Monday, January 28, 2013

Homework for Monday, January 28

Assignment:  Fractions #1
You are going to have an added responsibility this trimester of keeping track of your own course of assignments.  I am thinking of having a list for you to write your assignments on every day ... will that help?  Especially as this unit progresses you are going to be increasingly on your own path, so checking here each night is not going to always work out for you. 
Having said that:
*Tonight you have your first (worksheet) fraction assignement.  It has something to do with simplifying, equivalent fractions, or changing mixed to improper to mixed again, but there are many many versions out there. 
*If you do lose your assignment at any time, I do have a record and you can check with me, but use this as an opportunity to keep better track of your homework, okay? 
I have no copies of the assignments online tonight, but I just had an idea I will let you know tomorrow in class.
*Suggestion, helpful hint, and strong advice:  KEEP UP!
Due Tuesday


  1. mo i left my binder at school, i need the homework!!!!!!

  2. i have been really sick for the pat couple of days, is there any way you could email me tonight and yesterdays homework?
