Monday, May 5, 2014

Assignments #17 & #18

Details for Assignments #17 & #18
Please read this thoroughly before waiting to ask me in class; you can do this!
#17) Housing, pages 98-100
NOTE: After selling my rare Russian Orloff chicken, I am giving each person an extra $10,000 to put towards their down payment.  This should be added to line 2 on top of the $10,000 you already have AN D in addition to any lucky chance you may have.
There are several pieces to this assignment; be sure to complete ALL of them!
a) You need to have your minimum and maximum house payments (from your guidelines page 94) both written on one of the three pages, 98-100.
b) You need to figure the range (minimum and maximum) of a house you can afford to BUY.  You do this by working backwards through the steps on page 99:  Begin by multiplying your payment by 360, then add back in your down payment amount ($20,000 or more, depending), then record the price of the house you can afford either on the purple sheet or SOMEWHERE on page 98 or 99.  You need to do this regardless of whether you end up buying a house or not.
c) You need to find a house and complete steps 1 - 5 on page 99 (if you buy) or 1 - 2 on page 100 (if you rent).
d) You need to have at least one bedroom for adults, another for children, and another for a roommate as applicable to your situation.
e) Your house's advertisement MUST be cut out and pasted or taped onto page 100.  (this does not always include a picture)
f) If you rent, there is no down payment needed.  Just complete page 100 and glue on the advertisement, but you still need to do steps a - e above.
Important note 2:
Remember that I am limiting you to only one roommate, if you choose to have one, and your roommate must have their own bedroom.
Important note 3:
Be careful not to buy in Eagle's Glen or any other 55+ community; read the advertisements carefully!  When in doubt, you can look up the MLS number on the internet to see if it is that type of housing.
You may NOT use the internet to find your house, but you can certainly look on the internet to confirm details if you want or need to.
This assignment is worth a lot because it will take work to do it all correctly; do it right the first time!
*Wait until this is corrected BEFORE you tranfer the total to the Actual Budget page.  

#18) Utilities page 101
I would wait to have my housing approved before completing this page.
This assignment is trickier than it appears IF you have a roommate ... otherwise it is pretty straightforward.
*IF you have a roommate, you determine the electrical payment (rent or mortgage is between column) from the total payment, not your reduced payment.  Then you take the electrical/sewer/water/phone payments and divide THAT by two.  Again, do NOT use the payment you are making as your guideline; the mortgage payment itself is the one you use to determine the cost of your utilities, then you split the utility bill.
Complete each of the line totals, but wait until they corrected BEFORE you tranfer the totals to the Actual Budget page.

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