
Notes ... Scroll down I am listing chronologically ... 

Wednesday, April 5: I took the eggs out of the egg turner and set them on the rack in the incubator. Look at the huge variety of potential chicks! Each egg color indicates a different breed of hen, so while they are all mixed breeds, this gives me hope that they will look different as well! 
After candling, we have 21 eggs left ... that's a great number!

By the way, names currently in the running are: Emi, Abby, Nico, Rigel, Andrew, Cam(eron), Milo, Austin, Kaja, Rhys, Marek, Sigrid, Zellaby, Mose, Gyu Rim, and Tove. Be sure to send me an email if you'd like to be considered too!
Be sure to check back towards the end of spring break!

Saturday 12:50: First chick is peeping out and made it halfway before I noticed. It's the egg in the second row, third column behind the white egg. Exciting!

Saturday 1:10: That chick was in a hurry! Unnamed at this moment, but we hear others peeping, so stay tuned for updates.

Sunday 8:30am: 
We were at the Sounders game last night when the second chick hatched, then woke up this morning to 8! The only one currently named is the little black one after Jeff's dog Yoshi ... therefore we now have Baby Yoshi. (lol) The rest of your names are on the list once we know how many there are. I still hear peeping from the eggs and they could be hatching through Wednesday. Rare, but it happens!
The shells from which they hatched
The starting eight!

Sunday, April 16:
Having been joined by the three that hatched on Tuesday, the names have been chosen!
Andrew & Rigel

Baby Yoshi

Kaja and Mose

Emi & Thor
Abby & Harper Lee
Nico & Carter


  1. Hi Mo,
    Please name a chick Sophia...

  2. Hi Mo! Could you name a baby chicken Tre?

  3. its always been my dream to be named after a chicken

  4. Hey mo,
    Please do consider naming a lovely chicken Helen?

  5. Hey Mo! Do you think you could be so kind as to name a chicken after me? (Preston)

  6. Hi Mo! Do you think you can name one of your chickens Zachary?

  7. hi mo can you name a chicken Angelique! thanks:)

  8. mo can you plz name one orion, that would be great.
