Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Still eating turkey, how about you?

Your winter schedules are about 75% entered; feel free to visit TeacherEase and check them out!  However, please also know that as I discover my mistakes, your schedule may still be altered ...

See you all Monday!
Ella riding her cousin Lindsay's horse on Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Homework for Monday, 11/24

Assignment:  Self-Assessment for Trans Math
Tonight I want you to answer a set of questions I have prepared for you in TeacherEase.  Please be honest and reflective; it's important you think about how you are doing, what you did well, and what you can do better.
This is the first time I have tried to do an assignment through TeacherEase, so we're learning this together.
*First, you will need to go to your TeacherEase account at
  (if you do not know how to access your account, send me an email NOW)
*Next, you will need to select (click on) the "Trimester Self-Assessment" link in the right-hand column.  I believe it should take you directly to what it is calling the "Quiz," but please note it is not actually a quiz.  (haha)
*Once you are on the "quiz," you will see one of the questions.  If you click on the "HINT" button, it will explain what I am looking for in the question more completely.  Each question has its own "hint."
*Type the answer to the questions into the box.  Don't worry about spelling, but do write in English.  (haha again)
*Once you have completed a question, move on to the next one ... there are five.
*I'm guessing at some point you hit "submit," or "save," or some such action.
Obviously we can talk about this tomorrow if it's more confusing than it should be, but do let me know!
Due Tuesday if humanly possible.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework for Thursday, Nov. 20

Assignment:  Test Corrections
We went over these extensively in class today!
Please identify your errors as:  arithmetic error (or multiplication error, addition error, etc.), place value error (or decimal placement), set-up (added when I should have subtracted, etc.), or "did not complete," and why you did not complete that question (examples: "did not know how to divide" or "could not figure out what to do")
These are due FRIDAY in Study Skills
*Parent signatures on completed test corrections will earn a candy point!
*If you lose your test correction form, please just make your own.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Notes for Wednesday night, 11/19

Kyle says, "Go fish!"

Your test scores are entered in TeacherEase now, so please go check them!
(this is wise, especially if you don't like surprises)
Good job overall, but there will be plenty of you wanting to retest next Tuesday as well, so study up!  I recommend Quizlet as there were a lot of arithmetic errors, but some of you still have place value issues too.
Kyle and Mavis were kinder to many of you than you give them credit for ... I guess that repeated practice does help!  We will be going over questions in class tomorrow and, as always, I am willing to meet anyone at break or lunch that wants some extra help.

Special Note:  There were SIX people who got 100% on BOTH sections, congratulations!  You will get a well-deserved break from math homework tomorrow with test corrections, just be sure to remember to bring back your signed test correction form on Friday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Homework: Pre-Test Choice, November 18

Assignment:  Pre-Test Choice
- corrected and turned in on time for full credit
*NOTE!  There is a typo on the answer key for #9 of the Kyle & Mavis homework.  The correct answer for #9 is 8.09.
Today you chose one of three options for your homework.
A)  Mixed Practice - 
This is exactly how the test will be set up.  Be prepared for this.
B)  Yet More with Kyle and Mavis -
These are the types of questions on the test, but there will only be 8 of them.
C)  Quizlet -
Complete: Decimals Mixed Review, Decimal Division, Decimal Multiplication, or Decimal Applications.  Be sure to turn in a signed sheet, either created by you or printed from Quizlet.
Due Wednesday - to get full credit you MUST hand it in to the basket on Wednesday.

Be prepared when you GET to class tomorrow:  there will be no candy point, just straight to the test.
If you are in period 1 and you prefer to take your test in a bean bag, please grab one BEFORE class and put it in the location where I had you take the pre-quiz.
Sleep and eat well tonight!
Mo ;-)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Homework for Monday, Nov. 17

Assignment:  Student Choice!
This is the second-to-last assignment you will have prior to the unit test on Wednesday.  I hope you chose well!  Keep practicing what you are struggling with; you are ultimately responsible for your learning.
I certainly do not have all of the options available here, but I do have this Mixed Practice worksheet if you have already lost whatever copy I gave to you.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Homework for Thursday, 11/13

Assignment:  Your Choice
MOST of you took the opportunity to meet Mavis today and that just happens to be the only option I have available online.  So if you lost your other sheet, please click HERE and meet Mavis for yourself.
*Quizlet is an option too; one of the four decimal options as listed yesterday.
*If you complete more than one sheet, be sure to attach a blue "extra" slip so I can record it correctly.
Due Friday

P.S.  Have fun with David B. tomorrow!  

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, November 12

Assignment:  Your Choice!
If you lost your copy and need an option, please email me and I can send you something.
If you want to join Quizlet, please go to the "Mo'Help" tab and find the link ("joining Quizlet) and then send me an email letting me know you need an invitation to my page.
Quizlet options:  Remember that there are only 3 options for tonight right now on Quizlet: Decimal Division, Decimal Multiplication, and Decimal Review.  Complete the set in LEARN mode and either print off the result page to turn in or have a parent sign a sheet saying what you completed.  Quizlet scores are pass/no pass only
Due Thursday

Monday, November 10, 2014

Homework for Monday, Nov. 10

Assignment:  Kyle's Job Crisis - C  (the link)
Kyle is back and things are getting increasingly complex.  Fortunately for you, you have the math skills to handle it!  Think through each problem carefully.  Some of you are making use of some good strategies and some of you are still winging your way through things.
Strategies include but are not limited to:
*Highlight the key points
*Label your work with units (4 cats, 3 miles, etc.)
*Cross out words/information you do NOT need.
*Use a separate piece of paper for organizing.
Please include how you set up the problems and any arithmetic you do towards solving them.  If you forget your work, it will receive a "0" until I get it.
Due Wednesday

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Homework for Thursday, Nov. 6

Assignment:  Student Choice 3
Yes, this is due IN Study Skills tomorrow, even though we have Quiz Bowl.  Why save it for the weekend?
Due Friday

Projected Decimals unit test date:  Wednesday, Novvember 19.  Kyle will be there!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, Nov. 5

Assignment:  Self-Evaluation
You are to rate yourself on a scale from 0 - 5 based upon the following AND
You are to write one paragraph discussing your participation on the group poster we worked on today in class.  This paragraph may be typed or handwritten.
In your paragraph, tell me exactly the tasks you did and why you think you earned the score that you have given yourself.  Be honest, be fair, and give yourself what you deserve ... good or not-so-good!
Consider the continuum of these elements as you write your paragraph:
*were you a distraction to your group or were you consistently working?
*did you sit around waiting for direction or were you a self-starter?
*did you argue with your team or were you careful to listen and collaborate?
*were you a brain-dead member or did you come up with and share your ideas?
Yes, you may give yourself a decimal grade, rounded to the nearest 100th.
This is not a novel nor is 2 sentences enough nor should it be reflective of anyone else in your group.  Your paragraph should discuss only you and how you think you functioned as a team member today.
Due Thursday
*Connor H. and Easton, you can write the same paragraph reflecting how you would score yourself on the actual cockroach races day.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Homework for Tuesday, Nov. 4

Sorry it's so late!  Here are copies of the second Kyle homework (link to) and the Quiz Bowl #2  questions (see below)
*Yes, there are two division problems in Kyle's homework (median and mean), but you can do them!  Just remember to carry it out as a decimal; remainders and fractions are not allowed on this assignment.
*There is a link to decimal division on the Mo'Help tab if you feel you need it.  ;-)
Both are due Wednesday.

Please create six questions. Questions 1-4 must follow the prescribed format. Questions 5-6 are Potpourri Questions, which means they can be from any category.  *Do not forget your name on your questions!

1.15-line spacing                                   size 14 Calibri font                                 include answers
skip line between questions                   turn in 2 copies                                     single-sided pages
answers may not be numbers                 answers may not be a year
no true/false, multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank

1.  This U.S. State was admitted to the union in _______ (year) and has a current population of ______________.  It is known for _____________,
_______________, and ________________ and its most populous city is _________________.  Name this state.

2.  This common household item can typically be found in the ____________. It is made of _______________________ and usually costs around $_____________  This item is used primarily for _______________ by
____________________.  Name this item.

3.  (Words that start with “W”) 
This word that starts with the letter “W” is defined as: __________________

4.  ____________________________ is a famous sports figure.  He/She play(ed) from __________ to __________  (years) and is from  _______________________   (country)  He/She is well known for ___________________________________.  Another interesting fact about this person is ______________________________________.  What sport is ___________________ (name again) most famous for participating in.

5 & 6. Potpourri: Create two questions in different categories. It must be possible for sixth grade students to guess the answers (nothing too obscure). The answers may not be numbers. Multiple choice questions and true/false questions are not allowed. The answers may not be year. Each question must contain at least two facts. Include the answer to each question.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Homework for Monday, Nov. 3

Decimals #2: Student Choice
Today we did a "speed lesson" on decimal division.  The purpose was to give those of you who feel ready the tools to give it a try.  For those of you who do not feel ready, please don't worry about it yet.  It's going to be necessary to feel comfortable with long division first.  For anyone that would feel better with some long division review (no remainders), we will have a math lunch for that skill this Wednesday.  For those of you who need some tips on division tonight, check out THIS LINK (also available on the Mo'Help tab)
Otherwise, you chose what you wanted to study tonight from the 4 basic operations.  I certainly do not have copies of all of the assignments, but if you are desperate you can email me.  ;-)
Tomorrow, Kyle will be back ...
Due Tuesday

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cockroach Races - October 31

On Halloween Friday, 8 fabulous cockroaches named in honor of some of our graduates (and Mr. Jeff), raced around tables so we could chart their progress.  We want to thank the Golliets for bringing us our racers, Sami, Heather, and Carl for helping us track and record them, the graduates (Daphne, Tristan, Vin, Behzad, Kate, Spencer, and Henry) who didn't know they would be honored with a dastardly cockroach bearing their name, and Barbara for snapping these action shots.  Watch for our display of graphs and other pictures coming soon to the NOVA hallways.
.... to be continued on Wednesday, November 5....
Tristan the Tormentor makes a break for it.
Ellie, PhoebeC, and EmmaL track Daphne the Dangerous
Owen and PhoebeW map Jefafa the Hutt's route
Clara, Kimberly, Willow, and Easton measure and record the progress of Henry the Horrible