Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, May 12

Finance Park Book:
#17) Stock Quotes, pg 39  (5 points)
Use the stock table on the page to answer questions 1 - 4.  The categories are explained at the top of the page.
*For question #5, you are to do one of two options: a) ask your 7th grader to name a stock they chose for you and why they selected it or b) do some research (which could include interviewing a parent) and select a stock you would like to buy and say why you would select that stock.  NOTE: it must be a real stock and your reasons need to be more than, "because I like coffee."

#18) Sample Budgets, pg 77 (6 points)
Review any of the vocabulary on previous pages if it is unclear what they are asking, then answer the questions on the page using the table at the top.  Assume that the larger the apartment, the more expensive it is.  (only sometimes true in "real" life, but this is fiction!)

Your Life Folder: 
Electrical - Water - Sewer - Trash - Cable - Phone worksheet 
*this worksheet is gray and is available HERE as well.
*Note that you must have selected a house to determine your electrical bill.
*Note that the Water/Sewer/Trash section is calculated differently.
*Note that you MUST have either a land line or a cell phone per person.  You may also have a land line and a single cell phone if you want, but having a land line only is the minimum.
*Note that you do not "need" to purchase cable or internet unless you need those charges to put you above your minimum.
*CIRCLE or otherwise indicate your choices!!!
*And finally note that your total must be between your minimum and maximum for this category, item #2 on your yellow budget sheet.

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