Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday 11/17 Notes

Students took their first full Transition Math test today and found it to be pretty eye opening!  The factors of time, indecision, and accurate arithmetic all add up to a fairly stressful period.  They will become more comfortable throughout the year and will learn better how to prepare for these testing situations.  There is meant to be a learning curve and they are not expected to have these skills mastered already!
*Students could complete the test during break and/or lunch today.
*Students will retest any and all sections they would like next Tuesday, during class, before the end of the fall trimester.
*Students should not focus on their overall test grade at this time, but rather each sections mastery so they know where to put their efforts before the retest.
*Historically, most students struggle with the application section the first time through this first test.  Figuring out what to do on their own without conversation to assure they are correct is a big step for many of them.  This too will come with time!  Understanding their types of errors (arithmetic?  wrong operations used?) is critical.
QUIZLET remains a fantastic way to study these skills and get immediate feedback!
Tomorrow 11/18 -
*Students will receive their tests back in class and will have the opportunity to make corrections and ask questions.  If they are not completed by the end of the period, these corrections will be considered homework due on Monday.
There is NO homework tonight in Transition Math.
*use this opportunity to make sure your redoes and late papers are in by tomorrow!

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