Monday, December 12, 2016

Homework for Monday, December 12

Assignment:  The Best Snack Bar Bargain
This assignment shows you what it looks like when an item has a steady rate.  Our cockroaches did not run at steady rates, thus their lines are crooked.  But what happens when the rate is constant?
This assignment does want you to use the graph to find the approximate costs, but use your ruler to line up the grid and make accurate determinations.
*Question #5 has you actually calculate the unit costs, then use the graph to see that they match up.
In the second half of this assignment, create your own graph, scale, and labels.  You MAY use graph paper if you want to.  I recommend making a key and color coding your items, but at least make sure they are clearly marked.
You only need use the graph to find the answers to questions 6 - 10, but if your graph is inaccurate so will your calculations be.  (spoken like Yoda)
The link to this sheet  is a lame attempt by me to recreate it in Google docs.  You'll have to make do with what I could do ... it does not contain many of the labels, so you might want to write them in yourself.  Such are the limits of Google docs, but I still love 'em.
Due Tuesday

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