Monday, April 29, 2013

For Monday, April 29

Finance Park Book Assignment Details -
All of these assignments have clear directions written on their pages ... they truly are that simple.  The idea is that you recognize savings accounts as a kind of investment; there are more ways to earn additional money over time than playing the stock market.  So notice the nuances of these pages and what the point is to their lessons.  Can you see beyond the numbers to what the message is?
8) Time Is on Your Side pages 24-25
The higher the interest rate you have, the faster you will accumulate savings.  These charts deal in compound interest which is more complex than simple interest.  Simple interest would mean that for 5% interest you earn $0.35 a week on your $7 investment, for example, and that the $0.35 would be a constant weekly earning over the course of the 10 years.  Compound interest builds every time it pays out meaning, as in this example, at the end of the first week you have $7.35 and the next week's 5% is figured from the NEW amount.  Calculators are almost a necessity for figuring compound interest or, as in this case, you can use a table where it is already figured for you. ;-)
9) Time Means Money pages 26-27
Same table values, but now you are putting it all together in answering the questions.  Ask your parents if you are unsure of what questions 6 - 8 are asking, but simply stated, they are asking you if you understand how saving money in a savings account can work in your favor.
10) Stock Price Graph page 33
Line graphs show change over time.  Here you are given values of 3 different stocks over a 5 day period and you are to graph those changes on a line graph.  Read the directions at the top of the page to know which numbers to graph.  Be sure to have a COLORED key!

Due Tuesday:  Please have your NMI, page 93, complete for check in.

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