Friday, April 26, 2013

Conference Week Summary

Finance Park Book assignments are updated on the Finance Park tab of this blog.  Please go there to make sure your aqua assignment sheet is up-to-date.
*Did you leave your book at school today to be graded?  Good for you if you did!

Assignment:  Family Picture Sticker
You received a sticker approximately 3" x 4" on which to draw a portrait of your new family.  This should be an artistic rendering that Mr. Fleming would feel represents your best effort; be proud of your kin!  You may certainly use color although it is not required.
*This family picture will eventually be added to your life poster (not yet assigned) which will be hung in the hallway.
If you were absent today (Owen, Max, Bella, Serina, and Forrest), you may block off a 3" x 4" space on a white piece of paper and complete your family photo there, but I do have a sticker for you that you can pick up on Monday if you'd rather wait. 
Due Monday


  1. Replies
    1. Most definitely! I would argue that you are the most important member of your new family.
      Mo ;-)

  2. do we get graded down if we didnt turn in our finance park book on friday--can we just turn it in next friday and get full credit?

    1. Yep! You can turn it in on the last day and get full credit ... as long as it is all correct!

      Mo ;-)
