Thursday, December 15, 2016

Homework for Thursday, December 15?

Assignment:  Complete your missing assignments and redo any work that needs to be redone.
You can check this very blog for copies of worksheets!  Imagine that.  ;-)
*You will be completing your math tests in seminar tomorrow; bring a book with you to read as well.
Happy Quiz Bowl!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Dec. 14

Assignment:  Pre-test Quizlet
This is your opportunity to complete any of the decimal sets you want to practice for the test tomorrow.  Please choose wisely.  ;-)
As with all Quizlet assignments:
*You may select to complete 10 correctly in Learn Mode, or take the Test option but un-select the multiple choice and true/false options.  ("written" mode only)
*You may hand this in by sending me an email, copying the page, or having a note signed by your parent.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, Dec. 13

It's Mr. Gacek's Birthday!

Assignment:  Kyle C - Link!
Read the questions carefully.
Make sure you are answering the actual question.
Show ALL of your work, especially how you set up the equations and the arithmetic you used to solve them.
Don't let Kyle get to you this time!
Due Wednesday

Monday, December 12, 2016

Homework for Monday, December 12

Assignment:  The Best Snack Bar Bargain
This assignment shows you what it looks like when an item has a steady rate.  Our cockroaches did not run at steady rates, thus their lines are crooked.  But what happens when the rate is constant?
This assignment does want you to use the graph to find the approximate costs, but use your ruler to line up the grid and make accurate determinations.
*Question #5 has you actually calculate the unit costs, then use the graph to see that they match up.
In the second half of this assignment, create your own graph, scale, and labels.  You MAY use graph paper if you want to.  I recommend making a key and color coding your items, but at least make sure they are clearly marked.
You only need use the graph to find the answers to questions 6 - 10, but if your graph is inaccurate so will your calculations be.  (spoken like Yoda)
The link to this sheet  is a lame attempt by me to recreate it in Google docs.  You'll have to make do with what I could do ... it does not contain many of the labels, so you might want to write them in yourself.  Such are the limits of Google docs, but I still love 'em.
Due Tuesday

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Quiz Bowl Questions #2

Consider this as assigned last Friday ... the Snow Day!
*We were going to work on it in class, but Mr. Gacek said there will be time this week too.  Just don't put it off!
Quiz Bowl Questions #2 - Link!
Due Thursday

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Homework for Thursday, December 8

Assignment: Quizlet
Complete one of the following decimal sets:
*Add & Sub Decimals
*Decimal Division (May 2009)
*Decimals Review (Nov. 2011)
*Decimal Apps  (Nov. 2011)
*Decimal Multiplication (Nov. 2011)
*Fractions to Decimals (Feb. 2009)
Please complete 10 correct in Learn Mode or Select "Test" and complete it by changing the options (bottom left of the page) to "Written" only.
Print the final page or bring a signed note!
Due Friday

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Dec. 7

Assignment: The Running of the Cockroaches - Link!
Complete the rest of the graph and the two questions on the second sheet.
Can I say this enough?  Elaborate!!!
Due Thursday
*Finn, don't worry about this assignment.  We will still be doing other cockroach things when you get back.  Get well soon!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, December 6

Assignment: Coffee Prices - Link!
Today we reviewed and practiced line graphs.
In class you received data in increments of snowfall for which you had to determine the totals to find the scale.
Tonight's homework gives you the prices to be graphed and you will need to figure out the scale and determine the increments.  I have given you the first two "time" categories and the first "price" marking.  Be sure to completely label and mark the graph using the intersections.
Due Wednesday

Thursday: Cockroach Races!
Period 1 - ABCD to Language Arts
Period 1 - EFGH to Math

Monday, December 5, 2016

Homework for Monday, December 5

Assignment: What's the Best Buy? #1 (link!)
Complete this assignment using a calculator, if you want to, and rounding to the nearest penny.
Be sure to write the full equation for each question.
*for example: 7 - 3 = 4 is an equation.
If you have questions, ask an experience shopper.  ;-)
Due Tuesday

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Homework for Thursday, Dec. 1

Assignment:  Decimal Choice
You selected from the following assignments:
*Decimal Subtraction
*Decimal Multiplication
*Decimal Multiplication
*Decimal Mixed Practice - Link  
*Quizlet - 10 correct in Learn mode of any decimal arithmetic set (not negative or ops)
Please feel free to change your assignment for any reason; whatever you complete is what you will get credit for!
Due Friday

Still struggling with division of decimals?  Here's a link from my Mo'Help page that you can try using.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Nov. 30

Assignment:  Terminating and Repeating Decimals (there is no online copy of this worksheet available)
Fractions are division problems and, in this case, you will be using division to turn them into their decimal equivalents.  Then sort the original fractions into the columns based upon whether they are a repeating or terminating decimal.
This is a NO CALCULATOR assignment; please use the brain that came with your skull.  ;-)
*Divide the top number by the bottom number:  3/4 = 3 divided by 4.
Some of these, like the example above, may be mental math and do not need to be solved mathematically on your paper.
Some of these, like 13/15, would need to be written out as long division problems.  I know the difference.
*Repeating decimals, like 13/15, need to be written with the repeating bar over the number(s) that repeats.
Due Thursday

Homework for Tuesday, November 30

Assignment: Decimal Choice - Ordering or Adding
*No online copies are available of these assignments
Due Wednesday

Monday, November 28, 2016

Homework for Monday, November 28

Assignment: Perimeters of Polygons
This is a worksheet that combines your ability to use decimals with your knowledge of different polygons.  Follow the directions ... all of the information you need is there, including what "s" represents.
I do not have an online copy of this worksheet.
(Sean, you can make it up when you get back)
Due Tuesday

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Homework for Thursday, November 17

Assignment: Fall Math Self-Reflection
Please note that this assignment is referred to as an "Online Quiz" in your TeacherEase page, but that is only because that is the only way I have found to create an assignment that you can answer in essay form online.  It is not a quiz, just to be clear.  ;-)
*Go to your TeacherEase account.
*Select "Assignments" or look in the "This Week at a Glance" column on the right of your home page. This will take you to a description of the assignment.
*Note the "Fall Math Self-Reflection" assignment referred to as an "Online Math Survey"assignment and select, "Take Quiz."
Remember that until you "submit" your survey, you can close it and continue working on it later. 
Your answers need to be thoughtful and thorough; I am asking you to spend at least three minutes writing about each question, but you can write as much more as you want to! 
I enjoy reading your responses, so don't worry about writing tooooo much. 
If you select the "hints" button that is attached to each of the individual questions, I have written some ideas if you need help starting to think about the question and how you might respond to it.  There is a wide variety of ways of thinking about each one.
This assignment is worth one point per answer, so make sure what you write shares your thinking completely. 
Due by midnight Sunday, but preferably by midnight Friday.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, November 16

Assignment: Hot Diggety-Dog -- Link
Use the clues and the grid to figure out the hot dogs each person chose.  You need to show your work.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, November 15

Sorry I did not post this earlier; I got home very late tonight

Assignment: Kyle B
*a link is available in TeacherEase
Due Wednesday

*Also available in TeacherEase - fall math reflection survey

Monday, November 14, 2016

Homework for Monday, November 14

Assignment:  Complete Popcorn Observations - Link
Today in class we completed the majority of this worksheet.  You should have all of the statistics provided by your classmates to help you complete the written observations ... if you do not have them, you will need to pick them up tomorrow.
Your remaining work is: write. 
For three minutes, connect the math to how you might choose to purchase microwaved popcorn.  Even if you don't normally eat it, discuss how the advertisers use their marketing (cost, name brand, etc.) to get you to buy their product.  Was it the best tasting to you?  To your class?
There are lots of things to talk about here and what you discuss/observe is your choice.
HOWEVER ... make sure there is math (some statistics from our experiment) included in your discussion.  This is, after all, about connecting the math to life!
Due Tuesday

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Homework for Thursday, November 10

Assignment:  Quizlet - Decimal Set
This is one of those assignments that is all about you.  Select the level of practice you want/need and get it in some time from now through Sunday.
You should complete 10 problems correctly in LEARN mode.
Your choices are: (scroll to find them!)
*Add & Sub Decimals (2016)
*Decimal Division (2009)
*Fractions to Decimals (2009)
*Decimal Multiplication (2011)
*Decimal Applications (2011)
*Decimals Review (2011)
Your hand-in options are:  a) print your work, b) have a parent sign a note, c) send me an email of which set you did.
Due by Monday

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Nov. 9

Assignment:  Kyle - A - link!
Welcome to Kyle's world!  Many of you will get frustrated with Kyle, but know that he is here to help you make sense of decimals.  You may NOT use a calculator for these problems. While it might be painful, you'll be mathematically stronger because of him.  ;-)
Kyle hints:
*Kyle does not live at the Burger Barn.
*Kyle works a set number of hours per day, but not every day of the week.
*Kyle is an avid bike rider.
*Bus tickets are one-way only.
*Kyle will have a new job the next time you see him ... hence everything will change.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, November 8

Assignment: Test Corrections
Please note that this is an assignment in itself, it does NOT change your test score.
You will be scored based upon the number of correct corrections you make.  If you don't actually correct it, then it's still incorrect, eh?
*Please CIRCLE the errors in your work
*Please IDENTIFY the specific error you made in the "Reason(s) Missed" column.
*Please REWORK the problem correctly.
*Please write your NEW ANSWER in the "new answer" box.
ALL of these steps are worth points.
If you received 100% on this test and are therefore correcting my mistakes, please follow the same steps as above using the equation on the back of the test corrections sheet.
Everyone: Please indicate whether you are retaking the test with "yes" or "no."
If you ARE retaking the test, please indicate which retake option you would prefer.
*Note: the retest will have the same types of problems, but the numbers will be different.
Due Wednesday

Monday, November 7, 2016

Homework for Monday, November 11

Assignment: Easy Peasy Decimals - Link!
Not to cause you stress, but I am HOPEFUL that these are easy problems for you.  Remember, I do want you to rate them 5 (easy!) through 1 (not easy!) so I can know how comfortable you are with decimals in general.  Be honest ... please.  ;-)
Use the clues in the problem to determine what to do.  I like to begin by reading the sentence at the bottom of each box ... what are you solving?  Then read the information and figure out how to find that answer.
*In the "work" box, you must show what you did even if you used mental math.  For example, 16.2 + 2.2 = 18.4 shows me that you added.  If you can do that in your head, great, but I want to see that you knew to add and that you know which numbers TO add.
*And remember, as we determined today: there are disadvantages to relying on too much mental math.
Due Tuesday

Order of Operation Tests: 
Your scores are in TeacherEase now.
We will discuss your favorite retest option tomorrow.  I'm thinking either this Thursday at lunch or next Wednesday at lunch, but those of you retesting will "vote" on it.  That vote will happen on your test corrections form which we will go over in class tomorrow.
Details to come!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Homework from Thursday, November 3

Assignment: Redesign your paper airplane
It sounds like you all had fun with T-Mac discussing your airplanes and how their flights were reflected in your box plots.  Super cool.  Now you are working on your redesign to see how it affects your central tendencies, flight patterns, etc.  I'm thinking we will take more flights next week, I just don't know exactly how the week will look yet.  But do plan on bringing your new planes on Monday keeping these points in mind as T-Mac stressed them to you:
*You must choose only ONE element from your plane design to change that will allow for a longer flight (as opposed to completely redesigning it). You brainstormed ideas like wing shape, number of folds in the wing, plane length/width, size, weight...etc.  
I look forward to seeing you all!
Due Monday

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, Nov. 1

Assignment: Quizlet - Order of Ops Test Level (completed in Test Mode)
*Be sure to unclick the Multiple Choice and True/False options; you should complete this test only in "written" mode. (the test options button will appear on the bottom left of the screen).
Due Wednesday for full credit.
Late papers in this case defeat the purpose of pre-test practice, eh?

Wednesday: No Homework!

Monday, October 31, 2016

Homework for Monday, October 31

Assignment:  Your Choice Ops Review
Just want to be sure you are feeling comfortable with the basics of the order of operations for the test this Wednesday.  You can select any of the options Ms. Golliet gave you today or one of the Quizlet options for order of ops.
*More Practice with Ops option - Link
Be sure you are comfortable with brackets, exponents, and multiple steps.  Let Ms. Golliet know tomorrow if you still have questions!
Due Tuesday
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!

Homework for Thursday, October 27

Assignment:  Airplane Questions - Link
Primarily worked on in class, finished at home.
This assignment is graded on the quality of your observations.  (see TeacherEase for point breakdown)
Due Friday
*This assignment will be referred to in class on November 3, so make sure you have it turned in!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, October 25

Assignment: Box Plots
1) Create a box plot of your data on the paper sheet.  This box plot needs clear markings, straight lines, and the "box" needs to completely fill the width of the graph.
Be sure to calculate your mean, median, mode, and range from your 12 data points.
2) Recreate your box plot on your clear transparency.  This box plot also needs clear markings, straight lines, and the "box" needs to completely fill the width of the graph.  You may use a vis-a-vis marker or a sharpie.
Both of these are Due Wednesday morning prior to Quiz Bowl, but as long as you have them in my basket by the end of the day you are good to go.
*There are no links to these assignments.
We will be using these box plots in class on Thursday and if you do not have them on that day, the work we are doing cannot be made up ... (meaning it will go in the gradebook as a zero!)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Homework for Monday, October 24

Assignment:  Airplane Data
Make sure you complete your airplane organized list and your 5-number summary from the data you gathered today.  We will be working on the next steps in class together tomorrow, so it will be in your best interest to be fully prepared!
Due Tuesday

Alphabet Probability - Link
You should have your 100 words to tally from the passage you printed from a book.
Make sure to do the reverse side of this worksheet too!
We will be getting back to these later this year ...
Due Tuesday

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Homework for Thursday, October 20

Assignment:  Measurement worksheet  -  Link!
Have some fun reviewing these different types of measurement!
Remember, your sources are:
#1 - Yourself.  Try to remember.
#2 - Another human.  Choose your humans wisely, but check with several of them if the first one doesn't know.
#3 - The internet ... but don't type in the question, just how to find it.
Due Friday

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, October 19

Assignment:  Pre-Quiz Questions or Variable Ops
*Pre-Quiz Questions - Link!
This is the same quiz you took at the beginning of this unit, but this time you are solving these equations as homework.  Your task will ultimately be to compare this to your original and see how much you've grown ... and what you might still need to work on before the test.
*Order of Operations with Variables - Link!
This worksheet is to get you used to replacing variables with numbers, noticing how they look when you insert them into equations.  The next worksheet in this series has you replacing the variables with exponents and, eventually, negatives.  All of the steps are the same, but as it begins to look more abstract you need to become comfortable with recognizing equations in different forms.
You may select to complete this worksheet in addition to the pre-quiz by attaching a blue Avi-slip to it.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, October 18

Assignment:  Math Maze - Link!
Please read the instructions on the worksheet: you are trying to get from the first box in the top left corner to the last box on the bottom right.  You are to draw a line from box to box, following the pattern that you see in the answers to the problems.
Hint: if your pattern seems to suddenly end, check back to see if you answered a problem incorrectly!  Due Wednesday

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework for Monday, October 17

Assignment:  Ops Choice #3
As you learn to balance what you know, what you need to practice, and how much to stretch yourself mathematically, feel free to change to any of the following worksheets.  Do note that if you have already done a worksheet, you may not do the same one again for credit.
*Both the exponents and brackets worksheets are the same are the previous options.
Order of Operations - More!  Link!
Order of Operations - Brackets  Link!
Order of Operations - Exponents  Link!
Order of Operations - Longer!  Link!
*This is for those of you who took the "longer" ops worksheet and noticed that problem f involves negatives.  This is the updated version - (meaning "f" is fixed)
Quizlet - Order of Ops options (see previous Quizlet post for those options)  This time complete 10 correctly in Learn mode: signed parent note or printed Quizlet page to verify.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Homework for Thursday, Oct. 13

Assignment:  Central Tendencies: Part 1 - Link
For this assignment make sure that you show me your - a) organized List and b) all of your math work.  You may work on the front or back of the worksheet, or attach another sheet of paper.  If I do not receive your work with this assignment, it will be marked "missing" and you will get it back to complete.
This should be feeling pretty easy for you now, eh?
Just be sure to "test" your ideas for questions 13 & 14 ... your FIRST instinct might not be the correct one.  ;-)
Stay safe during the stormy days and nights ahead!
Due Monday

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, October 12

Assignment:  Quizlet - Order of Operations
Today you are to complete 8 questions correctly in the Learn mode of Quizlet.
1) Log in to
2) Make sure you are logged into my page: Olympia Nova School
3) Select one of the following sets:  Order of Operations - more basics (Dated October 2012), Order of Operations #1 (Dated October 2011), or Order of Ops with Exponents (Dated October 2011).
4) Choose the "Learn" option from the menu.
5) Complete at least 8 problems correctly.
6) Then either print the page with your score or write out the set you completed and your score (10/12, whatever) and have a parent/guardian sign it.
This is a credit/no credit assignment and the purpose is to practice, so work until you get 8 of the problems complete.  When you miss a problem, try to figure out what you did incorrectly so you don't make that type of mistake again.  The immediate feedback is great!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, October 11

Are you here now because you are stuck on the homework tonight?  Please set it aside and do your other work; we can talk about this more in class tomorrow.  Remember: there are no late points for late homework, so just let it go for now!   Mo ;-)

Assignment:  Does the Data Fit?  - Link
Think back to the graphs we created with the sticky notes representing the data that would work to fit the central tendency values you were given.  Think of all of the work we have done with this and how you can apply it to this worksheet.
*You are to use at least 6 values to represent the data.  That means you are welcome to use more if it makes your life easier, but try not to use more than 10 values or it makes my head tired, okay?
*Check back over your data sample to make sure it works with the data!
*Hint: the median is probably the best place to start because you know it's the middle number (or value) of the set of numbers.  Just keep in mind that that doesn't mean it's the center of the RANGE of numbers ... if you get stuck in that assumption, this worksheet may be impossible.
*Example:  "2" is the median of this number set:  1, 2, 2, 2, 8, 30, but the number set has a range of 29 meaning 2 is not near the mathematical middle, but it is the middle number of this ordered list.
For questions 5 - 8, be clear and thorough in your answers using examples as needed.  There are a lot of right answers to these questions, but there are wrong answers too ...
Due Wednesday
Also due Wednesday - Quiz Bowl #1 Questions

Monday, October 10, 2016

Homework for Monday, Oct. 10

Assignment:  Ops Choice #1
Today you selected your homework based upon your current comfort level with the order of operations.  Hopefully you selected well!  However ...
If for any reason you are unhappy with your choice, you may switch to any of the following assignments (presuming you have not done it already) and turn that in instead, no questions asked.  This is all about you, so please do the best homework for you.
*Order of Operations 2 - Link
 - more practice with the basics
*Order of Ops w' Exponents - Link
- more practice with the emphasis on exponents
*Order of Ops w' Brackets - Link
- more practice with the emphasis on multiple brackets to keep track of
If you need a little more help remembering, try this link also available on my Mo'Help tab.
Due Tuesday

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Quiz Bowl questions

You have now received your first set of Quiz Bowl questions for round 1.  These questions are used in the final round of Quiz Bowl when the 6th graders play the 8th graders play the teachers.  Make sure that your questions are not too difficult, but be creative in your choices.  You must know your own answer when your question is drawn or you lose a point for your Quiz Bowl team.  :(
Quiz Bowl Link - Here!
Your Quiz Bowl questions are due by Wednesday, October 12.
If you finish them earlier, please turn them in to Mo's math basket!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Homework due Friday, October 6

Assignment:  Mo's Choice Ops
Whether or not it feels like it, you guys are doing a great job of remembering and learning the order of operations.  Like any language, there are a lot of details to keep track of.
Today I chose your homework for you, but soon you will be selecting your own for awhile.
Order of Operations -Basics - basic practice to the level we went over in class today.
Order of Operations - Exponents - extended practice with exponents included
Mind your gorillas and their interesting eating habits!
Due Friday

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 5

Assignment:  Caddell Prep ws
I made the answer key for this assignment and, believe it or not, it was fun! 
My advice is to USE THE DOTS in the dot plots when determining your answers.
I just counted the dots with a pencil and marked my quartiles, then answered the questions. 
For the first section, you can assess the appropriate dot plot using the 5 number summary of the box plot to match to the dots.
For the population sample questions, create a 5-number summary for each graph (again, I just counted dots), then match it to the 5-number summary of the box plot example. 
Read the questions carefully!  There is a lot of information in the shape of the box plot and hopefully they are making more sense to you after our practice in class today.  Still, the dots give you a literal way of checking your assumptions, so use them.
The thing about multiple choice assignments is that I will NOT allow you to redo them, so be careful the first time.
The link to this worksheet is HERE, but please note that I did not include question #10 in your homework, just 1 - 9.  Enjoy!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, October 4

Create a paper airplane
This is an effort based grade based upon:
*you must use a full, single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper.  It can definitely be colored, but it cannot be "construction" paper.  I do have paper for you if you need, just please ask me.
*you may cut your plane to make flaps.
*you may not add anything else to your plane, including weights.
*you may use Scotch tape only, but not so much that it serves as extra weight.
*you may not use any other kind of tape.
*you should decorate your plane, including your name.
*you should spend more than 4 minutes creating your plane and it should look like you did.  Look on the internet, ask someone, test it out.  This IS your plane for the duration of this unit, so do a good job of it.
*you should not build your plane in carpool, during class, or at break; it won't be "effortful" enough ... and I know what effort is.
When you bring your plane to school, please park your plane in your room #1 airplane hangar so that it doesn't get squished or bent in any way.
-Please do not fly them in the classroom or the hallways.
-Respect all planes; do not touch or mess with anyone else's plane.
THANKS!  Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for flight.
Due Wednesday

*Did you check your Order of Operations pop quiz score?  
Go to TeacherEase and find the pop quiz assignment; your score will be listed under "notes" for the assignment.  Send me an email indicating whether or not you would like to count your score.  Thank you!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Homework for Monday, Oct. 3

Assignment: 3 Box Plots
This is the complex graphing of 5 numbers that probably doesn't quite fully make sense to you yet.  That's OKAY!!!  The point is that you are going to create these graphs using the 5 number summaries you have and then we will talk about them more in class.
1) Organized Lists & 5-number Summaries - link to these worksheets
*You should have three organized lists: your data, your partner's data, and the combined data for you and your partner.
*When creating the list of combined data, you can use the other two lists as a checklist; make sure you have all 40 coins listed when you are done.
*When you have your organized lists, divide them into quartiles and figure out your three 5-number summaries.   Go to the Mo'Help tab of this blog for help on this if you need.
2) Page Set-Up
*Turn your graph in the same way you set up for your histograms. Mark your scale as "1 box = 1 year"
*Along the bottom of your page should be your horizontal axis labeled with the coin years.  Make sure your coins are listed from newest (top) to oldest (bottom).
*I prefer to put my years on the lines of the graph (rather than in the spaces) for this graph, but either way works as long as you are consistent.
*I like to list my coins in increments of 5 years and I often draw a bold line marking those increments so I can see it as I work across my page.
*You will draw three box plots total, one in each color; you have room, but the exact width of your boxes is not important.
2) Making Your Box Plots
Your box plots will stretch on your page from the left (2016) to the oldest coin data point at the right.
*You will need the 5-number summary you created for yourself, your partner's 5 number summary, and the your combined coin 5-number summary.
*Make one box plot at a time using one third of the page.
-----First mark the 5 data points on your page.  Connect the whiskers (one at each end) and draw the box (with the median going through your middle point) using those 5 points as your markers.   I like to make my box plots 4 - 6 boxes in width, but that's up to whatever looks good to you.----
*If you would like to see again what a box plot looks like, click HERE.  That's the general picture; all box plots look about the same (shape), but come in different sizes depending upon the data you are using.  This is one of the things you should try to figure out, by the way ... if it's in quarters, why aren't they all the same size?  Hmmm...
*For more detailed directions on how to do this, click HERE.
That's really it for that.  Box plots are quick and simple to draw once you get the hang of them. 
Due Tuesday - your three organized lists and your three box plots; staple them all together!
Be prepared to discuss what you think you see!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Sept. 28

Assignment: Box-and-Whisker Plot Practice (link!)
Use your notes as needed to complete these five-number summaries and create your box plots.
*Focus on the medians: first find your actual median, then the median of the upper and lower sets of data.
*If you can't remember what to do with data that does not divide easily into four equal sets (quartiles), please use this link that is also available on the Mo'Help tab of this blog.
*If you have questions about how to draw the box plots you can use this link. (also available on my blog).
Be accurate and tidy in your work.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 27

Assignment: Central Tendency ws 14 - link!
There are easier parts to this assignment and ones that will require more careful and critical thinking.
*For questions 1 - 4, use the table and be careful to answer all parts of the questions.  Be sure to show and attach all of your math work!
*For question 5, after you have your answer work through the problem and see if your "solution" fits the wording.  This is not a trick question, but you do need to make sure you understand Gina's situation.
*For question 6, note that you will have to determine that IF the median is "10" after 6 calls, you will need to make an ordered list to determine what that call length was.  They do not GIVE you the call length, you have to figure it out based on the information you have been given.
*For question 7, you only get one chance to answer this question (multiple choice), so again be sure that your answer works with the opening statement as well as the quotes from each of the girls.
Checking your answers back with the original question for all of the problems will help you to catch any misunderstandings before you turn it in for credit!
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 26, 2016

Assignment:  Sodas WS - link!
Using the histogram provided, answer the questions on the page. 
*When it asks you to explain, explain.  Seriously.  How did you use the data?
*If you need/want to draw more horizontal lines to read the graph better, I certainly recommend it.  You will be responsible for being accurate ... don't guess. 
*The numbers will all be whole numbers: no half students or partially consumed (thanks, Sophie!) sodas.
*Gabriel noticed that the labels on the left side of the grade could be misleading ... they represent the number of students who answered that question in that category (number of sodas) much like we do on our graphs in class.  Thanks Gabriel!
Like I told you in class, this worksheet looks simpler than it is.  On the other hand, if you work backwards and create your organized list, these questions WILL be easy to answer.  Just take your time and be thorough. 
Due Tuesday

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Assignment for Thursday, Sept. 22

Assignment: Slugville! (link)
In this assignment you need to read the story and then answer questions a through f.
*You MUST calculate the mean, median, and mode for these problems.  You will calculate them again for question "f."
*Show your work for the calculations either on the page or another sheet of paper.   You may NOT use a calculator.
*Explain your reasoning thoroughly as I cannot read your mind.  Just giving the answer is not enough if you do not back it up with an explanation of how you came up with your answer.
*For question "e," be convincing.  I am asking for YOUR opinion.  There is no one "right" answer, but you do need to convince me that you are right!
Extra Challenge:  Can you identify the three current 8th grade NOVA students running for mayor in Slugville!??!?!
Due Friday

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Sept. 21

Assignment:  Flea Market Frequencies (link!)
On this worksheet you will see a list of 40 sale prices for items that sold at the imaginary flea market.  They are in random chaos order, but fortunately you are not required to organize them for this assignment!  You will, however, be responsible for tallying each of the sold items in the appropriate boxes of the given frequency table.
*Note, the tallies for the items selling between $16 - $20 has been completed by the worksheet designer, so mark those items off the list before you begin!  
One you have them all tallied, complete the Histogram (once again, the $16 - $20 category is completed already) by shading in the appropriate boxes, then answer questions 3 and 4.
You may use color if you would like it to look interesting, but it is not required.  ACCURACY of your tallies and histogram making is what matters.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 20

Assignment: Mean, Median, Mode, pg 51 (link!)
This IS a longer assignment, so take your time to be accurate as it will save you more time in the future.  You must turn in your work with this assignment whether it is on the front or back of the worksheet OR on another sheet of paper that you staple to the worksheet.
*First, create your ordered list.
*Count carefully the number of numbers in each set of data; you want to divide by the correct number.
*Add carefully when determining your mean, otherwise you will end up with crazy numbers as answers.  Please note that crazy numbers as answers mean you did something incorrectly, so rather than divide incessantly, add the numbers up again.
*Note that the "mean" may be a decimal; you may also write it as a fraction or with a remainder if you need to.  As a hint, this only applies to the "Test Scores" and "Homerun" mean categories.  The only mode with a decimal answer is "Hourly Wages."
Accuracy is extremely important in math, so work carefully with no distractions.  Again, you may not use calculators and all of your work must be turned in with the assignment.
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 19, 2016

Homework for Monday, Sept. 19

Assignment: Perfect 10 (link to worksheet)
In this assignment, you have been given "10" as the answer to the question.  Your job is to figure out which of the central tendencies "10" represents in each of the given number sets.  Then using the central tendency that you determine is the answer, fill in the blanks for the "Fun Fact" with the corresponding letter to the problem number at the bottom of the page.  The answer will be two actors that you most likely do not know, so ask your parents if your answer looks reasonable!
*Definitions for each of the central tendencies are given at the top of the worksheet; you should also have the definitions we recreated in class today in your notes.
No calculators are allowed for this assignment and you need to show your work (any needed math computations) on either the front or back of the worksheet, OR on another sheet of paper that you attach to this worksheet.  Be efficient!  ;-)
Due Tuesday

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Homework for Wednesday, Sept. 14

Assignment:  4 Definitions of ...
Today you received a yellow slip of paper with one of the measures of central tendencies written on it: mean, median, mode, or range.  There is also a number set on the page:  20, 4, 7, 4, and 5.
Your assignment is to -
1) Interview three people, all 7th grade or over.  Parents, neighbors, and friends (older) all apply. You may not interview Mr. Gacek, T-Mac, or Mo.
2) Ask them the definition of the word on your paper and write their name and definition down on the back side.  Do NOT correct their definitions, just write what they say.  Be sure to include their answer to the given number set. 
3) Finish with your definition of your word and what you believe the numerical answer to be from the given set. 
*Be sure you have identified each of the people you interviewed and written your name on your paper.
This is due Thursday, September 15, prior to leaving for Camp Colman.  Just drop your paper off in the room #1 basket!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, September 13

Coin Data:  Frequency Table and 3 Histograms
Never underestimate the power of being able to read and interpret graphs deeply.  We will be practicing that, you know: deep interpretation.
Frequency Table -
*Your sheet should list all of the years from 2016 to your oldest coin.
*You should have one color representing your tallies and another color representing your partner's tallies. 
*Tallies should be marked next to the appropriate year; there should be one tally per coin represented.
You will use this table to create your histograms.

3 Histograms -
Here is a visual of the set-up for the three histograms you are to create.  (note they are all on one piece of extra long graph paper turned sideways)
The super important things are that every year is represented, your scale is accurate, you have three colors designated in your legend, and that everything is labeled.
The histograms are stacked on top of one another with each histogram in a unique color as used in your frequency table.  But this time, there will also be a "combined" graph color.  Be sure to make a legend (key) on your histogram sheet with these labeled.
*Each coin should be represented twice:  once in the individual graph and once in the combined data graph. 
*Count your boxes - each individual graph should have 20 colored boxes and your combined graph should have 40.
Graphs are nothing if they are not accurate and not useful if you cannot interpret them.  Be prepared to dig deep tomorrow! 
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 12, 2016

Homework for Monday, Sept. 12

Assignment:  Coin Data
Today in class you received a random sample of 20 pennies from my home stash. 
1) Your first task was to predict, in one minute, what the years for your sample of pennies would be and why you thought that.  You might have spoken in terms of range, or clusters, or even specifics, but the point was to let me know how you think.
2) Your next task was to organize your second paper by dividing the page in half down the middle. 
-On the left side your heading should be Random Chaos.
-On the right side your heading should be Organized List
*Your next task was to go through your pennies one-by-one in random form, writing down the year of each penny as they occur in the left column.  You should have twenty different data points, meaning you should write each year every time it occurs.
*On the right side of the page, you create your organized list from your random chaos data.  Begin with the newest penny at the top and work down to the oldest.  Again, you should have twenty different data points, meaning you should write each year every time it occurs.
3) Finally, on your prediction page, you are to make a three minute observation regarding your data.  Make it interesting, use examples, make it detailed, and show me your awesome math mind.  Let me know how you are thinking ... I want to see how your mind works and I will only know if you tell me.  ;-)
Your Prediction, Lists, and Observation are due on Tuesday, September 13.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Homework for Thursday, Sept. 8

Assignment #1:  Magic Trick!
*Perform the magic trick we learned in class for at least one adult or older-than-you person.
*Explain how the magic trick works.
*Have the person sign your sheet.
Due: Friday, Sept. 9