Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday, May 14

Finance Assignment:  Home Improvement
For this assignment, you need to follow the directions on THIS GOLD SHEET; do not follow the directions on page 105. 
*Go through the steps as listed on the worksheet; they work!
*Be sure to follow the directions on your Lucky and/or Unlucky Chances if they apply for you in this category.
How can I spend $600?!?!?  My maximum budget isn't even that much!
Answer: You are going to need to use your credit card.  You are the average American. 
How do I know how much cash I can afford to pay?
Answer: You don't!  You might assume that you can pay around your minimum monthly amount in cash, but then you will have to test it through the steps to see if it works.  Think of it as a guess and check: you make a logical guess, then check it!
Do I need to buy furniture?  Beds?  Plates?  Will my family be living with nothing if I don't?
Answer:  No, no, no ... you are living a typical month in the life of "you."  This month you happen to be moving, buying a new car, and replacing $600 worth of furniture.  It's not exactly a typical month for the average American, but the payments you are budgeting for are.

Still have a question?  Ask it here so I can add it to the list for everyone to see!

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