Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Homework for Wednesday, Oct. 1

Assignment:  Student Choice (cts)
First of all, I'm sorry this is so late getting posted.  We had a staff meeting after school today after which I needed to have a mocha at Batdorf.  ;-)

Today's homework is more experience in reading and interpreting graphs; you had four choices:
*CT = Central Tendency, MMM.  I do have a copy of this worksheet in the title.  Many of you have done it before, but it's a good one for making expectations for this unit clear.
*GD = Graphic Details.  As you work through this worksheet, take note of the 8 different lines for the titles and labels; you just need to write the letter in the blank.  The explanations (#9, one for each graph) needs to say why you chose the title per graph.  What I need is for you to cite the information (characteristics of the bars or numbers) that led you to choose that particular title.  In most cases, it would probably be in your best interest to write those explanations on the back of the paper or another sheet of paper.  Then finish by answering questions 10 - 13.
*DD = Data Dilemma.  This is a bit of a brain stretcher.  Be sure to read the directions as they give you parameters for the missing data that you NEED to know.  Come up with a pattern that helps you identify the missing data and you might be surprised how much simpler it seems.
*Fit = Does the Data Fit?  Here is this worksheet again, mostly because I love it.  This won't just stretch your brain, it might hurt a bit!  But it's good for you ... like eating plenty of vegetables.  ;-)
One worksheet Due Thursday

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