Sorry it's so late! Here are copies of the second
Kyle homework (link to) and the Quiz Bowl #2 questions (see below)
*Yes, there are two division problems in Kyle's homework (median and mean), but you can do them! Just remember to carry it out as a decimal; remainders and fractions are not allowed on this assignment.
*There is a link to decimal division on the Mo'Help tab if you feel you need it. ;-)
Both are
due Wednesday.
Please create six
questions. Questions 1-4 must follow the prescribed format. Questions 5-6 are
Potpourri Questions, which means they can be from any category. *Do not forget your name on your questions!
1.15-line spacing size 14
Calibri font include
skip line between
questions turn in 2
copies single-sided
answers may not be
numbers answers may not be a year
no true/false,
multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank
1. This U.S. State was admitted to the union in _______ (year)
and has a current population of ______________.
It is known for _____________,
_______________, and ________________ and its most populous city
is _________________. Name this state.
2. This common household item can typically be found in
the ____________. It is made of _______________________ and usually costs
around $_____________ This item is used
primarily for _______________ by
Name this item.
3. (Words that start with “W”)
This word that starts with the letter “W” is defined as:
4. ____________________________ is a famous sports figure.
He/She play(ed) from __________ to
__________ (years) and is from _______________________ (country)
He/She is well known for ___________________________________. Another interesting fact about this person is
______________________________________. What sport is ___________________ (name again)
most famous for participating in.
5 & 6. Potpourri: Create two questions in different
categories. It must be possible for sixth grade students to guess the answers
(nothing too obscure). The answers may not be numbers. Multiple choice
questions and true/false questions are not allowed. The answers may not be
year. Each question must contain at least two facts. Include the answer to each