Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Holidays!

In class on Thursday, December 15, students had to use ordered pairs to identify letters associated with those points.  Those letters combined to form the punch line to a "Funny Haha.".  Students were then asked to write a joke for that punchline, hoping to have the closest match to the original.   The punchline was:
  "On those days the kids have to play inside."

Mr. Sieling, Mr. Kehoe, and Maestra voted on the winners for these categories: 
Closest match period 1:  When it rains candy ...  (by Ken & Maggie)
Closest match period 2:  Where do kids go when it rains cats & dogs? (Claire & Robyn)
Funniest Haha:  Sometimes the elephants take a bath in the neighborhood. (Lucas, Kate, and Jenna)

Actual joke?  Why is a mother kangaroo unhappy when it rains?
Winners will receive one candy point each.  Congratulations!

Thank you for the hahahahahahas,
See you all next year!  Stay safe, warm, and happy -
Mo ;-)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 12/15

Assignment:  3 Puzzles (More Problem Solving with Integers)
*These puzzles require brain power!  If you have no strategy, they will take you a thousand years longer to solve.
*Your explanations do not have to be long or complex, just say what you need to say so I know how you solved them.
*There is no redo or late papers accepted on this assignment; please take your time and give me your best effort.  (if you are absent, this assignment will be excused)
Due Friday, the last day of school before Winter Break!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 12/14

Assignment:  Write an Application Problem
*You must write one application problem where you are the main subject.
*Your story must include negative numbers.
*There must be at least 5 changes in direction.  (example: increases and decreases in temperature, gains and losses in money, etc.)
*The sequence of your story must go below zero (negative) at least once.
*Your problem should represent an appropriate difficulty level for your classmates.
*Please make sure your problem is legible or you will receive it back to rewrite.  You may, and are encouraged to, type your story and print it out if this works for you.
*You must include the answer somewhere on your page.  I will remove the answer before anyone receives your problem to work on. 
*Feel free to illustrate it too!  (this is not a requirement, but it certainly would be cool)
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 12/13

Assignment:  Adding & Subtracting Negatives, A or B (your choice)
*Please select the level of homework that you are most comfortable working with.  It is important that you GET these skills, not that you are concerned about looking beastly with your homework.
*Both of these assignments are worth 15 points regardless of which one you complete.
*If you do both assignments, you will add 30 points to your overall total, but they are not "extra credit" points, they are just more options for practice.
*Both of these assignments are available here:
  Option A (basic whole numbers)
  Option B (larger numbers and decimals)
Due Wednesday

I have added an addition/subtraction only practice set to Quizlet.  Go there!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Homework for Monday, 12/12

Homework:  More Negative Subtraction problems! (differentiated)
*Please see the last few blog entries for this important yet confusing skill.  You MUST be able to recognize negatives in subtraction problems and know what to do with them.  There is help on Mo'Help and there are plenty of problems to practice on Quizlet.
*It's all about your mastery; take care!
Due Tuesday

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 12/8

Assignment: Subtracting Negatives #2
*You really can't get enough practice with this important skill.  Everyone is getting another day with these to sink in, but in a slightly different format.  Show me your good stuff!
*For problems 9 - 11, you are to put the missing integer that makes the equation true.
*See yesterday's blog notes and/or the Mo'Help page if you still have questions about these bad cowboys.
Due Friday

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 12/7

Assignment:  Subtracting Negatives #1 (differentiated)
*The lesson today was that it is much easier to add than to subtract.  While it seems like extra work at this time to change everything into an addition problem, it will help you to think about it this way in the future.
-Remember:  we have good cowboys and bad cowboys. 
-Remember:  subtracting a negative number is really just cowboys undercover: bad cowboys that are really good!  5 - (-3) = 5 + 3
-Remember:  rules might confuse you: do not count negative signs, don't worry about subtracting, just collect your cowboys.  Who wins?  That's your answer.
*You will find a more thorough description of subtracting negatives on the Mo'Help page of this blog.
*You will find plenty of practice problems on my Quizlet page. 
Due Thursday

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 12/6

Assignment:  Addition #2 (differentiated)
*For most of you, you will need to complete (and pass) Practice ws 1.5 in order to check addition off your yellow Negatives card. 
*Be careful ... you are just collecting and associating cowboys.  You know how to do this!
*Fun times!  Julie in the office scanned this for me and it turned out upside-down.  I love it.  If you were absent (Ken & Fuchsia), forgot (Alek), or lost (anyone?) your worksheet, you can download a copy HERE.  The good news is, after you print if off you can turn the paper right side up.  Haha!
*For those of you with the "Practice with Variables 11" worksheet, just think of it as cowboys with letters rather than colors.  You still collect them, but they will not actually face-off against the other letters, they will just meet on the field and hang out.  However, IF there are negatives & positives within one letter set, they WILL treat each other just like the cowboys do ... and THAT is how you simplify.
(I included plenty of directions on the actual worksheet)
Due Wednesday

Monday, December 5, 2011

Homework for Monday, 12/5

Assignment:  Real Life Negatives - B
*Yep!  More application with problems with negatives!
*Think about how you are collecting the positive & the negative ... it does matter.
*Be careful to read the problems carefully and answer the question.  The point of an application problem is to actually apply the math to the question, understand?
*Need a copy of the assignment?  Here it is:  Real Life Negatives - B
Due Tuesday
*Special note!  Problem #2 is missing a distance.  Feel free to use any number (or variable) you want ... just be sure to answer the problem correctly!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 12/1

Assignment:  Adding Negatives
*You received one of two assignments today. 
*Unfortunately, they are worksheets that I cannot upload AND they are individualized anyway.  Extra copies are available in the classroom and absent students can find their assignment attached to the magnetic white board.
*Remember - you are just collecting good cowboys and bad cowboys ... so who wins?  
Due Friday

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 11/30

Trivia Question for 1 bonus candy point:  On yesterday's homework picture, the quote (first line) in the blog entry came from what movie?  (see if your parents know!)

First Period People:  I forgot to go over the definition to the first answer in the homework today.  Please ask your parents, someone in 2nd period, or google it!

Assignment:  Real Life Negatives A (both sides!)
*Please show me how you collect positives & negatives to determine your answer. 
*An extra copy of the worksheet is right here.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 11/29

  "Who are those guys???"   

*meet the bad cowboys and the  good cowboys.
     (in honor of Patrick)

Assignment:  Commutative and Associative Properties with Negatives ws
*Keep it SIMPLE!!!!
*Today we focused on how it works, NOT what an equation looks like.  We never want to forget the "rules" again, eh?
*Follow the homework directions precisely:
Step 1) commute only;
Step 2) total positive and total negative;
Step 3) Answer.  Make sure to indicate whether it is positive or negative (blue or yellow cowboys?)
*For #5 Mavis, write the steps out yourself.
Due: Wednesday

Monday, November 28, 2011

Homework for Monday, 11/28

Assignment:  Paper Airplane 4 Questions
*You are to answer four questions based on your GRAPH ONLY (handed back in class today) and your calculation for your mean flights (which you were to record on the question page from your data sheet).
*Any data used from your data list is NOT relevant to these questions and will not be considered in your answer even if you refer to it. 
*If you need help in how to think about and respond to these questions, please click here!
*If you were absent today (Jasper H & Sanjeev), you will need your box plots to answer these questions, so you will have to wait until you get back.
*If you lost your question sheet, you can get a copy HERE, but obviously you will need to get your mean from your list in class on Tuesday.
*Make these answers awesome!  Show me how much you learned about reading and analyzing graphs as a mathematician.
Due Tuesday

Winter P.E. - beginning Tuesday, November 28 and running through December, Tuesday through Thursday classes will be going to the Alley Oop Gym.  Please wear clean socks!  
*Students need a permission slip as sent home by the time they have P.E. this week.
*Elective P.E. classes will not begin until January, so don't worry about whether or not you need a swimsuit, soccer cleats, etc. until then.  We'll get to that.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Trimester 2:

Your winter schedules are now on TeacherEase.  Check them out and let me know if you think there are any errors!
There will also be a paper copy for you at school on Monday.

Hope your Thanksgivings were wonderful,
Mo ;-)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Congratulations! 11/22

Look at the cool mathiness of the date today ... nice!

Today we took care of the mysterious missing math multiplication papers that went AWOL together and have now been banished from grade reports.  Perhaps they have gone to Frodoland and will return in the spring?  We shall see ...

We also took care of retests which should be posted by midnight* (updated time; I am just now leaving my meeting at school at 6:42) on Teacherease tonight.  Remember that your BEST scores will be reflected; I'm interested in your mastery of the skills not your "grade."

Maggie, Kahlil, Jasper H., and Ken:  Your retests will be Tuesday, November 29 during lunch.  They WILL count towards your fall trimester grades, so don't worry!

Congratulations on a trimester well completed!  Your winter trimester schedules will be posted on Teacherease over the course of the next 5 days.  Come prepared as if you have P.E. on Monday:  indoor activity, tennis shoes, & comfortable clothing. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours,
Mo ;-)

Monday, November 21, 2011

End of Trimester Business: Monday, 11/21

No Homework!  Just finishing the details.

*Make sure you prepare for the retest tomorrow.  You all told me the section(s) you wanted to retake in class today, so it's up to you to be ready for the task tomorrow.
*I still recommend Quizlet as the best preparation tool I have to offer. There ARE practice decimal application problems available now.
*Look over old papers to identify and learn from your mistakes.  You can be your own best teacher!

Have something to do in class tomorrow if you finish early or are simply not retesting.  You MAY choose to redo some old papers and/or work on things for other classes.  The bottom line is that you must be quiet and working alone.
*If you haven't turned in your test corrections yet, don't forget them Tuesday!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekend Update 11/20

Please see the previous post for my notes/comments/suggestions on the Decimal unit test.

Your grades on Teacherease are continually being updated.  Please check in if you have not already done so! 
Last Friday, 11/18, was the "last" day for turning in late & redone papers and guaranteeing they would be on your fall trimester grade report.  There are a few exceptions to this policy:
*Anything handed back last Friday or tomorrow CAN be redone by Tuesday, 11/22 and WILL be reflected in the grade report.
*Depending on how many other late/redone papers I receive, some of them MAY still make it into this trimester's grades.  Your focus should be on the redo process, not the grade anyway, but if I have time to get to them next week you are in luck.  I understand that this is your first trimester for these types of deadlines, so I will do my best to get to them.

There will be no new math homework on Monday, 11/21, but you should use that opportunity to practice what YOU need to practice for the retest in class on Tuesday.  You may still select the worksheets we did for Choice 2 that have the keys online (for practice, not a grade) OR better yet: use Quizlet!!!!  Have I suggested that enough?  ;-D

Due  Monday:  Test Corrections; signed!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday 11/17 Notes

Students took their first full Transition Math test today and found it to be pretty eye opening!  The factors of time, indecision, and accurate arithmetic all add up to a fairly stressful period.  They will become more comfortable throughout the year and will learn better how to prepare for these testing situations.  There is meant to be a learning curve and they are not expected to have these skills mastered already!
*Students could complete the test during break and/or lunch today.
*Students will retest any and all sections they would like next Tuesday, during class, before the end of the fall trimester.
*Students should not focus on their overall test grade at this time, but rather each sections mastery so they know where to put their efforts before the retest.
*Historically, most students struggle with the application section the first time through this first test.  Figuring out what to do on their own without conversation to assure they are correct is a big step for many of them.  This too will come with time!  Understanding their types of errors (arithmetic?  wrong operations used?) is critical.
QUIZLET remains a fantastic way to study these skills and get immediate feedback!
Tomorrow 11/18 -
*Students will receive their tests back in class and will have the opportunity to make corrections and ask questions.  If they are not completed by the end of the period, these corrections will be considered homework due on Monday.
There is NO homework tonight in Transition Math.
*use this opportunity to make sure your redoes and late papers are in by tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 11/16

Assignment:  Student Choice #2
Your assignment is to be corrected, then "corrected" to be turned in at the beginning of the period on Thursday.  It will be either "complete" (scored with corrections made), "partially complete" (scored, but perhaps without corrections made), and "incomplete" (late or not turned in).
Your choices are:
*Quizlet: (Decimal Division, Decimal Multiplication, or Decimals Review).  Please complete at least 15 problems in the "Test" option.  Print it out and bring it in with your corrections attached.
*Multiplication worksheet #6   Answer Key!
*Division worksheet pg 8         Answer Key!
*Order of Operations with decimals and exponents  Answer Key!
*Applications with Mavis    Answers to Mavis!
Due at the beginning of your math period on Thursday

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 11/15

Assignment:  Student Choice
Students were to choose a homework option based upon their comfort level with decimals.  If they had not yet completed an order or operations worksheet, they were required to choose one for tonight.  Many students completed the extra optional homework available yesterday (see Tuesday's blog entry) which could be used as tonight's homework; way to go!
1)  Order of Operations with Decimals  - copy of worksheet here
2)  More Order of Operations with Decimals - copy of worksheet here
3)  The Continued Job Crisis - B  - copy of worksheet here
         (for those students not previously required to complete it)
4)  Lesson 9 Division ws  (available in class)
5)  Long Jump ws and graph from pre-algebra workbook (available in class)
Due Wednesday

Box plots of individual planes were completed and handed in during class today.  Students should still have their original data sheets with the central tendencies and 5-number summaries now completed.  These should be stored in their airplane hangars for future use. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Homework for Monday, 11/14

Assignment:  Rainfall in Delaware
*This is a short, but complex little problem that will not have a redo option.  *Please think about how we solved the similar "Canned Food Problem" in class when determining how to find the missing numbers.
This is DUE TUESDAY for everyone.

Other Additional Options:
*Several of you took home the Order of Operations with Decimals assignment too.
There is an extra copy of this assignment HERE
*This is not technically due until Wednesday, but I certainly recommend turning it in on Tuesday if you want feedback on how you are doing before Thursday's test.
*Several of you also have the More Order of Operations with Decimals assignment to complete for practice.
There is an extra copy of this assignment  HERE.

Anything that you complete for credit will count towards your grade; you may do as many as you would like as long as they are listed at a higher number than your latest assignment (I have those kinds of assignments numbered) on Teacherease.  

The Decimal Unit test is: Thursday, November 14
This test will have 3 parts:
1) computation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
2) order of operations with decimals
3) application

The retest for Order of Operations with Whole Numbers will be this Wednesday at lunch in room #1.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 11/9

Assignment:  Decimals #5
*Most of you are finishing up division tonight; keep up the good work!
Due: Thursday

Due to missing a day this week, I've decided to postpone the first Decimal unit test until next THURSDAY, Nov 17.  That does mean that the retest opportunity will happen in fewer days and be on:  Tuesday, Nov 22.  It requires that you take a lot of responsibility for making up the things you miss on your own.  Use Quizlet, take practice worksheets, and most of all - do a good job the first time! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 11/8

*Happy Birthday to my lovely daughter Laurel!

Assignment:  The Job Crisis - Problem Set A
-- For an extra copy of the worksheet, click here
*This is Kyle's first attempt to stump you.  Do not let him!
*Read each problem carefully. 
*Review the given information. 
*Make sure you are answering the question.
*Watch your decimal placements.
*Make sure your answer makes sense!  (cents?!?!?)
Due Wednesday

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homework for Monday, 11/7

Assignment:  Decimals #3
*For the majority of you, this is a decimal division worksheet. 
*You only need to complete rows A, B, and C.
*You need to show ALL of your work, whether on graph paper, scratch paper, or directly on the worksheet.
*Please do not check your answers with a calculator.  Take your time and check your own answer through multiplication (reverse: answer multiplied by the divisor) if you would like.
Due: Tuesday

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall Back Weekend

Assignment:  Organized list of airplane data
First of all, for anyone who did NOT finish their plane flights, don't worry about it!  We will get it done next week.
Secondly, please do NOT do the entire worksheet, even if you completed your flights.  We will do it together LATER.
So what are you supposed to be working on now???
1)  12 plane flights in the Trow, listed in test flight order.
2) An organized list of those flights.
That's it, y'all!  Nothing is DUE.

Oh ... and please remember to set your clocks back an hour this weekend.  I know I am looking forward to the extra snooze time!
See you Monday,
Mo :-)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 11/3

Assignment:  Decimals #2
This is your second differentiated assignment in the decimals unit.
Pay attention to the number of the assignments as they appear on Teacherease.  You may always select to complete an assignment for credit that has a greater number than your assignment.
Yesterday we reviewed how to multiply decimals, realizing that you don't have to remember the rules, you just need to know how to make new ones.
(hint: use money - we used $1.50 x 2 and $10.00 x 0.5)
*IF you received the Multiplying Decimals "errors" worksheet, make sure that you circle the mistakes in colored pen/pencil on the actual sheet, then redo the problems.
Due Friday

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 11/2

Assignment: Decimal Apps, ws 17
*Write an equation for every problem.  If you do your work on a separate page, please staple it on to the worksheet.
*This is your first chance in this unit to show me that you can not only solve decimal equations, but you can analyze a word problem and figure out how to turn it into an equation.
*These application assignments will get progressively more challenging (differentiated) as your own problem solving skills develop ... so do a careful job on this one that truly represents your skillage!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homework, Tuesday, November 1

Assignment:  Decimals #1
This is your first differentiated assignment in the decimals unit. 
Pay attention to the number of the assignments as they appear on Teacherease.  You may always select to complete an assignment for credit that has a greater number than your assignment.
Today we went over how to add and subtract decimals, realizing that you don't have to remember the rules, you just need to know how to make new ones.
(hint: use money!)
*IF you received the Sum It Up worksheet, you need only to complete rows C, D, and E.  Everyone else is to complete all of the problems on their page.
Due Wednesday

Monday, October 31, 2011

Homework, Halloween Eve

Assignment:  Create a paper airplane
This is an effort based grade based upon:
*you must use a single sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper
*you may use Scotch tape only
*you may cut your plane to make flaps
*you should decorate your plane, including your name
*you should spend more than 2 minutes creating your plane TONIGHT.  Look on the internet, ask someone, test it out.  This IS your plane for the duration of this unit, so do a good job of it.
*you may not use any other kind of tape
*you may not add anything else to your plane, including weights
*you should not build your plane in carpool tomorrow morning; it won't be "effortful" enough ... and I know what effort is
*you will lose a point if your plane is late - DUE TUESDAY at the beginning of the day
When you get to school tomorrow, please come park your plane in room #1 so that it doesn't get squished or bent in any way. 
-Please do not fly them in the classroom. 
-Respect all planes; do not touch or mess with anyone else's plane
THANKS!  Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for flight,
Mo ;-)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 10/27

Assignment:  Quiz Corrections
There are many pieces to this assignment.  Please read these directions and figure out what applies to you.
1)  ALL students will complete 5 quiz corrections on the quiz corrections sheet.
2)  ALL students will indicate whether or not they would like to retake the quiz.   Retakes will happen during a lunch period before the end of the trimester; exactly when will be decided by those opting to retake and Mo together.
3)  ALL students will have a parent signature, whether or not they are retaking the quiz.
Now ....
A) If  you got every problem correct, complete all 5 of Mo's mistakes on your corrections sheet.
B)  If you missed 1 problem, correct that problem on the corrections sheet and then correct any 4 of Mo's mistakes.
C)  If you missed 2 or more problems, correct those problems, then correct as many of Mo's mistakes as you need to correct 5 altogether.  (see B above)

Question:  How does Mo want me to make corrections?  click here!
*A copy of the Quiz Corrections form: is here.
*A copy of Mo's mistakes:  is here.

Due Friday:  Signed, completed Quiz Corrections sheet, your test (if you missed any), and Mo's Mistakes with the mistakes circled in a colored pen or pencil.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Homework 10/26

Quizzes have been posted on Teacherease!
I included your original score in the comment; you will get both quizzes back tomorrow.

No math homework tonight; sleep well.
Mo ;-)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 10/25

Assignment:  Student CHOICE!
*Select one of the following 8 homework options, correct it, and turn it in on Wednesday.
*This assignment may not be turned in late for credit.
These are the links to the answer keys:
 *Exercise 1.1 (1 - 10 and 1,2): key
  Exercise 1.1 (11 - 20 and 3,4): key
  *Exercise 3.1: key   
  *Order of Ops (parentheses): key
  *Order of Ops (worksheet pg 66): key
  *Order of Operations - page 2: key
 *Evaluating Expressions: key
 *Quizlet, test option:  Order of Operations basic or Order of Operations with Exponents.  (print!)
Use this as an opportunity to see how you are doing with these skills; treat it like a test.  Then correct your answers and correct any and all mistakes you made.  Seek help if you need it!
Due for credit/no credit Wednesday

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework for Monday, 10/24

Assignment:  Order of Operations #4
 *Differentiated assignment relevant to your progress through the order of operations and/or the assignments you have chosen to complete on your own.
Due - Tuesday

Upcoming Events: 
  Tuesday, 10/25 - Mr Kehoe's Science Test
  Wednesday, 10/26 - Order of Operations Quiz - TMath
  Thursday, 10/27 - Big assignment due for Mr Kehoe; plan ahead!
  Friday, 10/28 - Quiz Bowl - periods 1 & 2
  Friday, 10/28 - Nova Halloween Party, 7:00 - 9:00

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 10/19

Assignment: Order of Ops #3
*Take your time with these.  We're on the home stretch now, so you want to make sure you understand all of the steps & variations you are given. 
*Practice on Quizlet.  Seriously!
Due Thursday

The test/quiz will be next Wednesday, October 26. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 10/18

Assignment:  Problems with Wheels ws 33
*On another sheet of paper, write and solve an equation for every problem.  We practiced this in class today, so you should know what my expectations are.
*Copy your answers onto the original worksheet and then staple the pages together.
Due: Wednesday

*Note: The order of operations quiz is tentatively planned for next Wednesday, October 26.  Please consider using the basic order of operations problems on Quizlet to practice these skills and gauge your understanding.  I recommend using the LEARN option so that you have immediate feedback on each problem.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Homework for Monday, 10/17

Assignment:  Order of Operations #2
*This is the second "required" individualized order of operations assignment.
*Please see me if you lose your worksheet; I have record of your assignment #2.
*Additional worksheets MAY be completed for credit if you are interested.  They are available in the file in the front of the classroom. (or from me)
*QUIZLET has practice problems for you as well!
Due Tuesday

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

News for Tuesday, October 11

Congratulations to the Wits & Wagers winning team!
*Colin H, Spencer J, Jasper H, and Jenna brought home the win with a well-timed answer to, "What year was the first African-American manager named to a major league baseball team?"  Can you guess without looking up the answer?
*Next time we play, everyone will know the roles so we will get through more questions.  ;-)

*Continue working on your redo assignments for math, practice skills on Quizlet, and remember that you can meet with me at any break time this week!
Mo ;-)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Conference Week, October 10 - 14

Assignments: None currently, however ...
 *Check Teacherease!  Then ...
 *Please check the no name board in room #1; there are too many papers there that are currently showing up as zero credit on progress reports!  The sooner you identify them, attach a late slip, and put them in my basket, the better for your grade.
*Still have assignments that you haven't handed in?  This will be a great week to finish those up, attach a late slip, and put them in my basket in room #1.
*Most of this week you will be testing, but I will be available in the Fishbowl if you would like to stop by and pick up old assignments to redo at home.  Again, the sooner the better ... why put it off?
*Math questions?  Request a study jam with me and we can make a date for either a break this week or a time post test when you're just chillin' waiting for the next test to come.
*Visit Quizlet!  Some of you have not yet completed this process; there are directions for the steps to join on the Mo'Help page of this blog.  There are some frenzied speed contests happening in multiplication facts, division facts, and order of operations #1.
I will be adding some other levels of order of operations this week; practice helps!
See you all in group math on Tuesday!
Mo ;-)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 10/6

Assignment:  Central Tendencies 14
*Be sure to organize your lists and carefully figure your central tendencies before answering the questions.
*You may need to test a few ideas to answer questions 5 - 6; at least be sure that the answers you do select work! 
*Ditto for the Logic question. 
Due Friday

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 10/5

Assignment:  The Canned Food problem
*This is a bit of a puzzle to figure out!  You will need to use what you know about the different central tendencies.
*ORGANIZE your work and do a little guessing and checking if you need to.
*This IS possible and there is only ONE correct answer.
*Absent or lose your paper?  You can get the worksheet by clicking here for The Canned Food Problem
Due Thursday

Quizlet:  Today we attempted to sign-up in class and get everyone joined into my group.  Some students still need to check email at home for verifications and invitations.  Please click on the following link for directions if you have NOT completed this process yet.  Then have fun!
The steps to joining Quizlet

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 10/4

Assignment:  Order of Ops #1
*Students received an individualized assignment based on their understandings of the order of operations as per the pre-quiz taken in class last week.
*Future order of operations assignments will be based individually on the accuracy of completed assignments and demonstrated understandings.
*After this initial assignment, students may choose to complete other more advanced assignments for credit.  This is by student choice!
*All students are expected to master the order of operations at the Transition Math level (aka 7th grade/pre-algebra prep) by the end of this school year.  
Due Wednesday:  Ops #1

Quizlet: You may be receiving an invitation to Quizlet tonight ... don't worry about it if you don't want to as we will be going over it in class tomorrow.  However, if you want to "join" now, you will be one step ahead of things.  This is not an assignment, just an FYI!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Homework for Monday, 10/3

Assignment:  What Does it Mean? ws
*It's time to show what a great mathematician you are.  Explain the math behind your conclusions!
*If you have questions about what a salary is or any of the other vocabulary on this worksheet, PLEASE feel free to ask someone who knows for clarification.
*Keep in mind that if you do the arithmetic incorrectly, you will have trouble answering the questions correctly.
Due Tuesday

Quizlet permission sheets are due for one candy point on Tuesday also. 
*Sheets must be signed by a parent whether or not you are joining Quizlet.
*Click here for an  Extra copy of Quizlet permission slip

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 9/29

Assignment: Slugville ws
*Three candidates are running for the mayor of Slugville.  Your task is to figure out which central tendency (mean, median, mode) they used as the basis for their campaign slogan.
*Make sure you check the computations to see if the candidates are correct!
*You must explain your answers for b, c, d, and e.
*You will need to re-figure the mean, median, and mode for problem f.  Be sure to list what those new figures are.
Due Friday

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 9/28

Assignment: TMath Survey
I hope you will all use this time wisely to work on your assignments for Mr. Gacek.  However, I DO want you to be thorough as you fill out the math surveys for me.  I like to know where you are in math, what your confidence level is, and how you feel about math in general.  Thank you!
Due by this Friday, but preferably by Thursday, 9/29.
*check out the picture of my eggs on the Mo'Chicks page!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 9/27

Assignment:  Clothing Prices
*This assignment requires you to read the data from the table and create accurate 5-number summaries.  Please refer to the link on the Mo'Help page of this blog if you still have questions about creating those summaries. 
*In order to answer the questions, you will need to create two box & whisker plots.  Please label them, use the same scale, and put them next to each other on the graph paper so you can compare them easily. 
*Yes, you are required to answer the challenge question too.
*Explain your reasoning for your answers (b, c, and 13) in a way that demonstrates your understanding of these graphs and how to read them.  You may certainly use notebook paper or type your answers if you prefer.
Due Wednesday

Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework for Monday, 9/26

Student Choice:  Students were to choose homework that they felt was appropriate to their understanding of 5-number summaries and box plots.  The choices were:
a) Applications of Data ws - homework to practice creating 5-number summaries and drawing box plots.
b) 5-Number Summary Practice ws - practice creating 5-number summaries with differing amounts of data. 
c) Practice ws 11.2 - box-plot creation and analysis from the pre-algebra book.  This assignment is a worksheet.
Due: Tuesday

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 9/22

I'm so sorry for leaving out a few details on the homework assignment tonight!  My fabulous first period math students did not receive instructions on how to draw the box plots.  Argh!  You have a few choices ...
1)  Click on this link: How to draw a box plot without graph paper! and follow the directions, doing your best to figure it out from that.
2)  Contact someone from period 2 and ask them to explain it.
3)  Find some graph paper and draw them like we practiced in class Wednesday.
4)  Wait all the way until Monday and we will go over it in class then.  (the primary disadvantage to this is that then you'll have double the homework on Monday)
In any case, please notice that I forgot to explain it to first period and it's not that I expect you to just know what to do ... so take a deep breath and select one of the options above.  Thanks!

Homework: in order of importance - 
1) Teach your parent(s) how to complete a 5-number summary from any amount of data.  Remember that you are not allowed to have them read my link themselves, although you may reference it if you need to.
   Examples for finding 5-number summaries
2)  Box & Whisker Plot Practice worksheet
*See the top section of this post if you're confused, stuck, or just want to be certain you are doing it correctly.
Due:  Parent Candy Point tonight at the 7:00 Back-to-school-night.
          Box Plot Worksheet is due Friday, 9/23

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 9/21

Two Box & Whisker Plots
*You should have two 5-number summaries: yours & your partners.
  How to create a 5-number summary
*You should complete two Box Plots on your graph paper.
  How to Draw a Box Plot
*You should have the space for the class box plot (and 5-number summary) left on your papers.
These are DUE on Thursday, but do NOT hand them in ... yet!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Homework for Tuesday 9/20

Homework:  Four Graphs and Three Observations
*You should have 2 separate graph sheets for your graphs
1) 3 graphs - your coins, your partner's coins, combined coins
2) Class Coins
*You also need to make 3 observations.  These observations are your choice ... what interesting things did you notice?  Remember Ella's observations! 
*Missing data?  Click on these links:
Period 1 coin data
Period 2 coin data
How to set up your graphs
*Still wondering what I'm looking for in your observations?
Observations of Histograms  (this includes other information too, but you only need worry about the observations of histograms right now)

Due Wednesday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework? Monday 9/19

Wow, what a daunting task it was to collect class data for our pennies!  Be sure to complete the homework for YOUR math period.  Links to the data are embedded.
I expect you to be fully prepared and ready to continue at the beginning of class.

Period 1:  Complete frequency table through 1969.
*Keep in mind that this data MAY need to be updated in class tomorrow.  In other words, please do it in pencil.
*Period 1 Class Frequency Data

Period 2:  Complete frequency table and Coin Data Graph Sheet.
NOTE:  prepare the graph sheet, do not actually complete the graphs.
*See the links below for how to set up your graph sheet.  If you make a mistake, you may get more graph paper in class tomorrow ... don't sweat it!
*Period 2 Class Frequency Data
*How to set up your graph paper

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Homework Weekend

Just to verify that there is no homework this weekend.  We will continue graphing on Monday.

I hope you had fun at Camp Arnold!  (I sure did)
Mo ;-)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 9/13

Assignment #3:  Data Lists
*On your piece of notebook paper you should have labeled and completed -
1) Random Chaos: The dates of your 20 pennies listed in the order you pulled them from your baggie.
2) Organized List: The dates of your pennies organized in order from newest coins (at the top) to oldest coins (at the bottom).  Be sure to list EVERY date separately, even if the dates are the same. 
*Bring this completed sheet to class on Wednesday, 9/14.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework for Monday, 9/12

Assignment #2:  20 pennies
*Your pennies belong in a sealed, plastic baggie with your name clearly printed on it.
*Bring these to class on Tuesday, September 13 so you can participate fully!

Note: Have you turned in your email address for me yet so I can hook you up with Teacherease?  Please do asap!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Assignment, Sept 8

Assignment #1:  Magic Trick!
*Perform the magic trick we learned in class for at least one adult.
*Explain how the magic trick works.
*Have the person sign your sheet.
Note:  This assignment was due on Friday, September 9, HOWEVER ... because the water main broke and school was canceled, please bring it to class on Monday, September 12. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My blog is intended for use primarily by my Transition Math students at NOVA.  However, there are other options here and I encourage you to look around to see what I have available for you.

Daily entries will be made for Transition Math homework.  This will include details about specific assignments, their due dates, and (often) copies of the assignments themselves.  These entries will appear in the archives, by date, on the right side of this blog.  You can see examples by selecting any month.

Buttons at the top of this home page will take you to my other pages.  These pages are pretty self-explanatory, but will also change depending upon the season.  For example, my Mo' Chicks button will soon disappear and Mo'Soccer will arrive prior to the spring, but the Mo'Help and Mo'Vids buttons will remain at all times.  The Mo'Help button in particular will provide extra skill tips for students and parents to refer to at home.  Check them out!

Links at the right of this page are also helpful.  All of us at NOVA link to each other's pages, so you can navigate back and forth easily.  I recommend "joining" the relevant class blogs so that you will receive updates even when you are not necessarily checking each blog daily.  I also have links to Quizlet, Teacherease, and to our previous Algebra teacher who is currently teaching in Hungary! 

Comments and questions can be left after each daily entry, especially if you need a response from me.  These are connected directly to my email and I am generally able to get to back to you that same evening.  

I hope you find this blog helpful; it has been an invaluable tool for my students these past few years.

I look forward to this school year with all of you!
Mo ;-)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

End of Summer Days ...

It is almost time to start school again and these last, HOT days of summer are fading.  I'm excited though!  I always look forward to meeting our new families and getting back together with NOVA's faculty and staff. I wanted to share a few things with you as we transition into this new school year:

Blogs:  Both new teachers Mr. Kehoe and Mr. Jeff have started their blogs.  Be sure to check them out by following the links at the right.  Mr. Kehoe's, especially, is filled with information already.  Be sure to check out his climbing page ... he is clearly not afraid of heights!

Schedules:  Fall schedules will be visible on Teacherease by Monday morning, August 29.  Please let me know if you see any errors, but as usual you know that I won't change your schedule just because it doesn't thrill you.  Deal; you'll learn to love it or at least live with it until the winter trimester, eh?

New Student Schedules:  If you are a new student you have basically two choices:  Wait until the Wednesday evening's parent orientation where we will be passing out hard copies of the schedules OR send me an email and I will hook you up right now!  (This can also be done by simply replying to this post) 

I hope you have all had a relaxing, exciting, and fun-filled summer as I have.  Here are just a few pictures of some highlights:
 Every August we vacation with my entire family to Eastern Washington where we stay in a cabin for a full week.  I have been taking this trip since I was 10, but the number of people has obviously increased dramatically since that time!  In this picture (from left to right) Mr. Jeff, Laurel, Carl, Me, Ella, and Erik are sitting on the front steps of our cabin.
 At the cabin there is nothing to do except swim, eat, read, play games, go out on the boat, and sleep.  I LOVE this vacation ... no electronics, no phones.  This year they didn't even have newspapers delivered!
 Laurel and Ella out on the boat.  We like to make nightly beaver-runs around the lake to watch them swim and whack their tails on the water.
A monumental moment for us this year was taking Laurel to her freshman orientation at college.  She's attending The University of Puget Sound, Carl's alma mater, and is nervous and excited at the same time.  Ella, Carl, and I took her up; this picture is outside of her dorm.  We will miss her, but are super thrilled she's starting this fabulous time in her life. 

See you all soon!!!
Mo ;-)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Last Chance!

There are still a couple of you who have not let me know whether or not you plan to take the pre-algebra test in order to possibly enter algebra this fall.  However, the test dates are rapidly approaching, so if I do not hear from you by the end of this week, I will assume you have decided to take pre-algebra and schedule you accordingly.

Please see the post below for test dates and times.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Pre-Algebra Summer test dates

If you are planning to take the pre-algebra test this summer, you must select one of the dates listed below and let me know which test date you will be attending.  If you originally checked out a book and took home a packet but you are NOT going to take the test after all, please let me know that as well so that I can schedule your math class promptly.
*THANK YOU to those of you who have already contacted me to let me know you will not be taking the test after all.  I am sure you will have a great year in pre-algebra!

Friday August 19, 10:00 - Noon
Wednesday August 24, 10:00 - Noon

You should plan on the test taking you about 2 hours.  Please bring water or a snack with you if you would like.  You can stay longer if needed, but keep in mind that being able to take this test confidently and in a timely manner is part of the entire evaluation.  Mr. Jeff will score your tests as quickly as possible and let you know which math class you will be scheduled for.

I look forward to hearing from you!
Mo ;-)

Monday, July 25, 2011

July 23 Update

Please let me know if you have any more math needs at this time.  I have updated most of the pages lately (including the chickens!) so please check them first (see below AND the pages themselves), but I would really appreciate any further requests.  I should be adding more Quizlet options this week.

NEXT week, the first week of August, I will be away from ALL internet access (fabulous, isolated, family vacation!) and will not be able to respond to any email, so please let me know by this Friday, July 29.  

Keep enjoying your summer!
Mo ;-)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7 Update

I hope your summers are going well!  Updates include:

Pre-Algebra:  due to a few questions, I've addressed the "geometry" issue on the pre-algebra page.  I hope this helps!

Trans Math Tests: I've been sick the last couple days and I have a soccer tournament this weekend (starting on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m., UGH), but I should have the tests in the mail by mid-July.  Hang in there!

Summer 6ers:  Please let me know if there is anything else you would like added to the "Summer6" page.  I will keep adding things, but am interested in anything else you would like specifically.

The Chicks:  Skye is still the only one officially claiming to be a rooster at this point, but I still have my suspicions about some of the others.  Ella had fun catching most of them for some updated pictures now posted on the Mo'Chicks page.

GO Women's USA Soccer Team!
Mo ;-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Late June

Hello everyone!  I am spending my mornings watching the Women's World Cup soccer games, spending the afternoons gardening, and spending my evenings coaching, cleaning, and just staying busy overall.

*I have heard that report cards were mailed today, June 28.  Keep checking your mailbox!

*I have the "Summer 6" page up on this blog now for incoming 6th graders interested in practicing math basics over the summer.  The page is a work in progress, but hopefully it will help you get started.

*Pre-algebra summer studiers should be working steadily.  Please use the pre-algebra page of this blog for answer keys & extra practice pages.  I have not yet set the test dates, but I will let you know.

*Chicken update:  New pics!  They are all living outside now, happily cruising through the yard, and enjoying their freedom.  They avoid the grumpy big hens as much as possible.

I hope you are enjoying your summer!
Mo ;-)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weekend Update 6/11

Wonderful spring trip with the 8th graders.  I will miss them all so much!

Trans Math: 
*ALL of the Finance Park book grades have been posted in Teacherease.
*I will get to the rest of your assignments by Tuesday evening; then you can consider your grades "locked in."
*If you are studying pre-algebra this summer, be sure to check the pre-algebra page of this blog.  I will be sending the letter home soon.

Pre-Algebra:  I haven't looked through your stock files yet.  I plan to do that by this Wednesday.  Your grades will be "locked in" at that time.

I hope you all had fun in Portland!
Mo ;-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Weekend Update 6/5

SUNSHINE rules the weekend! However, it slows me down in several ways:
*The baby chicks are spending their first day outdoors. (see chicks page)
*Ella had her dance recital this evening (saw Samia, Monica, and Elena too!)
*Trip to the Farmer's Market tomorrow.
*Mr. Jeff's birthday is also tomorrow!  (Family party)

Consequently ...
*SLOWLY but surely I am finishing the Finance Park Books and entering them into Teacherease.  This is difficult to do when I would love to be working in the yard, but I am correcting intermittently while sitting on the back patio.  A handful of the grades have been posted, but the majority have not yet.  Hang in there!
*I will most likely NOT be entering retest grades and redone or late papers until the end of next week, so do not panic. (yet?)
*For those of you who checked out and took the Pre-Algebra books and study guides home, I will be sending you an email soon with more details.  Anyone who did NOT check out a book that still wants to, you will need to remember this Monday, 6/6, to do so.

I hope you enjoyed the NOVA year-end party last night in spite of the bittersweet moments.  Sorry I couldn't be there, but Ella had her last soccer game for the season and we celebrated afterwards at Red Robin. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Mo ;-)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/31

Trans Math:  Bring your Juicy Foods and stocks worksheets to go over briefly tomorrow before ...
*Final Quiz Bowl Wednesday
*Juicy Foods worksheet due Thursday
*Final Test part 2 (fractions, proportions, probability) on Thursday

Pre-Algebra:  Bring your stock sheets and ideas for Friday's Feast to class tomorrow.
*Final Test Part 2 on Thursday

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Looking Towards May 31 & June 2

Trans Math & Pre-Algebra
*This Tuesday and Thursday we will be taking the cumulative final for the math year; it comes in two parts.
*While this does not count towards your grade, it does count towards your understanding of how well you learned/retained the arithmetic skills this year.  *These are the skills you need to be most successful in math next year.  A lack of success in any section could mean extra time studying during your precious summer months!
*Consider reviewing skills on Quizlet ... a little practice could go a long way.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/26

Trans Math: Finance Park Books!
*Please use the Finance Park page of this blog for extra worksheets, etc.
*Most of the information you need is right in the book; just follow the directions down the page.
*Your minimum/maximum values must be met unless:
  -- an unlucky chance takes you over
  -- a lucky chance keeps you under (lucky!)
  -- your life circumstances means the maximum amount you can spend and still be "average" takes you over.
  -- when the costs are out of your control (example: established expenses like insurance, variable car costs, utilities)
*When it happens that you do go over budget for any of the above reasons, make sure you spend minimally anywhere else you can.
*For FULL credit, the bottom line on your "actual" budget must be $0, just like at the Finance Park. (Hint: use your savings account!)
Due Friday before the Field Trip
Please leave your books on the back table in room 1.

Pre-Algebra:  Enjoy the field trip!
Final exam on Tuesday and Thursday of next week; use Quizlet for practice!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/25

Trans Math:  Continued ... in class
*Finance Park assignments (last day to work in class!)
*Percent of Water - tomorrow we will check out our dehydrated food and calculate the percentage of water in each.  This will mostly happen in class, but we will be BUSY, so come prepared to work.

Pre-Algebra:  Cryptograms (Mr. K's class)
*Decoding your quote using probability to guide you.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/24

Trans Math:  Finance Park Book Assignments
*Keep working!  These are due Friday

Pre-Algebra:  *Using Formulas ws
*Solve for the missing variable - equation busting!
Due Wednesday

Monday, May 23, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/23

Trans Math:  last of Finance Park Book assignments
#25 Utilities, pg 100
  (this one is out of your control; it does not need to meet your minimum/maximum guidelines)
#26 Cable & Eating Out, pg 111
  (use your minimum & maximum guidelines)
#27 Actual Budget, pg 112
  (work towards a remainder of $0 at the end of the month.  Use your savings to reach this goal!)
#28 ? In class Tuesday ?
*Once you complete the assignment in class tomorrow, you will be able to spend the rest of the period working.  Come prepared!

*Finance Park books are DUE FRIDAY, 5/27
**late books will receive 10% off per day**

Pre-Algebra:  pg 460, 9-20
*Simplify, do not SOLVE.
*You do not need (should not use) calculators for these.
Due Tuesday
**you need to complete through the blue stock sheet by Friday, 6/3**

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/19

Important Information!
Tomorrow, May 20, the Transition Math class will be taking an all day field trip to the Finance Park in Auburn, Washington.  The bus will leave promptly after 8:00 a.m. and be back by 2:35 p.m.
*Students need to call the school BEFORE 8:00 if they are either running late OR staying home sick from school for the day.
*Students are to bring a sack lunch.
*Students should not bring any other items except possibly a book for the bus ride.
*Copies of the student permission slips are available on the Finance Park page of this blog.

Trans Math: Food Expenditures #24
*The only page you will complete in your workbook for food expenditures is page 108.
*Please complete the green worksheet for food purchases and include that worksheet along with your workbook or use this link:  Food Worksheet
*Food purchases on the worksheet are for one WEEK's worth of food items.
*Your workbook will have you turn that into a monthly amount that must fall between your minimum and maximum amounts.
*You MAY purchase different combinations of options, but you need to indicate how many weeks of each you are clearly purchasing. 
*Make sure to purchase food for everyone in your family!
*Still confused?  Follow the Food Expenditures link above where I have included more detailed explanations.

Pre-Algebra:  pg 456, 16-23 and 33-52
*You may use a calculator ... just the square root button!
*Round to the nearest 10th.
Due Friday

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/18

Trans Math:  #23 - Home Improvement
*All of this work that relates to page 104 is to be done on the sheet I handed out in class.
*Read the directions carefully: you are to spend at least $600 and buy at least 3 items ... yes, I know this adds up to more than your maximum allowed monthly payment.
*Paste all of your purchases on the worksheet or on another sheet if they do not all fit.
*Work through the worksheet figuring out how much you owe in tax, how much you can pay in cash (if any), and how much you will need to finance on your charge card.
*The FINAL number at the bottom of the worksheet should be between your minimum and your maximum monthly payment.
Details about the Finance Park field trip are on the Finance Park page of this blog.
Do not forget your permission slip to the Finance Park if you have not already brought it in!  (extra copies are on the FP page of this blog)

Pre-Algebra: Nada!
*Please use this day to work on your history or your language arts assignments.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/17

Trans Math: Assignment #22
*Clothing for your family pg 109
*Follow the directions on the sticker for what to buy
*Don't forget the "other" item (as instructed at the bottom of the sticker)
*Be sure to indicate on the clothing page where you have pasted your clothing choices.
*Your clothing choices must be age/gender appropriate

Pre-Algebra: Pg 380 #25 - 36
*Retest in class tomorrow

Monday, May 16, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/16

Trans Math: 19, 20, 21
*Did you forget the difference between DO and DUE?  Please review these definitions on the Finance Park page if you have questions.
*Fuel efficiency is for cars that get 35mpg or better.
*Today in class you received a worksheet in class for transportation.  This is a worksheet, not an assignment itself.  Please read the entire worksheet carefully if you need more details for how to use it to help you approximate the car you can afford.
*The actual assignment will happen in your book.  Please read all of those directions working THROUGH to the END of page 102 to actually purchase your car.  Trust me: everything you need to know is in there.
*there is a typo on Line 3, page 101, which should read "Line 1 minus Line 2"
#19 - Transportation Fixed Expenses  -pg 101 -102
*Be sure to work until the END of page 102 in order to tell whether or not your fixed transportation payment will fall between your minimum and maximum guidelines.  THAT final number is the number that COUNTS. (more details on the FP page)
#20 - Transportation Variable Expenses pg 103
*You must have purchased a car to complete this page.
*Just follow the directions on the page, eh?
#21 - Entertainment and Recreation pg 110
*If you are ahead of the game, begin thinking about recreation that is appropriate for your life situation.  Most of the guidelines are on this page; you MAY use the internet for finding prices, etc.
*Do not attempt to complete this assignment yet as I will give you specifics in class, but you can certainly check into prices of activities, cut-out or print off anything you think might work for you, and think about your budget guidelines. 
Your Life Poster was Due today ... be sure to finish it asap!

Pre-Algebra: pg 376-377, 1-22
*Question #22 requires you to draw a line graph.
Due Tuesday

Friday, May 13, 2011

Weekend Homework?!?!?

 *Updated Chick pics!   
Go to the Mo'Chicks page to see your friends Juyoun, Chloe, and Skye after just one week!

Trans Math:  Complete your Life Poster
*This is an effort based grade; please do your best to draw your family and decorate the sheet.
*These will hang in the hallway, so represent yourself well!
Due Monday, 5/16

Pre-Algebra:  Test Corrections 7
Due Monday, 5/16
*Retest Wednesday, 5/18

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/11

Trans Math:  #17 Housing
A few reminders for you ...
*Your house must be cut from a magazine or newspaper; you may NOT search online.  You MAY certainly use a magazine or newspaper that you have at home.
*The advertisement MUST be cut and pasted onto either housing page (98 or 99) and it MUST include the number of bedrooms and cost of the house/apartment.
*Use your yellow sheet  (Copy of Yellow Tips Sheet) as a guide for figuring out the house you can afford.
*When you are completely done, have page 98 or 99 filled out, and would like it checked by me, check it off on your assignment sheet.  Be confident that you have done it correctly, because at that point it will count towards your grade.  I will NOT pre-check it for you, but you can certainly have your partner or other wise person look over it for you.
You should have 17 assignments on your assignment sheet; not all of them can be completed at this point.

Pre-Algebra:  Nada!
*Test corrections on Friday

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/10P

Trans Math: FP Book assignments 13 - 15
Assigned work -
13 - Lucky Chance
 *This goes on the page (or next to the page) where you will use it.
*Be sure to write the page where you have placed it ON the assignment sheet.
*You will follow the directions ON your sticker WHEN it's time.
*If you have any questions about this, please wait to stick it into your book.
14 - Life Profile, pg 90 - 91
*You will not be able to complete this yet, but you can get it started.
*For question #6, you need to list THE company you currently own.
15 - Established Expenses, pg 94
*You should be able to complete Health & Life Insurance Expenses AND Medical and Dental Expenses.
*You should NOT complete Plan Your Future at this time.
16 - Stocks, pg 95
*The only thing you need (so far) for this assignment is the top line filled in for 1) your stock name, 2) the # of shares you bought, 3) the price you bought it for and 4) the total value of those shares.
*If you sold your stock 2 weeks ago, you use the second line, same directions, for your new stock.
*Scribble out the words "closing price"  if that helps AND note that you do NOT own three stocks, so we are doing this page differently than the directions imply.
Due Wednesday:  Your housing minimum and maximum buying values

Pre-Algebra - Choice! (sorta)
Like I mentioned would probably happen, I'm just now arriving at my desk and haven't begun to make any correction keys or Quizlet pages.  I have a coaches meeting in less than an hour and should probably eat dinner some time soon ... SO, while it would be to your benefit to correct your work before the test tomorrow, I cannot promise the keys will appear here before midnight ... so it is not required.  If you see the magical word "key" after one of the options below, then it's there!  Otherwise, it's not, eh?
*Your choices were: 
-ws 7.5
-ws 7.6
-ws 7.7
-Quizlet (percent applications or verbal proportions; "test" option)
- In your book:  page 366, 25 - 28  and page 380, questions 28 - 36.
*Don't forget your notes for the test tomorrow!   One page, stapled on to your test.
In summary:  DUE - Your Choice, probably not corrected.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/9

Trans Math:  Lotsa Taxes!
*Pay attention to what is DUE tomorrow and what is ASSIGNED.
*Calculators are allowed for ALL Finance Park assignments.
*Read here for details, but also feel free to ask your parents for help with your tax table.
#11 - NMI Practice, pg. 54 ONLY
 *This is assigned for tomorrow, it is not due.
#12 - NMI pg. 92
*Follow the directions on each line.
*Your NMI should be roughly 7% (approximately NOT literally as it depends upon your exact life situation) of your GAI.
*Still need help?  Forget your tax bracket?  Click this link: NMI Help link
*This assignment is DUE tomorrow and will be checked by me in class before you can continue on.
#13 - Budget Guidelines, pg. 93
*Write your NMI as calculated on pg 92 into the NMI box near the top of the page.
*Using a calculator (seriously), calculate your minimum and maximum guidelines for each of the categories.  However ...
*You do NOT need to put anything down for your utilities.
*For personal choice, that will be your choice, so anything works! 
*Contrary to what I said earlier, we are not actually buying houses tomorrow, but we are on Wednesday.  Tomorrow you will get as much as possible approved so that you can continue on.  We will be busy in class, so have as much done beforehand as you can!
*Therefore, your minimum and maximum guidelines are only ASSIGNED, but highly recommended.
Tuesday in class:  Lucky Chance!

Pre-Algebra: pg 373, 1-13
*Do your best to complete this without help.
Due Tuesday
*Mo'Pardy tomorrow!
*Chapter 7 test Wednesday!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chick Update!

Go see my chicks! 
(Mo'Chicks button above)

Friday, May 6, 2011

For the Weekend

Trans Math: 
We will present the tax summaries in class on Monday.
Retests will also continue next week.

Pre-Algebra:  Complete pg 372, Chapter Test if you haven't already.
*We will correct this in class on Monday

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 5/5

Trans Math:  pgs 51-52, WiALM in FP
*Read the scenario carefully and complete the checks.
*As someone said in second period today, "It's like filling out the patient labels," to which I replied, "Except you won't kill them."
Assignment #7 in your FP Book
Tomorrow: retests and taxes

Pre-Algebra: Practice Test 7, pg 372
*Try completing this using only the notes you have and the simple buttons on your calculator.  If you NEED more help, then you're not ready for the test!
Due Friday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 5/4

Trans Math:  2 FP Assignments
5)  Chapter 1 Test, pg 39
*As per Abby's question, this will be graded on accuracy (and completion by the due date).
*Open book, Due Thursday
6)  Stock Graph, pg 33
*Create your own key and use it!
Assignment #6 in your FP Book
Do not forget to check off any assignments that you have completed.

Pre-Alg:  ws problems 23-32
*Do not panic, a copy of the worksheet is:  here!
*Note that these are percent of change problems ...
*As always for this chapter, calculators and notes are allowed.
Due Thursday

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 5/3

Trans Math:  Credit Decisions pg 14
*You can talk with any intelligent person (except Mo or younger siblings) to determine the answers to these questions.
Assignment #4 in your FP book

Pre-Algebra: pg 355 #22, and 356 #24-27
*Not too many problems because a little bird told me you had a lot of other homework tonight.  HOWEVER ...
*Be careful to understand the questions and answer them correctly!
Due Wednesday
Chapter 7 test will be next Wednesday, May 11.  
Only one page of notes (turned in with your test) and the blue classroom calculators will be allowed.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Homework for Monday, 5/2

Trans Math: Check Registry pg 8-9
*Please utilize your parents (or another wise person) as a resource for this assignment.
*ALL of your transactions must be recorded on the registry.
*Exactly HOW you record them in your registry is a style issue ... the idea is that you have a way of keeping track of your transactions.
*You MAY use a calculator to determine your running balance.
*Your final balance must accurately reflect the EXACT amount of money you have left in your account.
Assignment #2 on your FP Assignment sheet; please check it off if you complete it.

Pre-Algebra: pg 365, 8-14 and 18-22
*Simple & Compound Interest
*These are formulas that you are following.  They are BOTH given in the book.
*Each variable that you are using stands specifically for one of the vocabulary terms.  Make sure you understand what those terms (like "annual") mean.
 *The variables you will use are A, I, P, r, and t.  They are all explained on pages 362 - 364.
*You may use a calculator to find your answers, but you must work through the steps rather than type it into the calculator the way they show you to in the text.
*Make sure that your answer is what the question is asking for.  For example, problems 8 - 13 ask for the interest AND the new balance.
Due Tuesday

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Homework for Thursday, 4/28

Trans Math:  Future Appliance Expenses ws
*A quick little worksheet, just follow the directions.
*"Amount to Be Set Aside Each Year," is based on the cost of the new appliance divided by the number of years left until replacement is needed.
*Please feel free to use a calculator.  I want to see that you get the concept!
Due Friday

Pre-Algebra:  More Percent of Change
*Different assignments again tonight! 
Mo's class:  pg 370-371, 40 - 47.
Mr. K's class:  pg 360, 14 - 18 AND pg 370-371, 42-47.
*Read the questions carefully and be sure you answer with what they are looking for!
*Again, please feel free to use your calculator, just not the percent key.
Due Friday

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Homework for Wednesday, 4/27

Trans Math:  Family Circle Graph
*You must check with your family in order to estimate what percent of your family budget is spent in each category.
*Your percent category must add up to 100%.
*Your degree category must add up to 360 degrees.
*Calculators may be used.
*Your estimates must be signed by a parent/guardian.
*Completed circle charts must have a key.
*The amount of income is not relevant, it is merely an approximate percentage of your regular income and how (ideally) it is distributed each month.
*We will be comparing our family incomes to the "average American."  These lifestyle choices are not up for debate, but rather an interesting thing to think about and discuss how different budgets are determined.
*Please go to the Finance Park tab for copies of these pages and/or due dates.
Due (where family commitments allow) Thursday

Pre-Algebra:  please note that the classes have different assignments for tomorrow!
Mo's Class:  pg 360, 8 - 24.
Mr. K's Class: pg 360, 8 - 13 and 18 - 24.
*Calculators may be used, but not the percent key.
*Remember the vocabulary we learned today; it's important! 
*Take notice of any questions you have so we can add the answers to your notes tomorrow!
Due Thursday

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 4/26

Trans Math: Library Books ws
*Be sure to draw the circle graph accurately!
*Include your work page with this assignment; it should include the proportions that you used to solve for the number of degrees in the circle.
*Please LABEL your sections with the category.
*Often, circle graphs also write the percent into the section; that is your choice.
Due Wednesday along with your M&M packet
*late M&M packets will lose 1 point per day unless you are Kai, Henry, Wren, Ian, and Kristofer.  You may all have until Friday to turn it in without losing a point because of your absences during critical M&M days!  The rest of you have had a week to find these pieces and get them together.  

Pre-Algebra:  pg 354-355, 3 - 21
*Percent of change: the change in quantity to the ORIGINAL amount.
*Think about how you set this up as a proportion; remember that the CHANGE (increase or decrease) is over the ORIGINAL amount.  The percent you are left with is the percent of change; please indicate whether it is an increase or decrease.
*You may use a calculator for the arithmetic, but please do NOT use the percent key. 
Due Wednesday

Monday, April 25, 2011

Homework for Monday, 4/25

Trans Math:  Two Things!
1)  Test Corrections
*please remember that your grade is a percentage of the number you correct correctly!  1/2 (50%) is the same as 5/10 (50%).  Similar proportions!
2)  Caloric Data ws
*If you received lower than 90% on the unit test, you need to complete problems 1 - 6 on the worksheet.  Note: you MAY certainly do all of the problems if you want to knock my socks off. 
*If you received 90% or better on the unit test, you need to complete problems 1 - 9.
Note:  You may need help interpreting the questions ... how do you set up and solve an equation?  These are problems to streeeeeee...etch you!
Due Tuesday

Pre-Algebra:  pg 350, 1-22 and your pink stock sheets.
*It's the end of the review in the book!  Tomorrow we start the new stuff.
*Pink sheets are due too.  Once we get them all checked, we will be able to sell and buy again.
Due Tuesday

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weekend Update 4/23

Trans Math:
*Percents/Proportions tests have been posted in Teacherease.  Test corrections on Monday, due Tuesday.
*Completed M&M packets are due on Wednesday, 4/27.  Be sure to pick up any missing pieces before then.  You will find them on the M&M link at the top of this blog!!!!!!
*We will update our stocks and graphs on Monday OR Tuesday, depending on how things go.
*I am back to correcting redone assignments; hang in there!
*There are 6 lives left ...

*We will work on stocks Monday and continue in chapter 7.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Post Thursday, 4/21

Happy Birthday to Ella!  She's 6 today. ;-)

Trans Math: Today you received a checklist for your M&M packet which is due next Wednesday, 4/27.  You may turn it all in when you are done, however, just make sure that it is complete before you do!
*There are copies of the checklist here copy of the checklist AND on the M&M page of this blog.
*Please attach the checklist to the front of your packet.
*If you did NOT complete the "Dear Mo" assignment, consider it homework for tonight!

Pre-Algebra Stock Brokers: 
*See Tuesday, April 19 for the homework that is due Friday, corrected!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Preparing for Thursday & Friday

Trans Math: TEST!
*proportions, percentages, and ratios
*there are plenty of practice problems on Quizlet for these skills!
*In class you will receive the checklist for the M&M assignments.  This will not be due until NEXT Wednesday, but it will give you a chance to look it over and get all of the pieces together before then.

Pre-Algebra:  Don't forget to make sure your stocks are up-to-date by Friday.
*We will NOT meet in class again until Friday's specialist period, so you will need to be prepared to provide awesome stock advice to your new clients!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Homework for Tuesday, 4/19

Trans Math:  no class today; see 4/18

Pre-Algebra:  pg 338 - 339, 22-30
*This must be corrected! KEY
*There is help on the key for problems 27 - 30 ... if you miss them; please try them first!  There WILL be a variable (y) in the answers.
 *Also due: your 2nd stock totals. 
Due Friday
Turn the corrected homework into the basket.
Bring your completed stock update with you to the Specialist class period on Friday.  We will go over the rest of the details then.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Homework for Monday, 4/18

Trans Math:  "Dear Mo" ws
*This assignment is your opportunity to
1) tell me something interesting you learned from the M&M unit,
2) pick an appropriate graph to prove it, and
3) give me a fabulous new idea for a future 6th grade assignment in the M&M unit.
*A copy of the worksheet is here: "Dear Mo ..."
*One of you (who was it?!?!?) had the idea that I should have called this assignment, "Dear Ella," which is great way to think about parts 1 and 2 for sure.
*There is no need to be over-the-top on this assignment, keep it simple, but do not repeat an assignment or question we have already done.
Due Thursday
Test for percents, ratios, and proportions on Thursday!

Pre-Algebra:  be prepared to buy stocks in class tomorrow
(we did not meet today, in case you had not noticed)