Monday, November 25, 2013

Homework for Monday, November 25

Optional Assignment:  Quizlet
You can complete any of the Quizlet assignments (order of operations, central tendencies, decimals) that we have done so far this trimester.  This is an optional complete/incomplete assignment ... but it never hurts to practice!
*RETESTS for decimals are Tuesday in class.  Please come prepared to spend your math period retesting and/or working on a math puzzle.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homework for Thursday, 11/21

Assignment:  Decimal Test Corrections
Complete any corrections you need to make completely.  If you aren't sure what to do, go to the Mo'Help tab and find the link to doing test corrections.
A copy of the test correction form is HERE.
These are due on FRIDAY with a parent signature during Study Skills for one candy point.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

For Thursday, November 20

*Note - Your tests are in TeacherEase!

Many of you expressed interest in presenting your Decimal Project to the class (or both classes), so this is the reminder that this begins tomorrow!  But just because you said you wanted to does not mean you MUST present.  This is an optional piece and you will not be penalized in any way, shape, or form if you do not present.
If you ARE presenting, you should plan to include - 
a) your introduction (speak it, don't read it, and say what you planned to do)
b) the body of your work - whatever is interesting!  This definitely includes your visual.
c) your conclusion - what did you learn or conclude?  
I will provide a bit of time after the candy point and minute math for ALL presenters to organize their thoughts and meet with their partners if applicable.  Then we'll have at it!  Presentations should not be longer than 5 minutes.
In a random selection, this is the order of persentations for Thursday:
Period 1:  
William C.
Ben, Oliver, Sam
(Quinn & Aidan, I don't remember which day you picked!  And Caroline, you weren't here to ask, so let me know if you want to present your mini-me)
Period 2:  
Fiona & Elli
If we finish early, then others who did not ask to present will have the option of presenting.  If we do not finish, then people who did not present will have the option of presenting on Friday to the entire group.

If there is time left at the end of the period, we will get back to whiteboards.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, 11/19

Assignment: Choice #3
This is the pre-test assignment.  You should have written in your planner today:
"Corrected," (correct the assignment using the key), "Corrected," (correct any mistakes), and "On Time," (meaning you turn it in tomorrow).
For FULL CREDIT all three of these things must be completed.
Your options are:  Yet More Applications With Kyle and Mavis
      (applications with answer key)
or Quizlet    -  Sets:  Decimal Division, Decimal Multiplication, Decimal Review, Decimal Application.
Remember to eat well and relax tonight, possibly bringing that same relaxing food item (tea? grapes? apple?) with you to eat while testing.  The more comfortable you will with the basic operations, the more you will be able to focus while taking the test.  The more familiar you are with Kyle and Mavis, the easier time you will have helping them to solve their problems.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Homework for Monday, November 18

Assignment:  Choice #2
It's time to prepare yourself for the decimal unit test this Wednesday.
*All operations with decimals
*Application problems with Kyle and Mavis
Today you chose the assignment(s) you felt would best prepare you for Wednesday.  Check back to see which operations you missed on the pre-quiz and make sure you feel especially comfortable with those operations.
QUIZLET is always an option and can help you get immediate feedback on those specifics!
A copy of Kyle's latest Job Crisis #3 is here.
*Anyone is welcome to add this option to their list, but Alex W. and Emma ES should probably select that option or Quizlet to get something done tonight that will help you prepare in your absence today.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homework for Thursday, Nov. 14

Assignment: Choice #1
This is your chance to work on something that you believe you should be working on in preparation for the decimal unit test next Wednesday.
You are welcome to complete more than one thing for credit, but you are only responsible for one.
Today's options are:
*SuperKids (Multiplication #2)
*Decimal Division (page 8)
*Division with Decimals (page 30)
*Order of Operations with Exponents
*3.10 Problem Solving
*Quizlet (see the 11/13 post below for a list of these sets, printed or a note signed by a parent)
I don't happen to have any of these on my g-drive, so if you lost your worksheet I gave you in class, I would ask that you complete one of the Quizlet options in the post below.
Due Friday 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Homework for Wednesday, Nov. 13

Assignment:  Meet Mavis
Mavis is here and she's going to help you use decimals in different applications.  Make sure you understand the question AND that your answer makes sense, okay?  Seriously, I get some crazy answers to these questions and you should recognize the craziest.
*The mantra today was: if your division answer extends out several decimal places, you did something wrong.  Don't round unless I tell you to ... which very rarely happens unless I want to know if you know how to round correctly.  
A copy of this homework assignment is HERE.

QUIZLET is an option for those of you who would appreciate some extra practice.  Remember that these assignments are credit/no credit.  You need to print off your results OR bring a note from a parent saying that you practiced on Quizlet.  Practice is good.  Practice helps you feel more confident.  Practice helps solidify your skills.  Practice isn't always fun, but it's worth it!
Quizlet options for this unit are:
-Decimal Division
-Decimal Multiplication
-Decimal Review (add, sub, mult, div)
-Decimal Applications
*I'm going to create a decimal order of ops asap, but it's not there yet.
Haven't joined Quizlet yet?  You still can!  Go to the Mo'Help tab and you will find the directions there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, 11/12

Assignment: Decimal Division #3
We're wrapping up decimal division assignments today and will be moving into "Choice" homework next as we prepare for the test.  It's individualized, so I do not have copies here.  However, if you want me to email you yours, please send me an email and I MIGHT get to it today.
*Crazy Tuesdays mean meetings and late nights, but I should get to it around 5:30 with a window of availability until 6:00 ... so be quick or wait until after 10:00 tonight! (when you should be in bed, by the way)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Regarding the Homework Record and Conclusion:

Clarification (for the decimal project):
Homework Record:  Just like you did in class for your daily log, right a record of what you accomplished at home.  Be clear so I will know what you did and how much time you spent.  Remember, you are aiming for 30 - 60 minutes total.
CONCLUSION - Narrative Analysis:  (this is also written on the bottom of your Project Plan sheet)
Write a summary of what you learned, discovered, found out, and explored in this project.  Relate it to how you used decimals to complete your work.  What was interesting, what did you predict accurately, and what surprised you?  Discuss how the visuals you chose to include enhanced your project.  Conclude your project with a written wrap-up that ties it all together. 
*If applicable:  Include how your partner/team worked together in this project and how it enhanced what you could have done individually.
Your conclusion should be typed or handwritten on another sheet of paper; please do not try to write on the project plan sheet.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

See you all Tuesday!

I should have known that since the flights to Indianapolis went smoothly, it would be chaotic on the way home.  My first plane had mechanical issues, we were going to miss our Seattle connection so I got off (my bag is somewhere over America), I had to wait on standby but got lucky and am currently sitting in the Salt Lake City airport.  Home just two hours after planned is OKAY considering I could still be in Indianapolis in a lonely hotel for another night.  I am thankful it has all worked out!
 I have had a terrific time though and am looking forward to seeing what you all did with your projects while I was away.  Please see the post below for details, especially the rubric and list of things you are to turn in with your project. 
Send me an email on MONDAY if you have any remaining questions; don't wait until Tuesday when your projects are DUE.
*Maddy, if you need another day, please take one for free since you missed two class work periods. 

See you all Tuesday!
Mo ;-)                                   

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Decimals Project

While I am at the conference, you will be working in class with Lori.  Here are the guidelines:

Decimals Project
You will have 3 days in class to complete your project, so you will want to use your time efficiently.  You will also log what you do every day as well as a homework log.  But first ...
The three data sets:
 - Hands Down - (10 sets of estimates of measurement)
 - Paper Airplanes - (10 different sets of flight data and box plots)
 - Mini Me - (your measurements, you in mini-you)

On Wednesday you will wrote your introduction or your plan.
-As soon as you had your introduction written, she gave you a packet of data (depending on which project theme you chose) and you should have started!
-There WILL be some supplies available in class, but obviously the better prepared you are, the more quickly you can get to work and get things done.
-This is the RUBRIC for this project.  Use it to plan your time, come prepared for working in class, and to make sure you have all of the required elements covered.

To include with your finished project:  The plan/ introduction, the data you USED (both new and old) all of your visuals, your daily logs and time management grade, your homework record, and your conclusion along with any other written narratives that you would like to include to complete your project.
This project is yours to create, so have fun with it!
Due Tuesday, November 12 for full credit

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homework for Tuesday, Nov. 5 AND Project Info

Today is my super, duper busy day, remember? (staff meeting, dinner, etc.)  AND I am getting ready to fly out of here by 3:00 a.m.  This is the updated evening version and the last one I will be writing tonight.  Check here tomorrow for any further updates; I will try to return emails sometime Wednesday afternoon.

Assignment:  The Job Crisis (A)
Be careful with Kyle, he can be wicked ... wickedly simple and straightforward, but you need to read the information carefully and answer the question as it's asked.  Remember, these aren't trick questions, but if you read it too quickly you won't answer it correctly.  (think candy points ...)
There is a copy of this worksheet HERE.
Due Wednesday

Decimals Project
You will have 3 days in class to complete your project, so you will want to use your time efficiently.  You will also log what you do every day as well as a homework log.  But first ...
The three data sets:
 - Hands Down - (10 sets of estimates of measurement)
 - Paper Airplanes - (10 different sets of flight data and box plots)
 - Mini Me - (your measurements, you in mini-you)

On Wednesday you will write your introduction or your plan.  As you are working on your candy point, Lori will give you the plan sheet so you can get started.
-As soon as you have your introduction written, she will give you your packet of data (depending on which project theme you choose) and you can get started!
-There WILL be some supplies available in class, but obviously the better prepared you are, the more quickly you can get to work and get things done.
-This is the RUBRIC for this project.  Use it to plan your time, come prepared for working in class, and to make sure you have all of the required elements covered.

To include with your finished project:  The plan/ introduction, the data you USED (both new and old) all of your visuals, your daily logs and time management grade, your homework record, and your conclusion along with any other written narratives that you would like to include to complete your project.
This project is yours to create, so have fun with it!
Due Tuesday, November 12 for full credit

Stay tuned!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Homework for Monday, Nov. 4

Assignment:  Decimal Division #2
Today you got an assignment befitting of where you are in the process of dividing decimals.
To serve you best, PLEASE turn this in tomorrow so I can correct it before I leave for Indiana.  It would be best if you had knowledge about what you might practice while I'm gone ... we're only 2 weeks away from the unit test and those days will dissolve quickly!
Due Tuesday

Friday, November 1, 2013

Is it Homework? Friday, Nov. 1

Today we flew paper airplanes ... or at least you should have.
Your responsibilities are:
1) 12 test flights recorded in the random chaos column
2) Your organized list of flights, from least to greatest
3) A 5-number summary of your data.
*see the blog Mo'Help page if you need assistance
4) Central Tendencies for your data
*you may use a calculator (actually, you SHOULD use a calculator) to calculate the mean.
*check it until you get the same answer twice!
This completed sheet is DUE MONDAY