Monday, April 11, 2011

Homework for Monday, 4/11

Trans Math:  Table Problem Solving ws
*Show all of your work on this worksheet!
*Set up proportions for problem-solving ... you want them to be your friend too!
*Absent?  Here it is: Table Problem Solving ws
Due: Tuesday

Pre-Algebra: pg 331, 8 - 26 and pg 332, 35 - 42
*You do not "need" to show all of your work on the problems you can do in your head, however ...
*You must show how you set up the proportions for the verbal equations, 35 - 42, before you solve the problems.
*This is review!  Do well. ;-)
Due: Tuesday
Mr. Kenis' class - your test corrections are also due Tuesday.
Retests for Chapter 6 will be Friday in class.

1 comment:

  1. i can't find my book, so if you have the time could you type out the problems? i'm already asking friends to scan it for me but no one knows how to scan things. thanks!
