Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework for Tuesday, October 11

Are you here now because you are stuck on the homework tonight?  Please set it aside and do your other work; we can talk about this more in class tomorrow.  Remember: there are no late points for late homework, so just let it go for now!   Mo ;-)

Assignment:  Does the Data Fit?  - Link
Think back to the graphs we created with the sticky notes representing the data that would work to fit the central tendency values you were given.  Think of all of the work we have done with this and how you can apply it to this worksheet.
*You are to use at least 6 values to represent the data.  That means you are welcome to use more if it makes your life easier, but try not to use more than 10 values or it makes my head tired, okay?
*Check back over your data sample to make sure it works with the data!
*Hint: the median is probably the best place to start because you know it's the middle number (or value) of the set of numbers.  Just keep in mind that that doesn't mean it's the center of the RANGE of numbers ... if you get stuck in that assumption, this worksheet may be impossible.
*Example:  "2" is the median of this number set:  1, 2, 2, 2, 8, 30, but the number set has a range of 29 meaning 2 is not near the mathematical middle, but it is the middle number of this ordered list.
For questions 5 - 8, be clear and thorough in your answers using examples as needed.  There are a lot of right answers to these questions, but there are wrong answers too ...
Due Wednesday
Also due Wednesday - Quiz Bowl #1 Questions

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