Monday, September 12, 2016

Homework for Monday, Sept. 12

Assignment:  Coin Data
Today in class you received a random sample of 20 pennies from my home stash. 
1) Your first task was to predict, in one minute, what the years for your sample of pennies would be and why you thought that.  You might have spoken in terms of range, or clusters, or even specifics, but the point was to let me know how you think.
2) Your next task was to organize your second paper by dividing the page in half down the middle. 
-On the left side your heading should be Random Chaos.
-On the right side your heading should be Organized List
*Your next task was to go through your pennies one-by-one in random form, writing down the year of each penny as they occur in the left column.  You should have twenty different data points, meaning you should write each year every time it occurs.
*On the right side of the page, you create your organized list from your random chaos data.  Begin with the newest penny at the top and work down to the oldest.  Again, you should have twenty different data points, meaning you should write each year every time it occurs.
3) Finally, on your prediction page, you are to make a three minute observation regarding your data.  Make it interesting, use examples, make it detailed, and show me your awesome math mind.  Let me know how you are thinking ... I want to see how your mind works and I will only know if you tell me.  ;-)
Your Prediction, Lists, and Observation are due on Tuesday, September 13.

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