Thursday, May 7, 2015

Homework for Thursday, May 7

A lot of you are asking when things are "due," and my most common answer is, "Well, it's not technically due until later in May, but I would do it tonight and stay caught up."
So yes, that's my answer.
Finance Park Book
#15)  Sales Receipt Analysis, pg 27 (8 points)
Yes, you can use a calculator (but not the % button).
You can use proportions or the formula they give you; your choice.

Finance Park Folder:
Grocery Shopping, green sheet - COPY of
Each option is a weekly cost for the groceries in the option list.
Cost is broken down for each category of person.
Each week (on the back side) must be the same for each person in the family, BUT
Each week can be different than the previous week ... and many times it will need to be for you to successfully shop within your budget guidelines.
Your final Monthly Family Total MUST be between your minimum and maximum guidelines unless
a) Your lucky/unlucky chance tells you otherwise or
b) It is impossible: eating only the cheapest options is still too expensive.  In this case, you still buy the cheapest option, but you check "impossible" and will need to find how to save money elsewhere!
*Pencil your monthly total into the "spent" column for groceries - eating in.  We'll get back to transferring it into the "balance" column later.
Clara, if this worksheet does not make sense to you, just wait until Monday to ask.  ;-)

We'll be looking into savings and charitable giving tomorrow!

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