Sunday, April 26, 2020

Distance Update, April 26

Make sure you have checked out the new tabs I've added to my blog!
Resources will give you access to the lessons I've given in case you are having trouble finding them in your GC folder. They are worth reviewing too; we will be testing eventually. You will also find the updated Candy Point list here.
Yo'Life lists the assignments we've had so far in this unit, including the sheets containing the individual information. Again, if you don't like navigating the GC, this might be easier for you to look through.

As you know, it's been a busy week in our household with the chicks hatching! This is the best picture I can get of them ... they are not much for posing, if you know what I mean.

Names: (not in order because this picture is too tough to identify them by, so alphabetical will do it)
Alan, Barbara, Buttercup, Eggo, Hazel, Jane, JuneLin, Kit-Kat, Lucy, and Peggy.
I will include more pictures as they grow!
Mo ;-)

Sunday, April 12, 2020

NOVA Distance Update, April 12

Greetings blog followers,
I have moved most of the content you need to our Google Classroom, so I will not be updating this blog until we are back in school.
However ...
I am going to start a "Resource" tab to collect all of the files we have been using in the GC for easier organization and access, including the candy point chart for this spring!
Best wishes and stay healthy,
Mo ;-)