Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Homework for Tuesday, January 9

Assignment: Negative Mult/Division Choice
There is a bit of a variety here, from the basics to 2-step order of operations to pre-algebra. Please do whatever you are comfortable with ...
*Mult/Div Basics - Link!
Pay attention to the signs here: it is NOT the same as addition and subtraction. Two positive signs or two negative signs make the answer positive. One sign of each make the answer negative. Period.
*Negative Ops pg 29 - Link!
These are two-step ops and I want you to write out both steps so you get used to how the equations look. Yes, the math can be done in your head, but I want you to write the answer and the new equation.
Example:  -5 + 4 x (-2) = -5 + (-8) = -3
These will get pretty complex, so being methodical now will serve you well later.
*1.7 Worksheet - Link!
This worksheet is mini-ops with only multiplication and division. (except for the table)
Think about each step: positive x negative x negative = positive x negative (negative answer) then x the third negative = a positive answer. WRITE OUT THE TWO STEPS.
Example: 5 x (-3) x (-4) = -15 x (-4) = 60
Due Wednesday

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