Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, Dec. 17

Assignment:  Write your Directions
This is part 3 of the Coordinate Plane assignments.  A detailed list of tasks is HERE.  Otherwise, please see yesterday's entry (12/16) for instructions on the previous tasks.
Hopefully you are on the step of creating the directions for someone else to follow in drawing your picture.  We practiced this in class today by using the word, "Hi" and giving feedback to our partners.  This was more complicated than a lot of you imagined, so test driving your directions on a parent might be wise!  Remember that whoever follows your directions won't have the benefit of knowing what the picture is supposed to look like, so you must be specific and accurate.
*Feel free to draw on your original picture now; you can even label the points right on it for referring back to.  You will turn in your picture too, but I have already seen it so it's okay if you muss it up a bit.
*Your goal is to have whoever follows your directions recreate your drawing precisely, so don't forget to include any shading instructions.
*There is no exact why to do this, but you must include the coordinate points and you may NOT describe what the picture is supposed to look like.
All three parts:  E69, your picture, and the directions for drawing your picture on a coordinate plane are due Thursday.

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