Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Snow Report!

Hello!  Wow, what a crazy week.  This is the first day we've had power and cable, so I'm just now beginning to catch up on things.  I apologize if you sent me an email (although I am envious that you could!); I will be getting around to those slowly but surely.

My Dad fell and broke his hip on Saturday morning, so we spent all of yesterday in the hospital with him.  He is recovering now and getting some well-deserved sleep, but it was a very stressful day for all of us.  After having finally dug out of our driveway just the day before, it set us back again in all that we had hoped to accomplish in catching back up.

IF YOU ARE BACK ONLINE AND CAN READ THIS:  Reply to this post and share your story with everyone else who can get online.  I am eager to know who can and what you have been doing!  Here is my link -

I hope that you realize that we may need to push through a few of the math skills more quickly that usual so that we can eventually get back on track.  I will be assessing how we can best manage that AND what you might be expected to do more on your own.  I don't want to cancel all of the great things we can do in class together just to push forward, so I will need your help in practicing a bit more on your own.  Don't worry right now though; we will work on making these decisions once we're back in class.

The retest for negatives will most likely be this Friday, January 27, along with completing Frodoland.  I need to speak with Mr. Gacek to see how we might arrange that day, but that's my game plan at this time.

Okay, I am going to get back to my other work.  I dug out a few tree branches earlier and let the chickens out.  They were pretty excited to be out of their cold, muddy run and back in the cold, icy snow.  I hope you are all warm and well,

Mo ;-)


  1. We just got our power back on this morning, and had about 2 feet of snow that's finally melting.
    So we're not swimming again this week on Friday? I thought we were.
    Hopefully there will be school tomorrow!

    1. Hello Cleo! Great to know you have your power back too.
      Last week was supposed to be our last week of swimming because we only have 3 Fridays left (can you believe that?!?!), but I may have to reassess because of the snow once I can get in contact with Sherrie (the archery lady) again. Also, it is entirely possible we could add in a few more winter trimester days, but that's all up in the air ...
      Hope to see you tomorrow too!
      Mo ;-)
