You may be wondering if there are things you still need to do to get ready for this fall ...
a) If you have turned in your Enrichment class form, I am busy working on arranging those classes this month. You can expect to see your classes begin to appear on your schedule in TeacherEase during the last week of August. *If you are a new student, please send me an email and I can hook you up with information and your password now!
b) Students looking to take the pre-algebra test on August 19 should have received an email from me. If you did not, please let me know asap! If you did, Mr. Jeff and I would like confirmation from you either way so we know what your plans are ... either way. Please.
c) Have you read your books for your Language Arts classes? I know Ms. Hubbard has a list for the advanced class, but you can check Mr. Gacek's blog if you are an incoming 6th grader. I didn't see a list there last time I checked, but you might want to keep looking just in case!
d) School Supplies are on sale now. Make sure you come prepared for the first day of school!
e) Have you checked the meeting dates?
*New parent night is Wednesday, September 9 at 7:00 p.m. Lots of important information there, so be sure to come if you are a parental person.
*New student orientation is Tuesday, August 8, 11:00 - 1:00. This is an important day for all new students so you're ready to hit the ground running on the 9th!
And that's it for now! Have a great next month of vacation,
Mo ;-)