Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Homework for Tuesday, January 8

Assignment: Negative Subtraction Choice
Whew! Today we learned and/or reviewed how to subtract negatives in equations. It starts out as a lot, but does become manageable ... eventually, you will forget it was ever difficult at all. But for now, if you are struggling, just take your time and LEARN it. Practice helps.
A: Negative Subtraction Basics - Link!
This worksheet gives you repetition. Get used to looking at the equations until they become familiar. Rewriting them all as addition problems will help.
B: Adding and Subtracting Integers - Link!
Throw in a bit of everything and practice the steps with larger numbers. Also included are longer addition/subtraction problems, but it's the same thing: simplify/rewrite then commute and associate!
D: Subtracting Decimals - Link!
Prefer to practice by using decimals? This worksheet will definitely test to see if you are thinking about this in the right way.
V: Subtraction and Variables - Link!
Don't let this worksheet deceive you, it's from the pre-algebra workbook and allows you to practice replacing variables in equations with negative values. You must write out each "new" equation for credit, along with the answer.
E: Order of Ops with Exponents - Link! 
Eventually, we will all get here, but some of you are ready to practice this now. Be careful, show all of your steps, and simplify as you go!
Due Wednesday
*You are welcome, as always, to do more than one assignment and/or change which assignment you are doing. 
*Jada, I suggest selecting option A tonight. ;-)

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