Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/31

Trans Math:  Bring your Juicy Foods and stocks worksheets to go over briefly tomorrow before ...
*Final Quiz Bowl Wednesday
*Juicy Foods worksheet due Thursday
*Final Test part 2 (fractions, proportions, probability) on Thursday

Pre-Algebra:  Bring your stock sheets and ideas for Friday's Feast to class tomorrow.
*Final Test Part 2 on Thursday

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Looking Towards May 31 & June 2

Trans Math & Pre-Algebra
*This Tuesday and Thursday we will be taking the cumulative final for the math year; it comes in two parts.
*While this does not count towards your grade, it does count towards your understanding of how well you learned/retained the arithmetic skills this year.  *These are the skills you need to be most successful in math next year.  A lack of success in any section could mean extra time studying during your precious summer months!
*Consider reviewing skills on Quizlet ... a little practice could go a long way.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/26

Trans Math: Finance Park Books!
*Please use the Finance Park page of this blog for extra worksheets, etc.
*Most of the information you need is right in the book; just follow the directions down the page.
*Your minimum/maximum values must be met unless:
  -- an unlucky chance takes you over
  -- a lucky chance keeps you under (lucky!)
  -- your life circumstances means the maximum amount you can spend and still be "average" takes you over.
  -- when the costs are out of your control (example: established expenses like insurance, variable car costs, utilities)
*When it happens that you do go over budget for any of the above reasons, make sure you spend minimally anywhere else you can.
*For FULL credit, the bottom line on your "actual" budget must be $0, just like at the Finance Park. (Hint: use your savings account!)
Due Friday before the Field Trip
Please leave your books on the back table in room 1.

Pre-Algebra:  Enjoy the field trip!
Final exam on Tuesday and Thursday of next week; use Quizlet for practice!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/25

Trans Math:  Continued ... in class
*Finance Park assignments (last day to work in class!)
*Percent of Water - tomorrow we will check out our dehydrated food and calculate the percentage of water in each.  This will mostly happen in class, but we will be BUSY, so come prepared to work.

Pre-Algebra:  Cryptograms (Mr. K's class)
*Decoding your quote using probability to guide you.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/24

Trans Math:  Finance Park Book Assignments
*Keep working!  These are due Friday

Pre-Algebra:  *Using Formulas ws
*Solve for the missing variable - equation busting!
Due Wednesday

Monday, May 23, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/23

Trans Math:  last of Finance Park Book assignments
#25 Utilities, pg 100
  (this one is out of your control; it does not need to meet your minimum/maximum guidelines)
#26 Cable & Eating Out, pg 111
  (use your minimum & maximum guidelines)
#27 Actual Budget, pg 112
  (work towards a remainder of $0 at the end of the month.  Use your savings to reach this goal!)
#28 ? In class Tuesday ?
*Once you complete the assignment in class tomorrow, you will be able to spend the rest of the period working.  Come prepared!

*Finance Park books are DUE FRIDAY, 5/27
**late books will receive 10% off per day**

Pre-Algebra:  pg 460, 9-20
*Simplify, do not SOLVE.
*You do not need (should not use) calculators for these.
Due Tuesday
**you need to complete through the blue stock sheet by Friday, 6/3**

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/19

Important Information!
Tomorrow, May 20, the Transition Math class will be taking an all day field trip to the Finance Park in Auburn, Washington.  The bus will leave promptly after 8:00 a.m. and be back by 2:35 p.m.
*Students need to call the school BEFORE 8:00 if they are either running late OR staying home sick from school for the day.
*Students are to bring a sack lunch.
*Students should not bring any other items except possibly a book for the bus ride.
*Copies of the student permission slips are available on the Finance Park page of this blog.

Trans Math: Food Expenditures #24
*The only page you will complete in your workbook for food expenditures is page 108.
*Please complete the green worksheet for food purchases and include that worksheet along with your workbook or use this link:  Food Worksheet
*Food purchases on the worksheet are for one WEEK's worth of food items.
*Your workbook will have you turn that into a monthly amount that must fall between your minimum and maximum amounts.
*You MAY purchase different combinations of options, but you need to indicate how many weeks of each you are clearly purchasing. 
*Make sure to purchase food for everyone in your family!
*Still confused?  Follow the Food Expenditures link above where I have included more detailed explanations.

Pre-Algebra:  pg 456, 16-23 and 33-52
*You may use a calculator ... just the square root button!
*Round to the nearest 10th.
Due Friday

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/18

Trans Math:  #23 - Home Improvement
*All of this work that relates to page 104 is to be done on the sheet I handed out in class.
*Read the directions carefully: you are to spend at least $600 and buy at least 3 items ... yes, I know this adds up to more than your maximum allowed monthly payment.
*Paste all of your purchases on the worksheet or on another sheet if they do not all fit.
*Work through the worksheet figuring out how much you owe in tax, how much you can pay in cash (if any), and how much you will need to finance on your charge card.
*The FINAL number at the bottom of the worksheet should be between your minimum and your maximum monthly payment.
Details about the Finance Park field trip are on the Finance Park page of this blog.
Do not forget your permission slip to the Finance Park if you have not already brought it in!  (extra copies are on the FP page of this blog)

Pre-Algebra: Nada!
*Please use this day to work on your history or your language arts assignments.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/17

Trans Math: Assignment #22
*Clothing for your family pg 109
*Follow the directions on the sticker for what to buy
*Don't forget the "other" item (as instructed at the bottom of the sticker)
*Be sure to indicate on the clothing page where you have pasted your clothing choices.
*Your clothing choices must be age/gender appropriate

Pre-Algebra: Pg 380 #25 - 36
*Retest in class tomorrow

Monday, May 16, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/16

Trans Math: 19, 20, 21
*Did you forget the difference between DO and DUE?  Please review these definitions on the Finance Park page if you have questions.
*Fuel efficiency is for cars that get 35mpg or better.
*Today in class you received a worksheet in class for transportation.  This is a worksheet, not an assignment itself.  Please read the entire worksheet carefully if you need more details for how to use it to help you approximate the car you can afford.
*The actual assignment will happen in your book.  Please read all of those directions working THROUGH to the END of page 102 to actually purchase your car.  Trust me: everything you need to know is in there.
*there is a typo on Line 3, page 101, which should read "Line 1 minus Line 2"
#19 - Transportation Fixed Expenses  -pg 101 -102
*Be sure to work until the END of page 102 in order to tell whether or not your fixed transportation payment will fall between your minimum and maximum guidelines.  THAT final number is the number that COUNTS. (more details on the FP page)
#20 - Transportation Variable Expenses pg 103
*You must have purchased a car to complete this page.
*Just follow the directions on the page, eh?
#21 - Entertainment and Recreation pg 110
*If you are ahead of the game, begin thinking about recreation that is appropriate for your life situation.  Most of the guidelines are on this page; you MAY use the internet for finding prices, etc.
*Do not attempt to complete this assignment yet as I will give you specifics in class, but you can certainly check into prices of activities, cut-out or print off anything you think might work for you, and think about your budget guidelines. 
Your Life Poster was Due today ... be sure to finish it asap!

Pre-Algebra: pg 376-377, 1-22
*Question #22 requires you to draw a line graph.
Due Tuesday

Friday, May 13, 2011

Weekend Homework?!?!?

 *Updated Chick pics!   
Go to the Mo'Chicks page to see your friends Juyoun, Chloe, and Skye after just one week!

Trans Math:  Complete your Life Poster
*This is an effort based grade; please do your best to draw your family and decorate the sheet.
*These will hang in the hallway, so represent yourself well!
Due Monday, 5/16

Pre-Algebra:  Test Corrections 7
Due Monday, 5/16
*Retest Wednesday, 5/18

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/11

Trans Math:  #17 Housing
A few reminders for you ...
*Your house must be cut from a magazine or newspaper; you may NOT search online.  You MAY certainly use a magazine or newspaper that you have at home.
*The advertisement MUST be cut and pasted onto either housing page (98 or 99) and it MUST include the number of bedrooms and cost of the house/apartment.
*Use your yellow sheet  (Copy of Yellow Tips Sheet) as a guide for figuring out the house you can afford.
*When you are completely done, have page 98 or 99 filled out, and would like it checked by me, check it off on your assignment sheet.  Be confident that you have done it correctly, because at that point it will count towards your grade.  I will NOT pre-check it for you, but you can certainly have your partner or other wise person look over it for you.
You should have 17 assignments on your assignment sheet; not all of them can be completed at this point.

Pre-Algebra:  Nada!
*Test corrections on Friday

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/10P

Trans Math: FP Book assignments 13 - 15
Assigned work -
13 - Lucky Chance
 *This goes on the page (or next to the page) where you will use it.
*Be sure to write the page where you have placed it ON the assignment sheet.
*You will follow the directions ON your sticker WHEN it's time.
*If you have any questions about this, please wait to stick it into your book.
14 - Life Profile, pg 90 - 91
*You will not be able to complete this yet, but you can get it started.
*For question #6, you need to list THE company you currently own.
15 - Established Expenses, pg 94
*You should be able to complete Health & Life Insurance Expenses AND Medical and Dental Expenses.
*You should NOT complete Plan Your Future at this time.
16 - Stocks, pg 95
*The only thing you need (so far) for this assignment is the top line filled in for 1) your stock name, 2) the # of shares you bought, 3) the price you bought it for and 4) the total value of those shares.
*If you sold your stock 2 weeks ago, you use the second line, same directions, for your new stock.
*Scribble out the words "closing price"  if that helps AND note that you do NOT own three stocks, so we are doing this page differently than the directions imply.
Due Wednesday:  Your housing minimum and maximum buying values

Pre-Algebra - Choice! (sorta)
Like I mentioned would probably happen, I'm just now arriving at my desk and haven't begun to make any correction keys or Quizlet pages.  I have a coaches meeting in less than an hour and should probably eat dinner some time soon ... SO, while it would be to your benefit to correct your work before the test tomorrow, I cannot promise the keys will appear here before midnight ... so it is not required.  If you see the magical word "key" after one of the options below, then it's there!  Otherwise, it's not, eh?
*Your choices were: 
-ws 7.5
-ws 7.6
-ws 7.7
-Quizlet (percent applications or verbal proportions; "test" option)
- In your book:  page 366, 25 - 28  and page 380, questions 28 - 36.
*Don't forget your notes for the test tomorrow!   One page, stapled on to your test.
In summary:  DUE - Your Choice, probably not corrected.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/9

Trans Math:  Lotsa Taxes!
*Pay attention to what is DUE tomorrow and what is ASSIGNED.
*Calculators are allowed for ALL Finance Park assignments.
*Read here for details, but also feel free to ask your parents for help with your tax table.
#11 - NMI Practice, pg. 54 ONLY
 *This is assigned for tomorrow, it is not due.
#12 - NMI pg. 92
*Follow the directions on each line.
*Your NMI should be roughly 7% (approximately NOT literally as it depends upon your exact life situation) of your GAI.
*Still need help?  Forget your tax bracket?  Click this link: NMI Help link
*This assignment is DUE tomorrow and will be checked by me in class before you can continue on.
#13 - Budget Guidelines, pg. 93
*Write your NMI as calculated on pg 92 into the NMI box near the top of the page.
*Using a calculator (seriously), calculate your minimum and maximum guidelines for each of the categories.  However ...
*You do NOT need to put anything down for your utilities.
*For personal choice, that will be your choice, so anything works! 
*Contrary to what I said earlier, we are not actually buying houses tomorrow, but we are on Wednesday.  Tomorrow you will get as much as possible approved so that you can continue on.  We will be busy in class, so have as much done beforehand as you can!
*Therefore, your minimum and maximum guidelines are only ASSIGNED, but highly recommended.
Tuesday in class:  Lucky Chance!

Pre-Algebra: pg 373, 1-13
*Do your best to complete this without help.
Due Tuesday
*Mo'Pardy tomorrow!
*Chapter 7 test Wednesday!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chick Update!

Go see my chicks! 
(Mo'Chicks button above)

Friday, May 6, 2011

For the Weekend

Trans Math: 
We will present the tax summaries in class on Monday.
Retests will also continue next week.

Pre-Algebra:  Complete pg 372, Chapter Test if you haven't already.
*We will correct this in class on Monday

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/5

Trans Math:  pgs 51-52, WiALM in FP
*Read the scenario carefully and complete the checks.
*As someone said in second period today, "It's like filling out the patient labels," to which I replied, "Except you won't kill them."
Assignment #7 in your FP Book
Tomorrow: retests and taxes

Pre-Algebra: Practice Test 7, pg 372
*Try completing this using only the notes you have and the simple buttons on your calculator.  If you NEED more help, then you're not ready for the test!
Due Friday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/4

Trans Math:  2 FP Assignments
5)  Chapter 1 Test, pg 39
*As per Abby's question, this will be graded on accuracy (and completion by the due date).
*Open book, Due Thursday
6)  Stock Graph, pg 33
*Create your own key and use it!
Assignment #6 in your FP Book
Do not forget to check off any assignments that you have completed.

Pre-Alg:  ws problems 23-32
*Do not panic, a copy of the worksheet is:  here!
*Note that these are percent of change problems ...
*As always for this chapter, calculators and notes are allowed.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/3

Trans Math:  Credit Decisions pg 14
*You can talk with any intelligent person (except Mo or younger siblings) to determine the answers to these questions.
Assignment #4 in your FP book

Pre-Algebra: pg 355 #22, and 356 #24-27
*Not too many problems because a little bird told me you had a lot of other homework tonight.  HOWEVER ...
*Be careful to understand the questions and answer them correctly!
Due Wednesday
Chapter 7 test will be next Wednesday, May 11.  
Only one page of notes (turned in with your test) and the blue classroom calculators will be allowed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/2

Trans Math: Check Registry pg 8-9
*Please utilize your parents (or another wise person) as a resource for this assignment.
*ALL of your transactions must be recorded on the registry.
*Exactly HOW you record them in your registry is a style issue ... the idea is that you have a way of keeping track of your transactions.
*You MAY use a calculator to determine your running balance.
*Your final balance must accurately reflect the EXACT amount of money you have left in your account.
Assignment #2 on your FP Assignment sheet; please check it off if you complete it.

Pre-Algebra: pg 365, 8-14 and 18-22
*Simple & Compound Interest
*These are formulas that you are following.  They are BOTH given in the book.
*Each variable that you are using stands specifically for one of the vocabulary terms.  Make sure you understand what those terms (like "annual") mean.
 *The variables you will use are A, I, P, r, and t.  They are all explained on pages 362 - 364.
*You may use a calculator to find your answers, but you must work through the steps rather than type it into the calculator the way they show you to in the text.
*Make sure that your answer is what the question is asking for.  For example, problems 8 - 13 ask for the interest AND the new balance.
Due Tuesday