Thursday, March 12, 2015

Homework for Thursday, March 12

Assignment:  1, 2, 3, 4 Survey
Yes, this is a simple survey.  We are collecting data and that's it!
The assignment is reprinted here:
Today you are going to collect statistics.  It is important that you follow these simple directions … simple, but super important!
*First, you should have 5 gold sheets with the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 written on them.
  (if you lost your papers or want to do this survey more times, then you can make your own ballots!  Having the actual ballots is NOT important)
*Second, write your name on the back of each sheet.
*Third, on one of the sheets circle one of the numbers.

NOW – you need to find four more people to survey. 
*You may not survey another 6th grader.
*You should not do this with people that you know have already done it.  In other words, if you see someone being surveyed, please do not survey them again.  However …
*… just because they may have done it with someone else, it’s okay that you survey them too, just not close to the same time.
*You may survey 7th & 8th graders, teachers, friends, siblings, parents, neighbors, and other humans.

Directions with no other direction from you
– Hand the person one of the slips of paper and tell them to circle any of the numbers.
-          Take the paper back and thank them. 
-          Staple these together and turn them in tomorrow. (don’t forget your name on each one.
-          That’s it!
These are due FRIDAY, MARCH 13 and are graded as complete, partially complete (late or fewer than 5 surveys), and incomplete.

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