Thursday, March 19, 2015

Homework for Thursday, March 19

Assignments: 2 Stack Bars & 6 Box Plots
Lots of coloring tonight!
A) Two Stack Bars
You are to create TWO stack bars of YOUR data.  Please use the scale on the sheet.
Stack your data from bottom to top in the color order we have been using.
Leave no white spaces between the colors.
Your lines should be straight, your sections should be colored appropriately, and your data should be labeled.
When you are done, your top value should be the same as the total number of M&Ms in your bag.
B) 6 Box Plots
Set up your page exactly as we did in class:  5 spaces for each plot with two spaces in between.
On this graph, one box = one M&M.
We went over the values we will be using in class today so you should all have the same numbers to work with.
Do not use fancy decimals for this graph, they just aren't necessary.  You may round to the nearest 1/2 or approximate where the number falls on your plot.
Your lines should be straight, your sections should be colored appropriately, and your data should be labeled.
Be sure to mark where YOUR data falls on each of the plots.  For example, if I have 7 blue M&Ms, I need to indicate on my blue box plot my M&M on the 7th line and be sure to put in my key how I marked my M&M.  (with a circle, a colored dot, an "x", etc.)
Due Friday - bring with you to math!

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