Thursday, September 24, 2015

Homework for Thursday, September 24

Assignment: Alphabet Probability
Tonight we are collecting data of the frequency of letters used in books and articles.   You should use something that is very "reader friendly," not a science journal, dictionary, or geography atlas.  You may use a fiction book or newspaper article of your choice.  The guidelines are:
*Please write the title of the book/article you used.
*Select 100 words; they should be in sequence, not random words on the page.  It does not matter where you begin your 100 words in the book/article, just that you tally the letters for 100 sequential words.
*Make tally marks on the frequency table for EVERY letter in those 100 words.  Be methodical and accurate.
*Total your tally marks in the spaces provided.  Be methodical and accurate.
*Answer the questions that follow on the page.  You should write the final question on the back of the assignment sheet or you may type them up and staple it to the page.
*If you lost or forgot your worksheet, you can get a copy of it by clicking HERE.
Due Friday

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