Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homework for Thursday, 9/30

Trans Math: Salaries in Slugville ws
*Explain your answers well; I want to see that you understand the differences between the central tendencies!
*P.S.  Don't forget that your parents need to understand them too ...
Due: Friday

Pre-Algebra: No HW!
*Your test scores are posted on Teacherease. (Link on the right)
*FYI, your score will be based upon the percentage you have correct, thus it is worth 100 points, eh?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Homework for Wednesday, 9/29

Trans Math: Juicy Fruits ws
 *Be sure to show all of your work!  (no calculators)
 *Sorry, but I don't seem to have the ability to scan here at school.  If you forgot to pick up a worksheet, you will need to grab one in class tomorrow. 
Due: Thursday

Pre-Algebra: Student Choice.
1) Chapter Test pg 56, 1 - 38 even only.  THEN correct your own work!
*Answer key is HERE:  Answer Key to pg 56, even
*For every problem you miss, do the previous odd problem.  Those answers are in your book.
2) Problem Solving Practice pg 59, 1 - 7
*Answer key is HERE: Answer Key to pg 59
*For every problem you miss, the redo problems are listed below the answers in the provided key.

Sorry this is a bit late; I had a lot to do this afternoon and have now missed Ella's soccer practice to post this.  :-(

 *Corrected and redone 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Homework for Tuesday, 9/28

Trans Math: Box Plot Practice ws
*Follow ALL of the directions on the worksheet.
*Make sure the numbers on your number lines containing your box plots are as "accurately" spaced as possible.
*By the way: "ws" stands for "worksheet"
Due: Wednesday

Pre-Algebra: pg 45 & 46, 27 - 34
 *Remember the rules for multiplication and division.  If you have forgotten them, they are reviewed at the beginning of this section, 1.7.
Due: Wednesday
Note: The Chapter 1 test will be this Thursday, 9/30.  The test will cover only sections 1.1 - 1.7 (no coordinate graphing yet). 
Note: Mo'Jeopardy for the test review will be in class Wednesday.  Come prepared to play!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Homework for Monday, 9/27

Trans Math: Coin Packets
 *These are the many pages of data and graphs that we have collected over the past 2 weeks.
 *You should have received your checklist in class today (unless you were absent). This will also be the grading sheet, so please attach it to the front of your packet.
 *For another list of the pages that are due, see the homework posted for 9/23 AND add the 3 observation questions on the 5-number summary worksheet.
 *Please be obvious yet thorough about your observations.  The observations should compare data on the 3 box plots you have made.  In other words, what can you tell me about the different collections of coins just by looking at the box plots? 
*Due: Tuesday (stapled together in order)

Pre-Algebra: pg 36, 12 - 30 AND pg 37, 35 - 46 all
*1.7 subtracting negative integers
*Be sure to show your work when the equation involves a variable!  Recopy the equation to reflect the integer you have replaced the variable with; then solve.
*Oh come on, you guys, it's not really TWO pages ... it just spills over onto another page.  (wah wah wah)
*Due: Tuesday

Friday, September 24, 2010

Work for the Weekend, 9/24

Trans Math: For Monday you will need...
 *Your random chaos and organized lists
 *Your & your partner's frequency tables
 *Your & your partner's histograms (1 year bins)
 *Your & your partner's histograms (5 year bins)
*Three box plots (you, partner, class)
*The 5 number summary worksheet (but not the 3 questions)
*See the link below in yesterday's homework section if you need help remembering how to draw a box-and-whisker plot.

Pre-Algebra: Remember the chapter 1 test on Thursday!
*Make sure you have made all of your corrections and turned your corrected assignments in.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homework for Thursday, 9/23

Trans Math: 3 Box Plots
 *You should have the coin data sheet with the three 5-number summaries on it.
 *You only need one scale up the left side of your graph paper that you can use for all three of your box plots.
 *If you are having trouble plotting your points, click on the following link:
*Remember: Do NOT answer the 3 observations questions at the bottom of the worksheet; we will discuss those on Monday in class.
*Bring to Class on Monday

Pre-Algebra: pg 32, 24 - 38
*1.5 Adding negative integers ... be careful!
*Due: Friday
*TEST next Thursday, 9/30*

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Homework for Wednesday, 9/22

Trans Math: 5-number-summary and scale/labels on graph paper for box plot.
 *Use your Ordered List to find your median(s) and create your 5-number-summary.
 *Turn your graph paper so that the holes are on the left and that the year 2010 is at the top of the page.  BE SURE to label the lines not the spaces.
*We flew through this at the end of the period, so if you don't understand it, we WILL go over it again in class tomorrow.  Not to worry!
*Bring to class: Thursday

Pre-Algebra: pg 9, 52 - 56.
 *Writing the verbal expression correctly is the key here ... the "answer" is only secondary.  I wonder which will count for credit?  Hmmm....
*Due: Thursday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homework for Tuesday, 9/21

 Trans Math: More Histograms
 *See how awesome it is to be making a histogram rather than a bar graph?
 *Histograms with 5 year bins
 -Made on the larger graph paper with 5 coin years per column.  One graph for you and one with your partner's data; side-by-side.  Be sure to label everything and include your scale!
*Period 2 should also complete the frequency table & first histograms using their partner's data.
*Bring to class for Wednesday

Pre-Algebra: pg 26, 53 - 64
*Review of the value of integers (negative & positive) and absolute value.
*BE CAREFUL when you are substituting the given value for the variable: your order of operations is important!
*Remember: you do not need to write down the original expression, but you should write down the expression with the number(s) you are using for the variable BEFORE solving it.
*Tip:  Do not forget that in the book, "evaluate" means more simply to "solve" the problem.
Due: Wednesday

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homework for Monday, 9/20

Trans Math:  Frequency Table(s) and Histogram(s)
 *Periods 1 & 2 got through different amounts of this assignment; please do your homework accordingly.
 *Frequency Tables:  These are the tally lists of your coins.  We did these in class using your organized lists.  These should begin in 2010 (whether or not you have that coin) and continue through your range.
 *If you are period 1, you also completed a frequency table for your partner's coins.
*Histograms: These are the tables made on the graph paper.  The holes should be at the top of the page with your coins in the grid.  You should have labeled 1 - 10 up the left side of the page (the frequency the coin occurred) and the years labeled across the bottom to cover the range beginning with 2010.  Fill in the boxes with your coins so that it looks like a bar graph.
*Period 1 also have the data for their partners.
Bring to class: Tuesday

Pre-Algebra:  pg 19, 10 - 27
*Review for the order of operations.
*show your work!  Papers with answers only will not be accepted.
*Due: Tuesday

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Homework for Wednesday, 9/15?

Trans Math: Nope!  But ...
 *Please make sure you have the organized list of your 20 coins completed by Monday morning.

Pre-Algebra: Nope!  But ...
 *Please check to see if you have all of your homework assignments corrected and turned in for credit.  Remember: it's a big "0" until it's in the gradebook.

Let's have a great (big, wet, muddy) time at Camp Colman!
Mo ;-)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework for Tuesday, 9/14

Trans Math:  Extreme Journeys ws
 *This worksheet just practices using a data table to answer questions.
 *Tomorrow we will make our own data tables using...
***don't forget your 20 coins!***
Due: Wednesday

Pre-Algebra: pg. 12, 13 - 28 AND pg 15, 1-3
 *Be sure to include your work for both pages.
 *Follow all of the directions ... don't leave something out!
 *I suggest reading the example on page 14 for tips on how to organize your work for the applications on page 15.
Due: Wednesday

Monday, September 13, 2010

Homework for Monday, 9/13

Trans Math:
  *Introductory Survey
  *Bring 20 coins in a baggie with your name on it.
In class today we worked on Boocoo Booples with partners.  We will talk about the language of that paper on Tuesday.  If you have not yet finished the assignment, you will have the chance to finish in class before we correct it.
Due: Tuesday

Pre-Algebra: pg. 8, 41 - 51
 *This is review, so be careful!
 *Advice:  follow the directions.
Due: Tuesday

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Homework for Thursday, 9/9

Hello again!  Thank you all for a wonderful first day in math class.  Hopefully you are all thrilled to do your math homework tonight ... right?

Trans Math: Magic Trick
 *You will need 16 cards, 4 each of 4 different cards.
 *Follow these steps:
 1) Tell your story (shopping?  parties?)  Show your 4 groups.
2) Deal out your cards face down so that each "person" goes into one of the 4 piles.
3) Have the "people" prepare to go home by stacking the 4 piles on top of one another.
4) Have them travel home by cutting the deck many, many times. 
5) Deal the cards back out, face down and HOPE that they all made it home safely.
6) Turn the piles over!
NEXT:  EXPLAIN THE TRICK - the math behind the trick and why it works.
Have your parent sign your paper.
Due:  Friday!  You will turn it into the basket.

Pre-Algebra: pg xxv - Scavenger Hunt
*Pay attention!  That's the advice I have for you...
*Due: Friday
Note: we will correct this in class tomorrow, so be prepared!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Welcome new students and parents to my math blog.  Please look around and get used to the site.  Specific things you might find interesting are:
*Go to the blog archive in the right column of the blog and click on one of the months, like March.  You will then be able to see examples of what the assignments look like in this blog.
*Note the links on the right.  They will take you directly to many useful sites (like other teacher pages and Teacherease) immediately.
*You will also notice I like to include personal pictures; they usually change monthly, just for fun!
*This summer I practiced pasting URLs that students could follow to certain answer keys I had posted.  You can find examples of these in the July section of this blog.  Feel free to follow one if you would like ... these particular keys will be disappearing once the school year begins!

I look forward to working with all of you this year,
Mo ;-)