Monday, March 26, 2012

Homework for Monday, 3/26

Assignment:  Applying M&M Percents
*in the first table, fill in the data (not the percents) from your individual bag.
*in the second table, calculate the percent of each color using proportions and a calculator
*answer the question comparing the percentages you calculated on the "What's in the Bag?" worksheet with the ones done by calculator.
*in the third table, fill in the data from the class data worksheet
*in the fourth table, calculate the percent of each color using proportions: total color multiplied by 100, then divided by the total number of M&Ms in your class
*list the colors in order of greatest percentages to least; your bag & the class percentages
*answer the question regarding how percentages help you to think about how the colors are represented in a bag of M&Ms
Be ready to discuss this tomorrow, Tuesday, March 27
a copy of this worksheet is available on the Mo'Ms page of this blog

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