Sunday, May 18, 2014

Final Quiz Bowl - the categories

Final round questions for our final Quiz Bowl – May 23

*Final Round questions must be complete sentences; the answer should not be a number.
*You must be able to answer your own question if called upon during Quiz Bowl; if you cannot, you will owe Mr. Gacek a paragraph giving background and additional information about your subject.

You are required to use at least four of the different categories
Final round questions for our final Quiz Bowl are as follows:

Super Heroes & Villains.
-          Provide information on a movie, comic, or book hero or villain. 
-          Clues may include the person’s powers, traits, adversaries, and movies/books they were featured in.

Washington State geography and facts.
-          Cities, landmarks, or geographical features that are special to Washington state.
-          This does not include people except when possibly named in the founding of a city/settlement or discovery for which a landmark or geographical feature is named.

Words beginning or ending with “th.”
-          Give the definition of the word.
-          Words may begin OR end, with the consecutive letter combination of “th.”
-          This is not a spelling contest, so the answer should BE the word.

NOVA student trivia.
-          With permission from the student, give a few interesting facts (or one very unique fact) about a current NOVA 7th or 8th grader.   Be sure to ask first!
-          Trivia should be kind-hearted, interesting, and as unique as possible to the student. 
-          Examples could include naming their 8th grade project, noting what instrument they play, naming their elementary school, siblings, favorite sports, and identifiable characteristics (like wearing cat ears) that would not be perceived as making fun of them.
-          Last names will only be required when there are two students with the same first name.
-          Again, run your clue by the person you are using so that it is approved first.

-          Your choice of topic.

*Questions are due to Mo (you can put them in my in-basket) by WEDNESDAY, May 21.

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