Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, March 31

Assignment: Proportion Application ws
We did practice problems like these in class today, but it's TRICKY!
*Set up your problems in proportions (to visualize the question), then solve it in any way (the arithmetic) that you are comfortable with.  I need to see your work: no calculators.
*USE YOUR LABELS.  They will help you, I promise.
*Make sure you are answering the QUESTION.  Read the bold print because it will help you to identify the question.
*I like to list "what I know" before I make my proportion.  Often the information will come to you in ways that don't directly answer the question ... take note of that.  Sometimes they give you a value of (for example) 25% when the number you need to USE is 75% (for example) to actually answer the question.  Again, labels will help.
Bully throught it, folks, that's how you will know where you need help!
And props to Anne and Zoe for asking for help today before they went home.  ;-)
Due Thursday

Monday, March 30, 2015

Homework for Monday, March 30

Assignments: (it looks like a lot, it is not if you have stayed caught up...)
1) Bag Prediction
Guess what will be in the bag hanging in the front of the classroom?  The closest guesser (using absolute values) wins it!  (1 point)  The remaining 3 points for this assignment will come from your explanation of why you picked the numbers you did.  Use the graphs, use the data, use your wit!
*this should be stapled to the back of your packet after we use it in class Tuesday.
2) M&M Packet (copy of this worksheet on yesterday's blog post)
Follow the directions on the sheet; the rubric for points is there too.  Quality of your answers is important.  Make any corrections you want to tonight!  You will staple your bag prediction on the back of this packet before turning it in tomorrow.
3) Golden Ticket Graph
This is a take-home quiz ... which is why I do not have a lot of directions detailed here ... you needed to tally the data in class, write your initial prediction, and follow the directions as given.
a) You were to guess what would happen, writing for one minute.
b) You now have a sample of the data that we collected.  You will need to figure out parts, wholes, and how to convert that into a circle graph (pie chart).  You may use a calculator.  Make a circle graph, include labels ... everything that will make this complete.
c)  Why do you think the results happened that did?  They are results of a sample of the population, no disputing that!  But would they happen again if we sampled other people or would it be completely different?  What do you think?  What kind of sample is this?  Is it predictable?  Etc. etc.  write for at LEAST 3 minutes to tell me what you think.  (we'll talk more about it in class)
Due Tuesday

Saturday, March 28, 2015

M&M Packet checklist

Here is a link to the checklist for the M&M packet.
You will receive the "Bag Prediction" on Monday.
All of the other worksheets are available in our classroom and on various blog posts previous to this one.
Your packet is DUE TUESDAY!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Homework for Thursday, March 26

Assignment:  More Pig Data & 2 Observations
*I do not have a link to graph paper; you will need to get that on your own if you do not have it (this includes picking more up in class)
1) Your first observation on the back of the paper is 3 minutes long.  You should have discussed what you know about theoretical and experimental probability, what you think will happen when we increase our sample size to include more data than we had with just our partner (predict), why we think probability works (or does not), how this is mathematical, and basically just anything that you understand about collecting data for a probability experiment.  "I don't know," is not an acceptable answer ... I need to know what you DO know.  I want to see where you are in this area, so three minutes worth of your thinking is awesome.  *note, you may write more if you want to, but it is not required.
2) Making your histogram
A link to the data we are using for each of your classes is HERE.
Be sure to use the data from your period, but if you are super into this, you could use all of it from both period!  It's fine either way.  Use color, labels, and make it easy to see/read.
3) Follow-up Observation
Well?!?!?  What happened?!!?!?  Were you surprised, not surprised?  Why do you think this happened?  What is probability?  How is the theoretical probability (what "should" have happend) connected to the experimental (what DID happen)? Would this change by adding more data; significantly or just a bit? Is this enough data to prove the theory?  How so?
I want you to time yourself on this one and write (you may type) for 5 minutes.  (don't count the time you use sharpening your pencil or thinking about thinking ... count the 5 minutes as activly writing minutes),  It is not required to write longer than 5 minutes, just get down what you can in 5.  However, if you are into it and you want to add more you certainly can.
Due Monday, March 30  
(or if you want to think about it this way, it's due Friday, but you will turn it in next Monday)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, 3/25

Assignment: Pie Chart of your bag
There are a few key components to this assignment.  Only Anne & Annie visited at math lunch, so I'm going to assume the rest of you know what you are doing.  However, here is the nitty gritty:
1) All of the proportions you use should be set up on the left side of the page.  Write them as proportions using the percent of the color for your percent part and the number of M&Ms in your bag to = the 100%.  You must have the proportions written on your page.
2) After writing your proportions, you may solve for the number of degrees in your pie slices.  You may use a calculator for these.
3) Use a protractor to draw the lines for your pie chart after completing the computations.  The numbers you get represent the DEGREES of the circle you will use;
4) Lines should be straight (use a ruler or your protractor) and as close to accurate as possible to the angle measurements you have determined.
4) Your pie chart (aka circle graph) must have a title and labels.  Pie slices should have the color name written in as well as each PERCENT represented.
5) Pie slices must be colored according to the color they represent.
*If you lost your pie graph, get a large circle to trace and make your own; don't forget to include the proportions.
Due Thursday for an on-time sticker

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homwork for Tuesday, March 24

Assignment:  Percents and Proportions Practice ws
Please follow the directions on this worksheet.  You must show me HOW you set up the proportions and you must show me your arithmetic.  This is NOT a calculator worksheet.
*Use the link on the Mo'Help tab if you are still struggling with turning these verbal expressions into written equations.
*When you are done writing your proportion, say it back to yourself before solving.  Use the "is," the "of," and the "what" in the appropriate spaces when reading the proportion back to yourself: does it still read the same way as the verbal equation?
*Then solve it.  There may be decimals, but they are all doable with very little pain in the end.
Due Wednesday

Monday, March 23, 2015

Homework for Monday, March 23

Assignment:  M&M Percents
This worksheet can be done with a calculator.
You will need to use a) the data from your bag of M&Ms and
b) the data from the class bag.
You will need to set up proportions like we did in class ... hopefully you have those steps in your notes.  Please PRACTICE setting them up like this.  Eventually you may choose another method, but this is what we're working on now.  There is a link to this in the Mo'Help tab.
Make sure to answer the two questions on the page thoroughly if you want your sticker.  I'm going to be sticky about my stickers tomorrow ... I want to see answers!  ;-)
Due: Tuesday (for an on-time sticker)
p.s. I might be back later to add on to this, but we went over it again in math lunch, so ...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

M&M Update

Winner winner chicken dinner - and the winners of the M&M Pressure Test are ...
Team Green!  Phoebe C, Ben, Ella Wren, and Willow
While all of your teams did a good job, this was in fact a unanimous decision by the judges.  So congratulations!  You will receive your candy points on Monday.
*Short notes for your team are available in TeacherEase now along with your grade.

Please note that the Twin Bag assignment we began in class on Friday is NOT due on Monday.  This assignment is not sticker qualified, but will be included in your M&M packet when it is due.  The individual stack bars are now on the wall in room #1. You will receive more details about how to prepare the entire packet this week.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Homework for Thursday, March 19

Assignments: 2 Stack Bars & 6 Box Plots
Lots of coloring tonight!
A) Two Stack Bars
You are to create TWO stack bars of YOUR data.  Please use the scale on the sheet.
Stack your data from bottom to top in the color order we have been using.
Leave no white spaces between the colors.
Your lines should be straight, your sections should be colored appropriately, and your data should be labeled.
When you are done, your top value should be the same as the total number of M&Ms in your bag.
B) 6 Box Plots
Set up your page exactly as we did in class:  5 spaces for each plot with two spaces in between.
On this graph, one box = one M&M.
We went over the values we will be using in class today so you should all have the same numbers to work with.
Do not use fancy decimals for this graph, they just aren't necessary.  You may round to the nearest 1/2 or approximate where the number falls on your plot.
Your lines should be straight, your sections should be colored appropriately, and your data should be labeled.
Be sure to mark where YOUR data falls on each of the plots.  For example, if I have 7 blue M&Ms, I need to indicate on my blue box plot my M&M on the 7th line and be sure to put in my key how I marked my M&M.  (with a circle, a colored dot, an "x", etc.)
Due Friday - bring with you to math!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Homework for Wednesday, March 18
There are two assignments tonight that can each earn you an on-time sticker tomorrow.  Please remember that they only receive a sticker if they are done BEFORE school, on your honor.  If  you forgot your class data, visit yesterday's blog post for a link to that data.
1) M&Ms Organized List  (link to a blank copy)
Create an Organized List & determine the 5-number-summary for each color.
*Use your random chaos (class) data; every number needs to be represented.
*Do not use the central row labeled "m" to insert data.  That is the median which you will determine based on what values you get for person 8 and person 9.
*For a review of how to find your 5-number summaries, please use the link on the Mo'Help tab.
We will correct these in class tomorrow, but it must be complete before then for an on-time sticker.
2) Central Tendencies ws:  fill in the data tables (link to a blank copy)
*Questions 1 - 4: If there is more than one color with the same range, choose ONE of the colors to answer the questions.  To respond to these you would say something like, "I was at the top of the list and had more green M&Ms than about 75% of the class." (for example)
*Mode - if there is more than one mode, list them all
*Median - if the answer is a decimal, write it as a decimal
*Mean - You MAY use a caclulator for this set.  (I certainly would)  Answers should be in decimal form, but you can round to the first or second decimal place (your choice). A smart choice would be to use the totals you have already determined on your class data page ...
*For #5 - Just look at the 3 central tendency tables and the table you made for your self to determine which one best represents how your bag was.  It is entirely possible that none of them look like your bag or all of them; you still need to select one, but in your discussion of why you chose that table, be sure to address how yours is in fact very different.  Note:  This is about noting the similarities as well as the differences ... there is not one right answer, but there may be wrong ones, so defend your choice!
Due Thursday for on-time stickers!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, March 17

Assignment:  M&M pages 1 and 2
There will be points assigned tomorrow for completed homework that cannot be made up.  Be prepared at the beginning of class!
1) What's in the Bag? (link to a blank copy)
Complete this assignment including the histogram in alphabetical order and in color.
Part-to-whole ratios may be rewritten in simplest form if it helps you to think about them that way.
*Part = the number of that color
*Whole = the number of M&Ms in the whole bag
2) Class Chart (link to a blank copy)
This should contain the data from YOUR period.
Charts with your class numbers are on these links:
You will not turn these in tomorrow because you need the data, but you will get the on-time sticker for points if they are done before class ... not within the first minute of class or during Language Arts.
Due Wednesday

Monday, March 16, 2015

Homework for Monday, March 16

Assignment:  Fraction Patterns ws
*there is no copy of this assignment available online
This assignment is to be done with a calculator: treat each fraction as a division problem, meaning 1/7 = 1 divided by 7.
Write down each answer, then divide the next fraction and so on, until you see a pattern.
*The amount of decimal places you choose to record is up to you.
*Once you recognize the pattern, you do not need to continue dividing the fractions, you may just write the next sequence of numbers.
*On the other side of the paper (or another sheet), explain the pattern for each set of fractions.  You should know how to write a good explanation by now.  ;-)
Due Tuesday
*fyi, these are fraction to decimal conversions ...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework for Thursday, March 12

Assignment:  1, 2, 3, 4 Survey
Yes, this is a simple survey.  We are collecting data and that's it!
The assignment is reprinted here:
Today you are going to collect statistics.  It is important that you follow these simple directions … simple, but super important!
*First, you should have 5 gold sheets with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 written on them.
  (if you lost your papers or want to do this survey more times, then you can make your own ballots!  Having the actual ballots is NOT important)
*Second, write your name on the back of each sheet.
*Third, on one of the sheets circle one of the numbers.

NOW – you need to find four more people to survey. 
*You may not survey another 6th grader.
*You should not do this with people that you know have already done it.  In other words, if you see someone being surveyed, please do not survey them again.  However …
*… just because they may have done it with someone else, it’s okay that you survey them too, just not close to the same time.
*You may survey 7th & 8th graders, teachers, friends, siblings, parents, neighbors, and other humans.

Directions with no other direction from you
– Hand the person one of the slips of paper and tell them to circle any of the numbers.
-          Take the paper back and thank them. 
-          Staple these together and turn them in tomorrow. (don’t forget your name on each one.
-          That’s it!
These are due FRIDAY, MARCH 13 and are graded as complete, partially complete (late or fewer than 5 surveys), and incomplete.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Assignment: Taking Chances on the River
*Please read the instructions on this worksheet and take your time! 
*Finish the table with the 36 possible rolls for two dice (we went over these in class today). Rolls should be written as (1, 3) and also (3, 1) for example.
*Have a method to your madness ... it will be easier to answer the questions if you can find the possibilities easily. Your table must be complete for full credit.  You do have the option of creating a table using the bar graph format (that I put on the board in class) but it must be completely filled out in order to count as your table.  You can do this on the back of your worksheet or on another sheet of paper, but be sure to actually turn it in!
*USE THE TABLE you create to answer these questions. Some of them are NOT intuitive!
*Answers should be written as probabilities (part to whole) or the probability that something will happen out of the 36 tries. 
*P stands for "probability of" something happening. For example, if the question is P(3,3) it is asking you how many times you theoretically will roll 3 and 3 in 36 rolls. The answer would be 1:36 or 1/36: there is only one place in your table where 3,3 is listed.
*"difference of" means that the difference between the two dice is the given number, for another example. Read the questions out loud to yourself and you will know what the question is asking.
*There no copies of this worksheet available online today. 
Due Wednesday

THIS IS THE STUDY GUIDE for the application section of the test tomorrow.  Please email me if you have additional questions, but be specific.  ;-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Homework for Tuesday, 3/10

Assignment:  Pig Data: 3 Graphs & 2 Observations
Today we played pig and you were to collect data for your dice rolls.  Towards the end of class you were to share your data with your partner.  Hopefully you remembered to mark every roll on your graph sheet ... it's what makes the data real.
Graphs:  Your graph sheet should have a title and labels.  It should contain three histograms: one for your data, one for your partner's data, and one of your data combined.  It should look something like this:
Example of how to set up your graphs.  Please use this format!
Observations:  Make these AWESOME!!!!
1) When you look at the graphs, what do you SEE?  Remember, this isn't what you should see or think you should see, this is looking at the actual data, period.
*You should be looking for patterns.  Is your data similar to your partners?  Different?  And what happens when you combine your data ... does it change things?  Talk, talk, talk ...
2) WHY do you think the data turned out this way?  You might connect this to what you know about rolling dice and you might just connect it to what you think you know.  Either way, what you did was "actual," and you need to discuss why this "actually" happened.  Again, you may have a theory and that may or not have happened, buy why???
Due Wednesday

Monday, March 9, 2015

Homework for Monday, Marcy 9

Assignment:  Strategies and Theory
This is the first homework of the trimester, so do your best to start off on the right foot! 
It is complete, 1/2 complete (lame responses or partially done), or incomplete. 
There are no redo versions of this assignment.
*On the front of your assignment, you are to draw (or mark an "x") wherever you are going to put a bean the next time we play this game.  You will have 12 beans again.
*On the back (or bottom) of your game board, please complete the following:
1) Your strategy for game #2.  As you prepare to play the second game, are you changing where you place your beans?  Why or why not?  What did you consider this time?
2) WHAT do you think we are doing?  (or what is the end to the movie?)  Did you research it, ask someone, or just take your best logical guess?  In other words, this is math ... so what math do you think it is?  Be honest.  ;-)
Due Tuesday 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Thanks! And looking ahead ...

Thanks to all of you for completing the Frodoland survey.  Your grades for the project are now in TeacherEase.  Specific feedback on your map and your peer evaluations will be in your winter trimester report card.  I'm busy at work on them!

We will continue to have visitors in the 6th grade beginning on Monday & Tuesday!  Things will be a little crazy with new classes and schedules to manage, so please be extra mindful of our guests among us.

Many, many of you should focus on the Fractions retest that will happen in class this Thursday.  Please attend to the sections that you struggled with by practicing the Quizlet sets and attending math lunches.  Math lunches this trimester will be every day you show up, but Tuesdays are out because I have meetings then.

Quiz Bowl #4 will be this coming Friday.  Your questions are due this Wednesday.  Please see the February 28 blog post if you no longer have yours with you.  ;-)

Welcome to the spring trimester!  And don't forget:  athletic shoes are required for ALL P.E. classes, rain or shine.  ;-)

Monday, March 2, 2015

Please attend to this NOW:

(and if you have already done so, thank you!)

This is possibly going to hurt, but here it goes ...
If you have not yet completed your Frodoland Group Evaluation, you need to by Thursday, March 5.  I had a deadline of Sunday, but "opened" it back up so you can still do it. People are waiting for their Frodoland scores and that cannot happen until I get your peer evaluations in.  Be considerate of your teammates, eh?
Here is the hard part:  if you do not complete your peer evaluation, I will assume that you have rated yourself a "0" and your teammates "5."  And neither of those things is really fair, but it's the end of the trimester and we need to wrap this up.
So there it is ... you have NO homework this week, so get jiggy with it!
Mo ;-)