Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homework: LAST new math assignment for the fall ...

Assignment: Coffee Prices - Link!
We talked about challenges today and this assignment might feel challenging to you. It also might feel straight-forward ... I expect both of these experiences to be real. ;-)
*You need to use the table for the information to put into the grid.
*YOU need to make the scale (how much is one box worth?) and label the graph appropriately.
Would it be easier if I gave you the scale? You betcha! But you can do it. Make it a good scale that allows you to graph the points and emphasize the trends that are happening.
- Hint: Your scale does NOT need to be in dollar or 25 cent increments ... be creative!
- Hint: A trend is something that happens for a period of time, usually an extended period of time.
*Answer the questions based upon your observations.
*Do the arithmetic when you need to!
Due Thursday

Reminder: You can, and possibly should, elaborate on your answers for the Math Survey. This assignment is not due until Friday, which I did purposefully so you wouldn't feel the need to rush through it. It is graded on giving me full answers to the questions, eh? Thank you! I do care a LOT about what you think. 😄

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Homework for Tuesday, November 19

Assignment: Slugville - Link!
This is practice not only in finding the central tendencies, but in seeing the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. Make sure to point out both in your discussion questions ... it's important to see both sides so you can make the best choice for your case!
Due Wednesday

*Also assigned today and due Friday: Fall Math Survey
The link was emailed to your school account.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Homework for Monday, November 18

Assignment: Counting Pets - Link!
*For this assignment you will need to use both graphs.
*It is up to you to decide which graph you need to answer each of the questions.
*Think about what you know and what you do not know ... read the graphs!
*Think about what we did in class today and how you read data points. BOTH graphs have data points, but they represent different things ... about pets.
*If a question cannot be answered, explain what additional information you would need to answer it.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Homework for Thursday, November 14

Assignment: Ops Test Corrections
You have what you need, so please read all of the directions and make your corrections!
This is a required assignment, but in order to get full credit, you need to do what it asks of you ... by tomorrow at the beginning of first period. 
Due Friday 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wednesday, November 13

Math Assignment: Nada
Be sure to check your test scores in TeacherEase BEFORE school tomorrow.
Hope to see you at the NOVA concert this evening!

Quiz Bowl Questions - Link!
Your "grade" for completing these will end up in Mr. Gacek's assignments.
These are due in a week, on Wednesday November 20, to Mo's math inbox.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Homework for Tuesday, November 12

Assignment: Quizlet Pre-Test Choice
Complete 8 problems correctly in one of the order of ops sets using Write mode
*send Mo an email, screen shot, or bring a note to class.
*be sure to include a sentence about your preparation & confidence going into the test.
Due Wednesday *this assignment may not be handed in late
Good luck on your tests tomorrow!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Homework for Thursday, November 7

Assignment: Pre-Test Ops Choice - 
You have 4 options tonight, the links are attached with the descriptions below.
Test Level 3 - Link!
*This is the third variation of the test level questions.
Test Level Plus2 - Link!
*Want test level ops with just a bit of an extra challenge?
Challenge Ops - Link!
*This level includes replacing variables with values before solving the equations.
Super Challenge - Link!
*Again, this is a challenging, time-consuming worksheet. If it makes your head hurt too much, feel free to select a different option. ;-)
Due Friday

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Homework for Wednesday, November 6

Assignment: Paper Airplane Questions - Link!
This is an exercise in sharing what you know based upon what you see. We did this in class even before you knew what a box plot was, so now it should eat like a piece of cake, right?
First: you must have your box plot (and scatter plot) with you to answer these questions.
*Do not use your data sheet
*Approximates are great ... in fact, that's what we are practicing using.
*Now you may also see why having clearly marked lines and points is helpful!
Second: You may hand write or type your answers, but whatever you do BE THOROUGH.
*Your grade lies with the math choices you make and how (and if) you defend them with math.
Use your notes regarding the central tendencies if you've forgotten what they are.
*Be sure to calculate your mean (using a calculator) and the median and mode and write them onto your box plot sheet.
Have any questions? Push through this! You know more than you think ... just explain yourself. ;-)
Due Thursday

*Dear Mia, Michael, and Zellaby, it will be close to impossible for you to complete this assignment at this time because not only do you not have your data with you, you were not here when we learned how to create boxplots. So rest well tonight and we can go over it quickly during an upcoming CWP. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Homework for Monday, November 4

Assignment: Order of Ops Choice
The test on the order of operations will be next Wednesday, November 13. Today you were to select a homework option that helped you to know how prepared for the test you feel ... hopefully well prepared!
Be sure to carefully write out your steps and think about how the order of operations work. There is a link on the Mo'Help tab of this blog that can help remind you if you've since forgotten ... but we will also review these over the course of the next week.
*The order of operations are a CRITICAL piece of mathematical language and you need to master them now. Mr. Jeff says that not knowing the order of operations is like trying to read without vowels ... it just doesn't make sense. So let's go!
The choices are listed below; feel free to switch assignments if you don't like the one you selected.
Order of Ops - Test Level - Link! Want to take a gander at the test with different numbers? This assignment is for you. Oh ... and the equations will vary too, but not in difficulty.
Order of Ops - Plus - Link! This assignment adds in more elements like various exponents and thus equations that are a little longer to work. You are up to the challenge!
Due Wednesday