.T. choice
We're 1 1/2 weeks away from our first test and you are well on your way preparing for it.  Today you chose one of several options, all available here, one of which you are responsible for completing by tomorrow.  As always you may certainly change from the choice you made in class as well as do more than one of the choices.
*the titles of these worksheets are links to copies
Order of Ops - Test Level - This worksheet will let you know how prepared you are for the order of options portion of the test.  This is the level of skills you are responsible for knowing at this time of the year.
Order of Ops - Long - This worksheet helps you to practice organizing your work when there are many steps to follow and to keep track of.
Does the Data Fit - This worksheet is tricky and decently time consuming.  Again, think about what you know, what you don't know, and what you need to know next ...  I do not currently have a copy of this worksheet, but check back later and I might have made one!
Quizlet Options - You are to select one of the following choices to complete in Quizlet on the "LEARN" option.  Write down your work, record your score, and have an adult or older sibling sign that you have completed the set.  As you work through the LEARN mode, it will keep track of your score for you so you can get immediate feedback as to how you are doing.  Please note, As the administrator of the page I can check on Quizlet and actually SEE the sets you have completed, but I don't want to need to do that.  Thanks!
Choices at this time are:
*Order of Operations #1 
*Order of Ops - more basics
*Order of Ops (with exponents)
Practice what you need!
Due Friday in Study Skills

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