Monday, April 14, 2014

Homework for Monday, April 14

Today's assignment:  Eat Your Veggies  (the link!)
Whoa, I forgot how much I love this assignment until I began typing it up as a link.
You you know why I like it?!?  Because it shows me if you understand part-to-whole, how labeling can help you know what to do, how proportions work, and whether or not you can determine multiple steps to reach an answer.  I like that this is a difficult worksheet and that you will need to really think about some of the problems ... a lot.
So think hard ... you CAN do it.
*Be sure to fill in the bar graph; it's worth points too.
*Be sure to refer to the chart at the top for your percentages per veggie.
*Your totals will change, the variables will change, and the missing parts will change, so you will need to set up a different proportion each time.
*#5 AND #6 are difficult and will take more than one step.  In fact, I consider them at least 3 step problems.  There IS enough information, but you will figure out what you know piece by piece.  Set up a proportion, label it with what you know, and then set up another proportion ... (hint, hint)
Due Tuesday

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